Essay on My Earliest Childhood Memories

My earliest memories are that of playing games in preschool. It was a fun time for me, at least that’s how I recall it now. The only things I had to worry about were: what will I have for lunch today, whether that big kid will leave me alone and which toy do I want to play with. My mother would always pack one of those perfect lunches for me, although, being a bit of a health nut, she wouldn’t always give me the snacks that the other kids had. I guess it was this upbringing that has made me health-conscious when it comes to food. Buying organic for me is a bit out of my price range, but I maintain fresh ingredient standards, stay away from fast- and junk-foods and manage to balance my meals. I’ve recently become a fan of cooking shows on TV, which have inspired me to explore the culinary world a bit, but not on a professional level. When I come home, the first thing I like to do is cook a nice meal. I’m not a vegetarian, yet there are many vegetarian dishes to which I have become accustomed to. A lot of my cooking influences come from Middle-Eastern and Indian cuisine. On occasion, I like to have friends over to share my newfound talents with them, and so far it has been a success.Essay on My Earliest Childhood Memories

This might sound somewhat cliché, but each class had one of those bigger kids who was the bully. Most of the time I had no trouble with him, but when I did, that was when the trouble began. Never an instigator, I would defend myself when necessary, and everyone around me always knew that.


Growing-up, this reputation stuck with me. Being a physically active individual, I participated in many physically-demanding activities. It was sports that drove me to be a very competitive individual and my father’s insistence on playing sports, was welcomed by me from the start. I played baseball, basketball and football. Although I did suffer some minor injuries, I pushed myself to achieve faster, higher and farther goals every time I played. My teams had won many games, and I feel that my physical abilities as well as unfazed teamwork, contributed to our countless victories. I do not play sports that much today because I’m busy with work and school, but I do love to remain physically active. For instance, I usually get-up early in the morning and go for a three mile run, rain or shine. The area where I live, has some excellent areas for running, and I feel privileged to live there and use the terrain to my advantage. The summertime is the best, however, to go running. The warm, crisp, morning air, still recovering from the night before, is still free from all of the morning rush-hour smog. This is my fuel that drives me for the rest of the day until the next run.Essay on My Earliest Childhood Memories

These days, I have a bit more on my plate than just toys, lunches and bullies. It is surreal to one day wake-up and realize that the easiest part of life is over. Sure there are more fun things to do now, but they come with a world of responsibilities, and that is somewhat hard to adjust to. I’m starting to realize more and more about life every day. I’m glad that I have started to learn more and expand my horizons with respect to the school environment. New ideas and thoughts are constantly running through my head. The time during my run, I use to analyze and strategize my next moves in life. I’ve realized that the military is the best option for me in life right now. Not to get too political, but I believe myself to be a patriot and am ready to take any risk to guard the safety and security of our land. I try not to get myself involved too much in politics, because as I understand it, almost every war that the U.S. entered in the past, whether it was humane or not (war is never humane), had led it to victory. So, getting involved with any political climate right now, I think would be counterintuitive to what I want to make for myself. Our military has made it very easy to have a stable career, and I feel that to have a family in the future, a stable career is what is necessary for a normal American home. I guess this is where my current crossroads intersect. I have opted to go the military path and am waiting to see where it will take me. Of course it will be much more difficult than childhood, but at least the rewards will be much greater.Essay on My Earliest Childhood Memories