Health Eating and Health Care Benefits Assignment


What I have to do is I choose one source, and I have to counter that source with 3 other sources.

1. I already have 4 sources for you (you have to use my source)

2. Each source need to include at least one direct quotation and one indirect quotation. (so at least 8 quotations (4 direct)(4 indirect)) Health Eating and Health Care Benefits Assignment

3. My essay need to be four pages

4. My essay need to be MLA format

5. audience will be parents who live with 8-9 years old children.

so my essay need to be like this

6. you make paragraph one with the idea that healthy eating is bad for young children,

and with other paragraph, you have to counter the paragraph 1 with other three sources


so it will be like

Intro with thesis (you cannot include quotation here)

paragraph 1 with source (why healthy eating is bad for young children)

(at least one direct quotation and one indirect quotation with this source)

paragraph 2 with source (healthy eating benefit 1)

(at least one direct quotation and one indirect quotation with this source)

paragraph 3 with source (healthy eating benefit 2)

(at least one direct quotation and one indirect quotation with this source)

paragraph 4 with source (healthy eating benefit 3)

(at least one direct quotation and one indirect quotation with this source)

conclusion (you cannot include quotation here) Health Eating and Health Care Benefits Assignment