Giving Birth Control to Teenagers Essay

The need to offer birth control to teenagers is a topic that has been actively discussed over the years, and the interest in it has been increasing. It is important to say that teen childbearing is an issue that has always been regarded as incredibly problematic, and there have been numerous attempts to address it.Giving Birth Control to Teenagers Essay


It is believed that a provision of free birth control would help to solve this issue. It is paramount to say that it is a significant problem that needs to be addressed because the number of cases of teenage childbearing is one of the highest in the United States compared to other countries that are industrialized (Manlove et al. 89). Also, it is necessary to mention that the scope of this problem has reduced in recent years, but it is not possible to determine what has led to such changes. Another issue that needs to be discussed is that a significant percentage of individuals participate in unsafe sex even when they understand that it may be incredibly risky.Giving Birth Control to Teenagers Essay

The problem is that they may think that birth control is too expensive. It is important to mention that most teenagers are not ready to have children, and it frequently results in poor parenting and other complications. Young parents have to deal with several tough choices, and it is not an easy task to accept such options as abortion because there is still no consensus on this topic. Teenagers must have an understanding of what course of action is reasonable in such cases.


Another issue that should not be overlooked is that an enormous percentage of parents are afraid to talk about sex with their children because of numerous factors.

It is also imperative to note that many factors increase the risk of unsafe sex among teenagers, such as poverty, being drunk, or under the influence of others. Also, it is necessary to mention that the number of teenage childbearing is different for races and ethnicities because of such aspects as traditions and others. One of the biggest issues that should be taken into account is the dissimilarity between the levels of education. An enormous percentage of teenagers do not have access to necessary information at home or educational facilities, and it leads to risky behavior in some cases. It is fascinating that one of the studies suggests that access to free birth control does not reduce teenage pregnancy rates (Girma and Paton 1021). Such results are shocking, and it is entirely possible that there is a need for future research in this area. It is necessary to mention that it has most likely been caused by the fact that many individuals do not have an understanding of issues and complications are related to teen childbearing.Giving Birth Control to Teenagers Essay


In conclusion, it is evident that the need to provide birth control to teenagers should not be overlooked. An enormous percentage of incidents and complications could have been avoided if the government took necessary measures. It is believed that teenagers have started to be much less sexually actives because of various factors, and a significant percentage of them begun to use birth control. However, it is still a critical issue that needs to be addressed. Overall, it is necessary to focus on such aspects as an education of the population, and the promotion of safe sex among teenagers.

Works Cited

Girma, Sourafel, and David Paton. “Matching Estimates of the Impact of Over‐the‐counter Emergency Birth Control on Teenage Pregnancy.” Health Economics 15.9 (2006): 1021-1032. Print.

Manlove, Jennifer et al. “Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Transition to a Teenage Birth in the United States.” Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 45.2 (2013): 89-100. Print.Giving Birth Control to Teenagers Essay