Focus Groups in Nursing Research Essay Example Paper

In Luke 10: 17-20, seventy of Jesus’ followers return after going out into the world and performing miracles. Like their great teacher, the disciples did supernatural things for anyone who welcomed them into their home. Upon their return, the seventy tell Jesus that they not only performed great miracles but evil spirits became subject to their command. Jesus then tells his disciples that they will ingest deadly poison and walk on scorpions without being harmed. He also tells them to marvel at the fact that they will be remembered in eternity rather than gloat about the miracles they have just performed Focus Groups in Nursing Research Essay Example Paper.


While many things can be gathered from this passage, the one concept that comes to the forefront is the level of evaluation that Jesus exhibits. He tells his disciples that he saw satan fall from heaven like lightening and, because of this observation, they have authority over evil spirits. He also tells his followers to remain focused on the greater goal, which is eternal life, instead of becoming caught up in temporal things.

Jesus uses deductive reasoning to come to the conclusion that the powers of satan were no match for the authority that he had given his followers. In the same manner science discovers what happens in the world through thorough evaluation.

As of late, focus groups have become a popular means of research. In the same manner that Jesus taught the seventy to gather people in a room to resolve their problems, the medical field is beginning to catch on and spread like wildfire. Rasika Jayasekara (2012) states, “The key feature of focus groups is the active interaction among participants to explore their views and opinions” (1).  It is certainly interesting to see the concepts taught in the bible put to good use in the field. Focus Groups in Nursing Research Essay Example Paper