Ethical Decision Making In Public Health Essay

Reflect on your own ethical decision making. What values and beliefs will guide fair and just decision making in your own public health efforts? How do these relate to GCU’s emphasis on applying Christian values and ethics to the workplace? No research citations are required for this discussion question.Ethical Decision Making In Public Health Essay

Ethical decision making refers to the process whereby an individual has the opportunity to evaluate then choose from alternatives in a way that is consistent with ethical principles. When making ethical decisions, it is important to not only eliminate but also perceive options that are unethical and choose the ethical alternatives that are the best. My personal ethical decision making determines what I believe to be morally wrong and right. These ethics influence all aspects of my individual life including career, family and relations.


My personal values and beliefs have partly been influenced by my spiritual and religious beliefs and partly by the values that I learnt as I grew up. Having grown up in a Christian family, I learnt about God and his teachings based on the Bible from a tender age. I have learnt how to respect other people, give other people opportunities to talk and share their opinion when in discussion forums and respecting their decisions. Therefore, I highly consider disrespect to others as unethical and unacceptable. In my public health efforts, the value and belief of honesty, obedience and respect will thus guide fair and just decision making.Ethical Decision Making In Public Health Essay

My personal values and beliefs of respect, honesty and obedience to oneself and others will help to foster equality and non-discrimination in workplace and education settings.  In public health practice, discrimination is a major cause of missed opportunities, health disparities and unequal distribution of resources or opportunities. However, with respect, one is able to listen to the grievances and needs of other people for ethical decision making, which is a Christian value encouraged by GCU.

In every area of society, ethics play a major role in decision making. Personal integrity and ethical choices can affect a successful life and career. Many societal views correlate ethics with integrity. Integrity is the single most important attribute a person can have; a characteristic that can be a robust weapon. Reducing personal principles at all impacts your capability to execute life in a moral fashion. Someone’s core values reveal honesty and real truth and targets the capability to make the right and just decision. This newspaper will discuss the origin of ethical guidelines, personal and professional morals, and ethics in relation to policing.Ethics is the study and study of what constitutes good or bad do. Ethics is the classification of specific habits as right or incorrect within someone’s personal or career life (Pollock, 2010). Moral behavior supplies the guidelines which are the groundwork for success or inability in each person’s life.

Events that come up from honest issues can build or destroy a person’s reputation or job. Ethical behavior creates value, strengthens integrity, and allows others to view you as an honest and reliable person. Values, beliefs, education, and experiences provide an honest foundation in your daily life. Most societal prices center on honest habits in people and because of this; we look at others unfavorably when unethical behaviors are exhibited (Rice, 2006). Ethics provides the basis for moral and truthful actions which is essential to individual well-being.Ethical Decision Making In Public Health Essay

Personal Ethical Code

Many people in contemporary society have a person code of ethics based on values, beliefs, experience, culture, and education. In all circumstances, this drives our sense of what is right and wrong. Some situations may feel wrong even if culture deems them right. This might be your moral code. An moral code is a source of beliefs and characteristics that allows you to produce a moral decision. For instance, one choice may be preferable over another and your moral code leads you to that finish. Everyone has some other set of moral codes and a variety of opinions about how certain issues should be tackled. Ethical codes will be the foundation of honest action and decision-making (Reay, 2009). With out a strong set of principles in the honest code the morals of individuals could easily be compromised.

Learned Ethics

There is information that teaching children young is the very best time to bolster ethics. The issue is that the teaching of ethics must be discovered by the child and strengthened by the parents. The parents and role models need to teach by example through course and offering children selections. Going for a proactive part in moral rules will form and lead the person into adulthood and their life as a beneficial member of world (Miller, Hess, & Orthmann, 2010).

The core ideals we learn start early in life. Parents need to establish good solid principles and make sure children stick to certain guidelines, morals, and do. If a father or mother has impractical expectations or no rules, they will fail at producing a child who will be trustworthy, genuine, and moral.Ethical Decision Making In Public Health Essay

Professional Ethics

Within the perfect of ethics there are distinctive qualities and morals one must own in their professional life. Integrity is the wonderful qualities of figure that are important to an individual’s entire life, general population and private. Folks of integrity do the right thing even when they feel that no-one is looking. Credibility is being in a position to be creditable and trusted as an official. Honest officers are essential and their worthy of is beyond measure. Prices are a way of measuring a person’s requirements or qualities. Worth can be described as Personal values, Organizational beliefs, and Social ideals. Standards are placed guidelines to establish a baseline in regards to what the officer should or shouldn’t do. Courage is conquering a person’s fear to do the right thing, even if it is not the most accepted thing. Civility has been respectful and polite to all citizens encountered by law enforcement (Miller, Hess, & Orthmann, 2010). A devotion to these blocks provides a solid foundation towards a moral and moral journey in ones professional career Ethical Decision Making In Public Health Essay

Comparison of Ethics

The assessment between both personal and professional ethics correlates to the same worth and values in both instances. These two areas create a foundation and if there is problem in either area it will adversely effect the other. Therefore, we must all maintain a good personal and professional moral basis if we are to market the ideal of ethics and morals inside our personal and professional lives.

Ethical Decision Making

An ethical decision brings up the problem of how this result will have an impact on others. These options can be broken down in several different areas. The choice made will have an impact on others in some way. Because of this, you need to think about what is the consequence. The second part deals directly with your choice you make of course, if it could conclude hurting others. Life decisions have both good and bad outcomes. Because of this, decisions need to be made with all the reality and determine what the best bottom line would be under the circumstances. The third process takes under consideration the adage, “Do unto others as you’ll have them do unto you”, which applies for the purpose of ethics in society today. We have to think about the options and base judgment on the outcome. The last part of earning an ethical decision relates to how others are going to respond to the quality (Pollock, 2010). Any ethical decision has ramifications and people will have differing views on your actions and decisions.

Ethics and Policing

Members of the legal justice system have a expectation from the public. This expectation is a level of integrity, ethics, and conduct that’s needed is of these given their positions. People enable customers of the criminal justice system because they do not want the responsibility.Ethical Decision Making In Public Health Essay


The public needs all people of the legal justice system to effectively and proficiently implement our regulations and techniques. This is merely a part of the commonality we as legal justice professionals are anticipated to do. The unlawful justice system as a whole is expected to create an environment where we can all life properly.

Speaking as a present-day law enforcement officer, I am likely to bring myself off duty as respectful as whenever i am working. I have a graphic to up maintain of course, if that image is dishonored at all the trust and respect for the complete division is flawed. Officers are the users in a community many outsiders have first contact with. As a result of this, our demeanor and attitude is the deciding factor, where others concentrate their beliefs about all authorities and the criminal justice specialists.

Ethics Training for Law Enforcement

Departments need to execute ethics training within a basic requirement of all new or existing employees frequently. If the training is conducted in the authorities Academy or at in-service training, police need to be constantly reminded of the ethical patterns. Some officers imagine these are doing nothing wrong. Some officials need education to get information about their activities. No amount of training provides the basic ideas for specific ethics. Ethics are discovered over time and reinforced by decision making and obtaining opinions either favorably or negatively regarding your actions.Ethical Decision Making In Public Health Essay

Officers need to understand when the decisions they make are unethical. Officials need to be aware of repercussions for making unethical decisions and credit ability issues associated with bad moral figure. Everyone in life makes blunders however, we are judged on our decisions and honest principles.


The discussion of ethics provides an understanding of human being action and decision making. The study of ethics in this newspaper reveals the crucial component moral concepts play in culture. Each and every person must be aware how our activities affect people immediately or indirectly. Personal and professional ethics affect each other and provide a sign of individual identity.

Our actions and decisions in virtually any situation determine how modern culture views us. We must be mindful about how others view us, our decisions, and our actions. Negative honest decisions are found more frequently and offer a basis for wisdom somewhat than positive ethical decisions. Each individual has a definite responsibility to help make the right and moral choice each and every time an moral situation comes up.Ethical Decision Making In Public Health Essay