General Systems Theory Research Example Paper


This essay delivers a discussion pertaining to general system theory The main focus pertain to explanation of the theory followed by a self application. An historical analysis will then be undertaken matching it with the historical impact the theory has on my personal professional nursing practice

 General System Theory

General system theory emerged from the thinking of Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901-1972). The  main assumption is that in this universe and society there are models, laws and principles, which can be related to systems in a universal manner. These features occur regardless of the system classification whether physical in a human body or any other structural development. The theory seeks to identify more distinct elements that create systems and make them function efficiently. As such, theoretically assumptions espoused in general systems theory can be defined specialization of systems (Stichweh, 2011)General Systems Theory Research Example Paper.


Precisely, the focus of this theory pertained towards investigating systems that regulate themselves without apparent external or internal influences such as the body, society and environment. The theorists contrasted closed and open systems. Closed systems had no inflow and outflow, which were constant, whereas open systems changed constants interacting with inflow and out flow. Further in clarifying his assumptions Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901-1972) advanced four propositions. First is that external direction is required to reach a final state in system function. Secondly, there are internal structures determining processes and outcomes. Thirdly, an open system results in a steady state from interactions between an individual and the environment. Fourthly, intelligent purposive processes occur in systems (Stichweh, 2011)General Systems Theory Research Example Paper.


Glennister (2011) contends that nursing is a disciplinary matrix and from its foundation applied system thinking in its operations. For example Florence Nightingale’s philosophical thinking pertaining to the environment was among the first application of general systems theory to the profession. Currently, the applications are evident in the evidence-based interventions presented in the homeostatic nursing system theories. For example, Betty Neuman‘s system stress theory is relevant to my practice when interacting with patients experiencing stressful conditions. She considered the person a system consisting of physical development, psychological and spiritual subsystems. Another example is Martha Rogers’ unitary nursing systems theory. This theorist contends that the person or patient is a an open system interacting with an open system in his/her environment because people and their environment are irreducible energy forces (Glennister, 2011).

Historical Analysis

In ancient times nursing was undertaken by Christian women. The apostle Paul as was recorded in Romans 1: 16, sent deaconess Phoebe to Rome as the visiting nurse. She was considered the first nurse. Christianity being the accepted religion in Rome during that era and was culturally responsible for providing physical and social care to the population. The first hospital was built in 325 AD under provision mandated through the First Council Nicaea. Hospital construction continued throughout Rome being erected in every Cathedral town. Saint Samson of Constantinople and Bishop Basil from Caesarea  now known asTurkey were the architects designing hospital buildings (Andrist, 2006)General Systems Theory Research Example Paper.

Due to the outbreak of leprosy and its cultural stigmatization special hospitals were built to separate individuals affected by this disease from the otherwise healthy society.

Some of these hospitals were also used as training facilities containing libraries. Priests were the physicians. Hospitals were staffed by a Chief Physician, nurses and orderlies. The ancient Catholic Orders determined health care delivery and quality in those times. It was through Christian charities that nursing developed into a professional practice during ancient times. Delivering hospitality through effective healthcare soon became a culture of the Christian Rome religious dispensation (Andrist, 2006).

Currently, these health care structures still exist in modern societies, but the compassionate delivery of healthcare as a Christian duty in developed societies no longer exist even among Christian hospital communities. Now politically, nursing/healthcare is a business for which consumers must carry the cost by paying for it. Nurses in ancient times were expected to care for the poor and sick without expecting payment form them because hospital organizations developed resources such as farms to feed patients. As the sick and poor received free services by the Christian church so were the physicians, nurses and orderlies who rendered care obtained wages and resources to live (Andrist, 2006)General Systems Theory Research Example Paper.

Historical Impact on Personal Nursing Practice

The historical impact of nursing from ancient times has forged the formation of systems. Many of them still exist today in modern societies. Importantly while nursing practice has grown beyond delivery of care by Christians this system developed a pattern whereby the philosophy of caring developed. There are many nursing theories emerging from this caring paradigm guiding the profession. Considering the social, political and philosophical and historical influences is to identify where health care delivery stand in America today. Professional nursing practiced have gone to applications of evidence based research and information technology. Back in the ancient times physicians were priests, but now people must have a strong academic preparation to practice in health care nurses attended simple training for a short time practice from a space of compassion. This had led to the evolution of various levels of nurses characterized by the licensure practice provisions (Meehan, 2013).


The nursing profession has benefited immensely from system thinking as well as ancient practices in the delivery of care. General system knowledge existed and was adopted in resolving many biological, social and environmental issues. With contemporary interventions scientists have brought history alive in modernizing ancient practices for advancement in the science (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2013)General Systems Theory Research Example Paper