Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm

The Paradigm of healing hospital has been focusing on stress removal and various different health risks in the environment of hospital for both visitors and patients. These factors are not ailments being treated within the hospital environment, but they are intrinsic factors of the hospital (Thorne, 2008). For instance, there are many factors which generate stress for patients but patients get stress mainly because of change in financial status caused by health care expenditure, painful therapeutic procedures, and loss of social life.Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm

Minimizations of these stress factors make sure that during comprehensive care well being of a patient is maintained by the care takers and paradigm’s attention aspect make sure that recovery process of the patient is maximized without compromising their dignity and privacy. The purpose of a healing hospital is to treat a patient including above mentioned factors instead of just curing the disease. This comes out form examples of focusing in healing more than just physical body (Ashcraft, 2010). Healing hospital works to enhance entire well being of a patient by addressing spiritual and emotional concerns of a patient and his family.

Components of a Healing Hospital

A healing hospital is working beyond mortar, windows, and walls. It has a strong culture of care and love which differentiates it from other traditional hospitals. There are three fundamental components of healing hospital (Marberry, 2006).


Healing Physical Environment

This means that the hospitals should be free of physical disturbances which may be a source of stress for patients or families. These external environmental factors may include noise, dull or morbid settings, and disorganization that may result in panic. In contrast, a physical healing environment is carefully constructed and organized (Chapman, 2010). Employees are trained caregivers who are knowledgeable in interacting with patients and families so as to help them cope with their concerns or grief. The environment, by its design, is a strong means of establishing a spiritual relationship through an engagement of all five senses.Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm

By choosing colors appropriately, for example, desired effects in human behavior are promoted, and psychological systems established – color green indicates healing, nurturing and conditional love, a symbol of growth (Young, 2006). This is because color has the ability to induce emotional responses such as irritability, cheerfulness, or peacefulness. Further, by creating the interior of the hospital in a manner that resembles, even slightly, a church or a temple, providing religious artifacts, say rosary beads, spirituality can be promoted. A patient’s sense of control over their environment must be kindled (e.g., lighting and temperature) so that stress relief may occur.

Integration of Technology with Work Design

Technology is interwoven into the structure of the healing hospital adeptly, allowing staff members to work with systematic efficiency, routing work in a manner that enhances the comfort of the patient and family. In this calmer environment, patients tend to get much needed sleep allowing their bodies time to heal.Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm