Health Care Policy: Obama Care Essay

Have you heard one of the anecdotes told by the US President Barack Obama about health care? A woman needed to have a breast cancer surgery, but she lost her health insurance because she failed to disclose a case of acne to the insurer.Health Care Policy: Obama Care Essay

What we need now is an effective health care policy. ObamaCare is a health care policy that doesn’t create insurance, but it is focused on providing effective regulation of private insurance to allow American citizens enjoying their rights and having more social protections in the field of health care. ObamaCare can help tens of millions of American citizens to have equal access to high quality and affordable Health Insurance, which guarantees getting lower prices on health care services and effective protection in the case of emergency.

First of all, ObamaCare can help over half of uninsured American citizens to get free or low cost health insurance. Due to the expansion of Medicaid, there will be approximately 15.9 million men, women, and children covered, provided they fall below 138% of the poverty rate (ObamaCare: Pros and Cons of ObamaCare).

Secondly, ObamaCare provides reliable protections that guarantee Americans their rights to get coverage when they get sick or make some mistake on their application. This health care policy guarantees that any American citizen will be provided effective treatment and will never be charged for being sick. Other protections include the right of an American citizen to a rapid appeal. Health insurance companies should spend enough money on care.Health Care Policy: Obama Care Essay


Thirdly, ObamaCare helps small businesses to get comprehensive tax credits. Small business organizations with less than 25 staff members can get tax credits for up to 50% of the health insurance premium costs of their staff members. Businesses with more than 50 full-time employees should guarantee health coverage. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, “Most states have had laws that require state-licensed health insuring organizations to provide coverage to small employers that want it, with some limitation on the rates that can be charged (e.g., restrictions on how premiums can vary based on age and health status)” (1).

Fourthly, ObamaCare ensures that young adults will be able to stay on their parents’ plan until the age of 26. It has been found that 82% of uninsured adults will be able to qualify for free or low-cost insurance. Insurance helps everyone get lower prices on healthcare and protects them in an emergency. According to the health care policy, “the penalty in 2016 is 2.5% of household income or $695 per adult (half of that per child), whichever is higher” (How to get or stay on a parent’s plan). A young adult aged under 26 should have a health care plan that qualifies as minimum essential coverage or pay a fee on the next federal tax return.Health Care Policy: Obama Care Essay

Fifthly, ObamaCare guarantees that Medicare will be improved and strengthened to meet the needs of seniors. These improvements include elimination of the donut hole, providing help for low income seniors, keeping rates down, cutting wasteful spending and fraud, and expanding free preventive services. According to Jan Schakowsky, “prevention, like cholesterol checks and diabetes screenings, help catch problems early when they are treatable and less costly, vaccinations help prevent illness”(5).

However, ObamaCare creates certain complications for American citizens. For example, new taxes may have negative impact on individuals and employers. Besides, many new options provide to Americans stand for a rather complicated shopping for coverage. Perhaps, private health insurance system may affect the quality of shopping for health insurance because consumers may be at risk of over-buying or under-buying.

In spite of all these complications, ObamaCare is really effective as it has a positive impact on uninsured. Any American citizen realizes that the US health care system needs reform. The changes enacted under the new health care policy are guaranteed by the proper federal control over health care services, benefits and finances. Health Care Policy: Obama Care Essay

Works Cited

How to get or stay on a parent’s plan. 2015. Available from: <>

ObamaCare: Pros and Cons of ObamaCare. 2015. Available from: <>

The National Conference of State Legislatures. Small and Large Businesses Health Insurance: State and Federal Roles. Nov. 3, 2015. Available from: < >

Schakowsky, Jan. A Healthy Future for America’s Seniors: The Benefits of Obamacare. 2012. Available from <>Health Care Policy: Obama Care Essay