Ethical Problems In Healthcare

A serious attention and heed should be given while dealing with ethical problems in healthcare. Implementation of written policies, conducting different trainings at the proficient level can bring improvement in patient wellbeing as fundamental duty, would be an aid to resolve the problems in healthcare ( As, need is the mother of invention, similarly, shortage of medical resources is the need for justice distribution. Shortage of several useful resources, such as “beds in serious conditions, 4 organs and vaccines in pandemic influenza5” is extensively recognized. Abundant delivery of resources will demand for a direction to categorize significant medical resources. Therefore, it is essential to distribute ethically, which would require efficient and fair methods of allocation (Persad, G., Wertheimer, A. & Emanuel, E.J., 2009. vol. 373). Deep understanding would be developed by studying three main theories of justice for allocating scarce medical resources.Ethical Problems In Healthcare


The literal meaning of “egalitarian” is equal and extensive opportunities. Not all individuals have to follow equal rules and regulations; however, there is a set of systems and principles to follow with no consequences. Humans in the living organism are diversified, and everyone should have their own set of choices to do work. This theory ensures and gives the ability to choose basic rights of living, which should be equal for everyone, regardless of race or color. However, the society, resources, ethics, self respect and values of an individual restricts egalitarianism. We should respect and value everyone’s core belief, customs and norms, whether they in minority or majority, important or unimportant part of the society. This theory comprises of two principles; “Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive basic liberty compatible with a similar liberty for others.” and “Social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are both (a) to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged and (b) attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity (” The first principle describes basic rights, independence, autonomy to enter any political assembly and sovereignty to own resources, and it cannot be violated in any situation.Ethical Problems In Healthcare