Euthanasia Sample Example Paper

Euthanasia has always been one of the most controversial issues and remains to be among the most discussed topics. This problem had divided opinions into two opposite groups, for and against it. Despite all debates about should it be provided in the present world or not, there is still no clear conclusion or a proper answer to this question. Both sides are reasonable in their arguments and standpoints. In general, there are two general situations for euthanasia. The first situation is when the patient wants to be euthanized because of the incurable disease and constant suffer from pain that cannot be cured with medicaments. The second situation is when a patient’s organism is severely damaged or in a coma and lives only with the help of a life support system. In fact, at the moment there is no correct answer for it and all opinions imply a completely subjective judgment.Euthanasia Sample Example Paper


The History of Euthanasia

Euthanasia or a “mercy killing” takes place since ancient ages. Incurable patients who had suffered from an extreme pain could get a help to die more easily from time to time. Assyrian and Jewish physicians were against it. However, doctors in ancient Greece and Rome practiced euthanasia. In fact, different cultures and religions have different points of view on euthanasia issue. The official Church of Christian religion strongly forbade all kinds of homicide, even merciful. On the other hand, in some countries suicide did not consider as a negative action, for example, in Japan and China. However, the influence of three global religions Christianity, Judaism, and Islam officially made euthanasia forbidden until its legalization in Nazi Germany. Numerous people were killed or euthanized due to various reasons that were mostly unreasonable. Also, in 1936 a Euthanasia Society was created in England, however, euthanasia legalization was rejected. In two years, similar society was founded in New York (A General History of Euthanasia 2011). Talking about the modern history, it should be highlighted that in 1984 voluntary euthanasia was approved in the Netherlands, and in Australia euthanasia came into force in 1996, but was rejected a year after (A General History of Euthanasia 2011).Euthanasia Sample Example Paper

Even though, the medicine field is developing constantly, there is still no medication for the proper pain treatment. Therefore, the first reason for euthanizing patients is their constant suffering from unbearable pain. The vast majority of people who are in a constant pain and have suicidal thoughts cannot put them into action due to various circumstances; for example because of being handicapped or religious beliefs. Since the constant pain causes suicidal thoughts and actions among patients, in these cases, it is highly important for them to know that there is a person who can help relieve the pain without judging (Ebrahimi 74).

The second argument for euthanasia is giving a seriously sick person a chance to commit a suicide. In general, there are various ways for committing a suicide, and the most humane is through a lethal injection. Also, not all patients that want to commit a suicide are capable to do it physically, for example, paralyzed patients. Therefore, if such patient considers the best way to end his or her life is being euthanized, then this choice should be taken with respect because every person has full rights to do with own life everything he or she wants, and any other person should not make a final decision. Thus, this leads to the third reason for providing euthanasia any person should be forced to stay alive. If a person decided that he or she is ready to die but have no opportunity to do it by self, legal euthanize should take place in such situations. In fact, physicians should provide a moral support to terminally ill patients and ones who feel constant severe pain that cannot be relieved with medications.

Reasons Against Euthanasia

One of the most obvious arguments against euthanasia is a belief that no one has a right to decide if another person should live or die. This point of view is mostly presented by religious people, who think that only God can decide if some particular person should suffer from severe pain or be relieved from it. With a belief that everything happens for a reason, religious people also consider suffering as a reasonable punishment. Therefore, euthanasia is an undesirable action, and people who may provide it are considered to be self-claimed personifications of God.Euthanasia Sample Example Paper

The next argument against providing euthanasia is a high possibility of a selfish reasons basis. In fact, there always will be authorized individuals or relatives who decide to euthanize patients under their own personal selfish reasons (Maisie). With euthanasia legalizing, true intentions of physicians are more difficult to distinguish from humane ones. Since doctors have an access to terminally ill patients as well as to certain medications, physicians may have a pressure on their patients and persuade them into being euthanized. In such cases, physicians may have a tendency for killing patients that are curable which may lead to serious social problems. Thus, if euthanasia will be legalized, it may transform into simple killing patients for own certain reasons.
The third argument implies the idea that life of some people is valued more than others. Rich individuals will always face more support and efforts from physicians than poor people. Therefore, patients with low financial income are more likely to be euthanized since their lives are less worthy. The same can be said about sick and healthy groups of people. Euthanasia may also include a belief that life of a healthy person is more valuable to society than life of a sick one. From this point of view, euthanasia is a form of social discrimination that should not take place in the modern society.Euthanasia Sample Example Paper



Taking into account abovementioned, one can say that even though euthanasia has obvious positive and clear negative sides, providing it in the modern society is still a good idea. Every person’s life is sacred any person should decide who should live and who should die. At the same time, every rule has an exception, and euthanasia is the best example. If a patient suffers from constant severe pain and wishes to die, it is inhumane to leave this person alone with his or her own pain. Also, all costs and efforts that can be spent on few people in need should not be spent on a patient that is clearly never will regain senses, and his or her only chance to live is to be constantly on the life support system. In such cases, patients became trapped in their own bodies without any chance to make actions or decisions for themselves. However, absolutely every case of potential euthanasia should be under individual consideration. To prevent euthanizing of the patient that can be saved, all decision must be made by a group of impartial professionals, and if a patient is capable of at least partial clear thinking, his or her decision must play the major role in the euthanasia verdict.Euthanasia Sample Example Paper