Family Issues of Obesity (McDonald’s)

There are really a lot of debates, devoted to the issues of fast food, its impact upon human health and development of obesity problems. A lot of people adore fast food, prefer to take their children there and are absolutely satisfied with the quality of the food, they eat at McDonalds for example. Other people avoid eating fast foods, as they are convinced that they are the main reasons of obesity. They state that fast food companies work out their advertisements in such a way that consumers believe that they are eating healthy food, and in reality suffer from obesity afterwards. In fact it is difficult to support this argument, as taking into consideration absolutely free and unlimited access to information nowadays, any individual is free to study the facts about fast food, he is interested in, and make his own conclusions about it.Family Issues of Obesity (McDonald’s)


The main danger, which is seen in fast food restaurants for young people, is the assumption that this kind of food is addicting, sometimes it is even compared to cigarettes. Of course people tend to get used to eating something tasty and it is not always useful for their organism. However, they might get addicted to anything, it is not that only fast food causes such addictions. Depending on various factors, often upon the initial upbringing inside the family, as well as the usually accepted rituals in a concrete family, children tend to develop their interests and addictions from their early years and in most cases, it is rather difficult to break them in the future, when they are getting older. Thus if parents are addicted to sports, running, swimming pool, tourism and so on, they would involve their children and pass them their addiction. In the same way, if parents are constantly sitting in front of TVs or computers, it is not logical to expect that their children would behave differently. And it is not difficult to guess here, children of which family would most luckily suffer from obesity, irrespective of the fact, whether they eat food at McDonalds or they don’t.Family Issues of Obesity (McDonald’s)

Sometimes quick availability of fast food is also seen as one of the reasons for people getting used to eating it and then facing the problems with obesity. This argument is also hardly strong, as it seems that human beings are not able to make their own rational choices, rather go only those directions, which they are told to or which are the easiest ones. If an individual is hungry – he is free to eat, what he wants, and it doesn’t mean that the only way out he has, is buying something at McDonalds. It is normal, when mind of an individual controls his actions and choices and not his body or his stomach.

Overall, pushing the complete responsibility for the general growth of obesity rates to fast food companies, such as McDonalds, looks more like finding a scapegoat, instead of taking care of real solution of the problem. It is necessary to admit that there is such problem, that there are really a lot of young people or even children, who suffer from it, but it is not correct to make simple and quick conclusions about the main reasons of this problem, otherwise, it would never be solved. Fast food, as anything else, should not be present in surplus, because even if a child eats too much of fruit, he might also experience problems with his health, thus first of all it is necessary to consider family habits and rituals, as all of them have direct and strong impact upon future habits of the children from these families.Family Issues of Obesity (McDonald’s)


Burke, L. E., & Wang, J. (2011). Treatment Strategies for Overweight and Obesity. Journal of Nursing Scholarship

Gomez, G. L. (2012). When did obesity become an issue? Natural News.Family Issues of Obesity (McDonald’s)