Health And Chronic Disease Research Paper

The chronic diseases are diseases of a very long duration and are of slow progression generally. These include stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, asthma, diabetes, and cancer are so far the leading causes of mortality in the world (Morewitz &Stephen 2006). The word chronic is applied usually when the course of disease lasts for more than three months. The confirmed diagnosis of a chronic illness irreversibly changes the live of person. The treatment may be complex and continuous with an increasing dependency on health care. This percentage of individuals being diagnosed with chronic diseases is growing at alarming rates (Crowley, 2004).Health And Chronic Disease Research Paper


Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a significant public health concern; the impact of diabetes is increased by the prevalence of co existing chronic medical conditions among people with diabetes. It effects as many as millions of Americans. It is basically a disorder of metabolism which converts the food you eat into energy. Most of the food eaten by a diabetic patient is broken down by the digestive juices into simple sugar such as glucose (Crowley, 2004). The main source of energy in the body is glucose which passes into the bloodstream after digestion where it gets available for the cells to store, use or take in to be used later. Diabetes usually causes the pancreas to stop producing insulin or does not produce it at all. Insulin basically monitors and helps breakdown the fats and carbohydrates consumed in a person’s diet. Diabetes is known to deteriorate the body over a period of years as the glucose damages and clogs the small capillaries that usually feed the heart, feet, eyes and kidneys (Morewitz &Stephen 2006). Other complications include erectile dysfunction, weight gain, gum diseases, depression, fatigue, high cholesterol and blood pressure.Health And Chronic Disease Research Paper

Personal impact on a patient living with Diabetes (chronic disease)

Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death in the U.S. On individual and national level its treatment affects us and leaves an impact on our emotions, economics and our daily lives (Crowley, 2004). The individual having chronic diseases feel that their life is useless now because due to diabetes they will lose their half of the leg or their eyesight eventually or all such symptoms that a person with diabetes can experience if they ignore the disease they are suffering from. Such individuals feel very depressed; it changes every aspect of an individual’s life including the personal identity and social experiences. Emotionally it takes a major toll on a person. Unstable blood sugar level and low blood sugar level causes a person to be angry, irrational, impatient, and restless and anxious (Reddy, 2000). It often affects the person’s family and partners as well. Chronic diseases often diminish the self confidence of an individual which leads to decrease the activity level, by which the attitude begins weaken. A person usually experience is denial. When doctors inform them about the disease they could be in denial about the long and short term care.Health And Chronic Disease Research Paper