Ethical Dilemma In Nursing Essay

The word “problem” or dilemma is perhaps the one that is most frequently used in the texts of nursing ethics. In fact, it, until now, is mainly used to analyse and to solve problems. But what an ethical problem? In general, it can be defined as a question for which answers so far proposed uncertain or usual, a problem involves conflict or uncertainty about the course of action adopts or maintain. These conflicts may arise from differences of perspective, horizon, perception, assumption and value. Indeed, conflicts arise because there is a lack of evidence and experience or because we have that partial perceptions of reality, or because there concentration to a value or divergence in the ethos of morality or ethics.Ethical Dilemma In Nursing Essay


Ethical dilemmas or conflicts between different principles then require basic health care to at least one of the principles at the expense of others, which may result in some “moral confusion” is to i.e. the choice of what should be done in a specific situation, all things considered. Uncertainty or ambiguity regarding the line course of action may be factual (administration analgesic such amount as she accelerates death?), order ethics (is there a difference between not initiating treatment and stop, between letting die and kill?) or order Legal (assisted suicide is a crime?). It is not surprising the ethical dilemmas posed by the care of the elderly are numerous, as the main sources of moral perplexity relate to questions about end of life and competence sick. Among these problems, we analyse ageism allocation of resources, competence and consent informed. It is generally accepted that discrimination on the race (racism) or gender (sexism) is contrary to the dignity of the person should not be tolerate. In recent decades, ageism was added racism and sexism in the list of attitudes that violate common standards of rights.


Portrait of ethical dilemmas experienced by nurses, in the context of this paper, the author focused only ethical dilemmas emerging from two clinical realities. Being a nurse, in this paper, the author has qualified two realities by using the terms “therapeutic obstinacy” and “euthanasia and cessation of treatment.”Ethical Dilemma In Nursing Essay

Aggressive therapy

“Therapeutic Obstinacy” is a term used by people who feel that medical interventions are of intensity disproportionate to the expected benefits and the human and material costs they represent to the patient. It is therefore an ethical judgment that expresses disagreement on the medical conduct adopted considered bad for the patient. The use of the concept of aggressive therapy demonstrates a conflict of values between the medical profession and those who qualify and clinical reality experienced by the patient (Keltner, et. al., 2007, pp. 131-35).

Stuart and Laraia (2001, pp. 44-46) use the term “futile care” to refer to this phenomenon and defined as follows: “Interventions and treatments that keep the person alive who did it for no medical benefit, since these interventions and treatments can put end dependence on intensive medical care 19 …Ethical Dilemma In Nursing Essay