Future of Nursing and APRN Role Directions

While the report addresses some of the challenges that are encountered during the delivery of health care in health institutions, there are many ways through, which some of them could be solved. With the large numbers of people today, health services have been demanded on a high note. The societal landscape today is different. A large number has been westernized thus, adopting the respective culture from the western part of the world as an integral part of everyday lives. In this case, many people have changed their diets, which makes them more prone to chronic diseases. Based on the report, almost half of the total population of America suffers from chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine, 2010). Patients as well as caregivers who take care of them while tat home face a major challenge in that they lack care coordination with the physicians It therefore results to repeated tests as well as procedures and difficult hospital to home transitions.Future of Nursing and APRN Role Directions


To address these problems, the workforce needs to be transformed. Having more clinicians and other health professionals added to health institutions will not solve it. To improve the role of APRN, more health care providers who are better armed and prepared for the many chronic diseases and increased demand for health care services are required. All professionals should be equipped and armed by having the appropriate education and skills to offer the best services in their professions. They need to give an assurance that they will deliver the fullest of both their education and training. By virtue, that they have the largest proportion of the total health practitioners, the flexible capacity to adopt in the health sector and their high level of scientific knowledge, nurses must work towards helping in bringing some positive changes in the health sector, which the increased population is in need of.Future of Nursing and APRN Role Directions

In order to accomplish it, nurses must therefore assume both enhanced as well as conceptualized roles in different fields of health care delivery. Some of the sectors in which they could influence with their virtues, to lead to positive changes include the health coaching, care transitions from hospitals to home, management of chronic diseases, activities meant to prevent diseases and improvement of the quality of services that are offered to patients. Through continuation of education for the nurses, they will be able to retain their skills as well as develop additional skills such as leadership skills, which they do not possess (Joel, 2013). From the report, nurses’ levels of education as well as the outcomes it bears vary directly.Future of Nursing and APRN Role Directions

A recent survey that the American Hospital Association conducted revealed that nurses are not well represented in the administration of the respective health care institutions where they work. Only 6% are nurses in the boards while more than 20% are doctors (Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine., Robert Wood Johnson Foundation., & Institute of Medicine (U.S.), 2011). Therefore, nurses are not able to air their voices well, thus limiting them in participating in decision-making and policymaking. It is through policymaking that nurses could foster campaigns, which support them to continue with their education while they continue to work. Through such education, their skills do not become obsolete thus preparing themselves for the roles that they are expected to play. Generally, it would help in influencing positively the roles of APRN.Future of Nursing and APRN Role Directions