Health Disparities Assignment Essay Paper

The decreased percentage of women who get antenatal care during the first trimester of pregnancy in the city of Newark is a significant health disparity that demands addressing. The chances of having a healthy child increase for women who get early and regular antenatal care (Department of Health, 2021). Another health disparity is the high number of single mothers, which is associated with a greater likelihood of having poor birth outcomes including pre-term delivery, low birth weight, and neonatal deaths (Department of Health, 2021). Mothers who are not married account for approximately half of all births among Newark residents Health Disparities Assignment Essay Paper.


Since children born to single mothers often have more inadequate financial and social resources than their peers, this health disparity may persist even after the birth of their children (Mikkonen et al., 2017). There is still another health disparity in Newark: the vast majority of children below the age of five are affected by poverty. Poverty makes it harder for people to have access to basic necessities such as secure and affordable housing, quality education, and public security, as well as nutritious meals, medical care, and clean surroundings free of potentially fatal pollutants (Department of Health, 2021). As poverty rates rise, more children will be exposed to health and wellbeing inequities, which may have long-term consequences Health Disparities Assignment Essay Paper.

Health Interventions

Several interventions have previously been implemented in New Jersey to enhance the living conditions of its inhabitants. Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a federally funded public health initiative that offers aid to expectant and postpartum women, children, and infants. Health inequities affecting women and children are addressed via this initiative. An additional intervention presented by the State of New Jersey is the TEACH initiative, which gives assistance to expectant and new adolescent mothers. This initiative contributes to the reduction of inequalities among children born to adolescent mothers as well as the prevention of disparities among teen parents. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is another program that offers low-income households diet and nutrition support. Through this program, families are able to purchase more nutritious and healthful foods. Health disparities encountered by residents of the city of Newark may be reduced by making these initiatives available to them Health Disparities Assignment Essay Paper.


Department of Health. (2021). NJSHAD – Community Health Highlights Report for Essex. New Jersey State Health Assessment Data.

Mikkonen, H. M., Salonen, M. K., Häkkinen, A., Olkkola, M., Pesonen, A., Räikkönen, K., Osmond, C., Eriksson, J. G., & Kajantie, E. (2017). The lifelong socioeconomic disadvantage of single-mother background – the Helsinki birth cohort study 1934–1944. BMC Public Health, 16(1).

Health Disparities Assignment Essay Paper

The paper should be written by experienced professional psychiatric nursing paper writer and should not be assigned to a novice writer.

NOTE: SOAP note is not initial diagnostic assessment, which is completed when a provider sees a patient for the first time. A soap note/ progress note/ f/u note is a note you complete after the initial assessment.


PMHNP’s must document information to substantiate assessments, diagnoses, and plans of care. This facilitates safe patient care and appropriate transition management. In this assignment, you will create a SOAP note and discuss what you learned through a specific patient encounter. Health Disparities Assignment Essay Paper

Do not include any identifying patient information on your assignment. 


The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate the learner’s ability to create a comprehensive SOAP note.

Assignment outcome 

At the conclusion of this assignment, the learner will be able to:

  • Present a comprehensive SOAP note regarding a specific patient encounter
  • Identify a particular piece of learning that took place via this specific patient encounter

Feeds to Course Learning Outcome


Select a patient encounter in which you learned something new. Create a fully-formed SOAP note regarding this patient encounter.


Soap Note Virtual Case Submission Rubric
Criteria 20 Points 19 Points 18 Points 0 Points  
Subjective Communicates a clear & precise assessment data supported with subjective findings.

This should include but not limited to biological, psychological, sociocultural, spiritual, ethnic, and family factors.

Communicates an assessment but may be missing 1-2 important piece of data Communicates a brief & vague assessment while missing key important details of the assessment data No paper submitted or substantial content missing /20
Objective Communicates a clear & precise assessment data supported with objective findings.

This should include but not limited to Mental Status Exam, biological, psychological, sociocultural, spiritual, ethnic, and family factors.

Communicates an assessment but may be missing 1-2 important piece of data Communicates a brief & vague assessment while missing key important details of the assessment data No paper submitted or substantial content missing /20
Assessment Thoroughly describes all relevant differential diagnoses and the actual DSM-V diagnosis with ICD 10 codes. Describes differential diagnoses but omits one that should be considered Describes differential diagnoses but omits more than one that should be considered No paper submitted or content missing /20
Plan Develops and provides a clearly written treatment plan, including relevant health promotion and patient education information. Clearly defines and delineates the levels of evidence that support the treatment plan. Develops a clear set of written orders but omits an important order for the diagnosis or outdated approach not supported by evidence. Covers educational topics and health promotion, but no plan is developed. Develops and provides a brief set of orders for the treatment plan with more than one omission and lacks evidential support. Health promotion and patient education are substantially lacking or not covered. No paper submitted or content missing /20
Criteria 10 Points 8 Points 6 Points 0 Points /10
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation There are no errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation There are a few minor errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not detract from the meaning Health Disparities Assignment Essay Paper There are multiple errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that detract from the meaning


There are major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not reflect scholarly writing


APA and references The paper meets APA format guidelines and/or all references are peer reviewed, relevant, scholarly and contemporary, up to 5 years. There are minor APA format errors and/or references meet two requirements of relevant, scholarly or contemporary, up to 5 years. There are multiple errors in format and/or references meet one requirement of relevant, scholarly or contemporary There are significant errors in format and/or references meet one requirement of relevant, scholarly or contemporary /10
Total Points Possible = 100