Health Habits Assignment Discussion Paper


Part 1: Reflection:

Vision of 80 Discussion

Try to envision yourself being 80 years old. You probably have images in your head of one or more people you know who are 80 with some resemblance to your appearance, but it is not you. Now examine some of the following aspects of life and consider what you want and what you realistically expect you can achieve when you reach 80 years of age. (Just reflect on these questions. You do not need to answer these.) Health Habits Assignment Discussion Paper


  • Physical Health – include recreation activities, hobbies, possible employment or volunteer work, and of course, activities of daily living.
  • Mental Health – what kind of conversationalist do you want to be? Will you be able to talk to others and have them really listen to you? Will you be sharp and stay with current events? What will your attitude towards life be at this age?
  • Emotional Health – Will you be calm and confident? Will you be bitter and pessimistic? Will life have you “beaten” or will you have “zest” for life? Will you still have a sense of humor? Will you enjoy the company of several generations and will they enjoy your company?
  • Family Relations – will you have children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren? Will you have a mate and how long will you keep your marriage?
  • Financial Status – will you still need to work to stay above the poverty line? Will you have your own business that continues to give you a salary even though others are doing the work? Will you be collecting royalties on your past work? Health Habits Assignment Discussion Paper

Part 2: Respond to these discussion questions


  1. Describe how you feel about the actions you take today might have an impact on your life at the age of 80. Do you feel you have a great deal of time to correct bad health habits so the impact on your life is negligible?
  2. Describe your philosophy towards preparing for your future health and life at the age of 80 and how much you feel preparations can help you reach your goals. Do you feel having goals and taking actions is beneficial?

please answer in 2 seperate paragraphs. Health Habits Assignment Discussion Paper