Estimating the Healthy People 2020 Initiative

Healthy life is the key to successful existence in a social medium. Indeed, sport activities do not only ensure physical health, but also widen individual’s opportunities for expanding their knowledge. Therefore, coordination of schools, local communities, and federal agencies can provide a viable solution to the problem of population health.Estimating the Healthy People 2020 Initiative

In order to promote health lifestyles among individuals, government should work in cooperation with local communities. It should also resort to various approaches and schemes to cover all areas of health improvement, including medicine, sport, dietary therapy, and quality of living.Estimating the Healthy People 2020 Initiative

At the same time, the local communities should also make enough effort to justify the reforms introduced by the authorities. The initiated programs should be premised on two-part participation so that mutual interaction and agreement is ensured.

Such an approach should provide the starting point for promoting a real change to physical activity behavior. Although these solutions are inclined to consider general and theoretical foundations, they have practical importance as well.

In particular, it is possible to create a family-school collaboration project that will take control of students and design a specialized program that enhances their engagement in sporting activities. Development of a family-school support for enhancing physical activity initiative is among the most effective strategies for developing a new ideology of a healthy life.

In particular, parents should adhere to the standards and principles of the Health People 2020 program to provide the appropriate education at home. Alternatively, children will not be able to change their perception simultaneously, and the program can become a failure.

What is more important is that adults should also accept the standards and indult into physical activities together with their children so that it should not be as an assignment, but as an entertainment for both children and parents. Apart from direct involvement of parents, the program should also invite health care organizations that could assist in developing specialized conferences, meetings, and sporting events emphasizing the significance of sport in life of people.Estimating the Healthy People 2020 Initiative


Coordination of Health People 2020 program is highly important because it guarantees successful promotion of new standards and principles that individuals should follow. However, strict control does not always have a positive effect on student’s awareness due to the excess pressure on his life. In this respect, the assessment of physical activities can be accomplished in a voluntary way.

For instance, the program coordination can be carried out through organizing various sport competitions and events between classes to motivate them to increase their popularity or gain recognition. Such an approach is more lenient and efficient at the same time because it reduces pressure imposed on students.

Second, assessment of physical activity performance can also be presented through a gradual changing process. The shifts should start with changes to students’ consciousness and attitude to sport. In particular, the task of the teacher lies in defining the main reasons for students’ reluctance to go in for sports.Estimating the Healthy People 2020 Initiative

In conclusion, the development of a consistent framework that can take control of healthy development of the population is vital. People should gain awareness of the necessity to introduce changes to their lives.

What is more important is that they should be more concerned with the future opportunities that sporting activities can offer to them. Therefore, efficient coordination and community collaboration is indispensible for enhancing the welfare of individuals.Estimating the Healthy People 2020 Initiative