Ethics in Nursing Essay Assignment

The essay is an in-depth examination of ethical consideration in quantitative research studies in nursing.Ethics in Nursing Essay Assignment

As quoted in NIH Office of Extramural Research, 2008: 2 it is important to always remember that research studies that entail data collection and actively involved human subjects, need to maintain the very high level of ethical standards.

Ethics generally refers to the manner with which steps are adequately followed to the later with regards to a given topic to uphold integrity (Polit & Beck, 2007).

Ethical Issues

In the scenario given, there are ethical issues that need to be addressed before the study is carried out. One major ethical issue in the design is in regards to confidentiality. It is not clear how the researcher intends to conceal the identity of his/her human subjects.Ethics in Nursing Essay Assignment

Additionally, we are not told whether the researcher will adequately inform the subject concerning the study before carrying out the study. Ideally, human subjects need to provide information without any form of inducement.

However, in cases where there are such things as incentives given, then there is a need to justify the same. This is in line with the provision of the NIH Office of Extramural Research, 2008: 78.

In this study, the researcher clearly states that nurses who will work for 16 hours will be paid double for the extra 8 hours; the rationale behind this is not explained succinctly. Similarly, it is unethical to subject nurses to work for the stipulated amount of time as it will pose a risk to patients’ lives.

According to Department of Health and Human Services 2009 subpart A 46.111 it is worth noting that the information collected while soliciting for data is to be kept confidential and opts not to be used in any other purpose apart from what was initially intended for; this is not provided in the design.


IRB approval

It is the responsibility of the IRB board to approve, disapprove or call for modification of a proposed study. If I were an IRB reviewer, I would not allow the study to be carried out the way it is. My reason is derived from the concept of minimal risk.Ethics in Nursing Essay Assignment

As suggested by Department of Health and Human Services 2009 subpart A 46.111there is needed to ensure that the chances, as well as the degree of damage or uneasiness probable in any research study, opt not to be greater as compared to those faced ordinarily in a natural setting while executing similar examinations be they physical or psychological.

On the same note, the design has not yet provided for privacy and confidentiality of the subject, there is no evidence of informed consent from each human subject, and more importantly, risks are not minimized and when the same is balanced with the anticipated benefits, the former out-weighs the later.

Preventing ethical breach

For the researcher to address the ethical issue raised and probably continue with the study, there is a need for a bit of modification to be done especially in study design.

Instead of making one lot to work for 16 hours consecutively, the researcher can resort to soliciting for secondary sources of data from healthcare centers with regards to the poor medical provision by nurses coined to working for long hours.

The researcher can also remove or justify the double pay to those nurses in the first category of working longer than normal, double shift, introduce the issue of privacy and confidentiality, proper use and storage of collected data as well as prior notification and obtaining consent from human subjects in accordance with provision of Department of Health and Human Services, 2009 subpart A 46.116.Ethics in Nursing Essay Assignment

Every study does have benefits as well as risks associated with it.

Basing from the Department of Health and Human Services, 2009 subpart A 46. 111for the benefits, the research will fill the gap in the literature concerning the effects of nurses going without sleep and poor health service provision laying the ground for further research.

Similarly, the study will come with recommendations on what needs to be done to curb the phenomenon hence bettering service delivery to patients.

The two major risks involved in the study and must be clearly stated in the consent form are nurses being overworked and the risk of patients receiving healthcare attention below par that might negatively impact on they’re well being as a result of nurses being exhausted.


Department of Health and Human Services (2009). Public Welfare: Protecting Human Subjects Part 46. Web.

NIH Office of Extramural Research (2008). “Protecting Human Research Participant”. Web.

Polit, F. & Beck, C. (2007). Essentials of Nursing Research. Baltimore: Lippincott.Ethics in Nursing Essay Assignment