Effective Coalition Leadership Paper

Effective communication is one of the key elements required to assure effective leadership within a coalition (Dorey, Garnett & Denham, 2011). Communication within the coalition requires unified message delivery. It is important to create communication structure that will enable the information to flow effectively. Effective communication reduces conflicts and general misunderstanding between the members of a coalition. All members should work from a common ground and should never work as an independent party within a coalition. It is important to make sure every member is informed of any action taken within the coalition.Effective Coalition Leadership Paper

A significant part of the coalition building should include setting procedures and rules that will facilitate decision making process (Dorey, Garnett & Denham, 2011). In most cases, decision making is the most challenging process within a coalition. It is always important to accept the fact that differences and conflicts are inevitable, and therefore appropriate plans or steps should be created to helps manage conflicts effectively. Masking disagreements within the coalition in order to create virtual harmony is a deadly approach that leads to fall of a coalition.Effective Coalition Leadership Paper


Appropriate delegation of task is another important element that characterizes effective leadership within a coalition. Successful coalition leadership accommodates diversity and allows each member to work at what they do best, utilizing their skills and talents (Dorey, Garnett & Denham, 2011). Working with collaboration and as a team is significant approach sustains coalition. Sharing responsibilities appropriately makes every members feel accommodated and being significant part of the coalition. This makes the members give their best towards achieving the coalition goals.

In order to encourage great participation and tap wholesome potential from each member of the coalition, effective leadership must incorporate motivational strategies (Dorey, Garnett & Denham, 2011). Motivated members work without reservation towards achieving the coalition goal. Without motivation, leaders would result to authoritarian approach that weakens trust within the coalition.Effective Coalition Leadership Paper