Health Care Information Systems Example Paper

Discussion Response


I find the post quite helpful, exceptionally straightforward, and easy to comprehend. It is true that improvements to electronic health records have made clinical data and insurance information easily accessible in healthcare organizations. When it comes to workflow, electronic health records have been shown to increase efficiency by reducing the amount of time spent pulling charts, enhancing direct exposure to detailed patient data, assisting in the management of treatments, enhancing the planning of patient visits, and allowing distant access to patient information (Evans, 2016). I believe that existing and future health systems and technology, in general, will contribute to the development of global protocols for interoperable systems that utilize health, environmental, behavioral, economic, and social information to communicate, comprehend, and operate effectively on intricate healthcare information in order to promote personalized healthcare and a dynamic healthcare system. A clinical information system that I feel is left out is the Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system. It is essential since it is intended to replace the paper-based ordering method that is currently in use in health facilities. This program enables users to digitally create the complete spectrum of orders as well as keep an electronic drug administration record and track the modifications made to a prescription by successive professionals (Page et al., 2017)Health Care Information Systems Example Paper.



Evans, R. S. (2016). Electronic health records: Then, now, and in the future. Yearbook of Medical Informatics, 25(S 01), S48-S61.

Page, N., Baysari, M., & Westbrook, J. (2017). A systematic review of the effectiveness of interruptive medication prescribing alerts in hospital CPOE systems to change prescriber behavior and improve patient safety. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 105, 22-30. Health Care Information Systems Example Paper

As a case manager /utilization nurse, I simultaneously look at the clinical information systems (CIS ) and administrative information systems (AIS). Improvements to the electronic health record have made clinical data and insurance information easily assessable in my organization. As we move patients through the inpatient progression of care stay, the need to regularly move across the CIS systems is vital. We monitor vital signs, MD documentation, PT, OT documentation, and results of imaging and labs values and coordinate the information accurately to the patient’s clinical picture. In conjunction with CISs, we use the AISs to ensure reimbursement from insurance and maintenance of Medicare and Medicaid guidelines with the validity of inpatient orders to the clinical picture. The case manager often facilitates communication with the provider utilizing necessary CIS ( documentation) to patients’ condition or continued treatment.


These conversations to clinical communication within the AIS system will ensure financial insurance reimbursement; however, the clinical staff’s access to the case manager’s documentation is not easily assessed…” enable practitioners and patients to be involved in acquiring, reviewing, and using data at various points of care.” (Hebda et al. 2019)In the past, clinical information was not readily assessable in paperwork documentation could be easily lost. However, the interview process throughout many disciplines asks the same questions; this information is not auto-filled for all disciplines to decrease redundancy for staff and the patients and families. Improvements make would to see that data more easily crossed over from one clinical discipline to another to decrease redundancy. Executive information systems provide administrators with easy access to summarized information related to the financial and clinical operations of the organization. ( Hebda et al. 2019 ) These AISs now embedded with the current EHR; in the past clinical data was documented within an additional system. Making this more streamlined has enhanced gathering clinical data for coding and financial departments to process billing. It has made accessibility to information easier than past systems or even paper route, the easy retrieval of data and information, overall the new system that has been incorporated in making the system is much easier to integrate to ensure retrieval of documentation for accuracy and integrity becomes necessary to be proficient in the system that is used. References; Hebda, T., Hunter, K., & Czar, P. (2019). Handbook of informatics for nurses and healthcare professionals (6th ed.). New York, NY: Prentice-Hall/Pearson. Health Care Information Systems Example Paper