Ethics And Issues In Contemporary Nursing Essay Example

My moral stand on abortion is that it should not be encouraged in the society because having an abortion is wrong. When women go having sex without using any devices to prevent pregnancy they knew before indulging that the possibility of them becoming pregnant is 99.9%. When pregnancy occurs due to irresponsible behavior an innocent life is put at risk if the woman decides to abort that child. Incidentally, a woman’s life could be at risk too because some abortions end up as septic if proper care is not given in the period immediately following the procedure. Burkhardt & Nathaniel (2014) while not sanctioning the practice did advance that certain practices could be morally correct based on the circumstances (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2014)Ethics And Issues In Contemporary Nursing Essay Example.


As such, when considering the political party to which I am affiliated, their opinion conflict with my values, but viewing each situation individually some abortions could be reconciled. For example, if the child being born would be so incapacitated to the extent that functioning normally would be impossible an early abortion could be considered. These abnormalities are such as anencephaly, severe hydrocephalus or hydro fetalis (Kapp, Whyte & Tang, 2013)Ethics And Issues In Contemporary Nursing Essay Example.

In my opinion governments engage in immoral practices sanctioning  them if they are politically correct for their social environment. In such cases it is very difficult for minority values and moral ethics to penetrate a government’s position on an issue. For example, gun control is one such issue currently affecting the society. My beliefs concerning abortion can affect the way I interact with women requesting abortions. If they could be dissuaded I would have achieved a goal; if not it is fine with me. The decision is theirs Ethics And Issues In Contemporary Nursing Essay Example