Health Information Technology Trends Essay.


Discussion: Healthcare Information Technology Trends

Throughout history, technological advancements have appeared for one purpose before finding applications elsewhere that lead to spikes in its usage and development. The internet, for example, was originally developed to share research before becoming a staple of work and entertainment. But technology—new and repurposed—will undoubtedly continue to be a driver of healthcare information. Informaticists often stay tuned to trends to monitor what the next new technology will be or how the next new idea for applying existing technology can benefit outcomes.Health Information Technology Trends Essay.


In this Discussion, you will reflect on your healthcare organization’s use of technology and offer a technology trend you observe in your environment.Health Information Technology Trends Essay.

To Prepare:

· Reflect on the Resources related to digital information tools and technologies.

· Consider your healthcare organization’s use of healthcare technologies to manage and distribute information.

· Reflect on current and potential future trends, such as use of social media and mobile applications/telehealth, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled asset tracking, or expert systems/artificial intelligence, and how they may impact nursing practice and healthcare delivery.

Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice. Describe any potential challenges or risks that may be inherent in the technologies associated with these trends you described. Then, describe at least one potential benefit and one potential risk associated with data safety, legislation, and patient care for the technologies you described. Next, explain which healthcare technology trends you believe are most promising for impacting healthcare technology in nursing practice and explain why. Describe whether this promise will contribute to improvements in patient care outcomes, efficiencies, or data management. Be specific and provide examples.Health Information Technology Trends Essay.


Assignment: Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies

New technology—and the application of existing technology—only appears in healthcare settings after careful and significant research. The stakes are high, and new clinical systems need to offer evidence of positive impact on outcomes or efficiencies.Health Information Technology Trends Essay.

Nurse informaticists and healthcare leaders formulate clinical system strategies. As these strategies are often based on technology trends, informaticists and others have then benefited from consulting existing research to inform their thinking.

In this Assignment, you will review existing research focused on the application of clinical systems. After reviewing, you will summarize your findings.

To Prepare:

· Review the Resources and reflect on the impact of clinical systems on outcomes and efficiencies within the context of nursing practice and healthcare delivery.

· Conduct a search for recent (within the last 5 years) research focused on the application of clinical systems. The research should provide evidence to support the use of one type of clinical system to improve outcomes and/or efficiencies, such as “the use of personal health records or portals to support patients newly diagnosed with diabetes.”

· Identify and select 5 peer-reviewed articles from your research.Health Information Technology Trends Essay.

The Assignment: (4-5 pages)

In a 4- to 5-page paper, synthesize the peer-reviewed research you reviewed. Be sure to address the following:

· Identify the 5 peer-reviewed articles you reviewed, citing each in APA format.

· Summarize each study, explaining the improvement to outcomes, efficiencies, and lessons learned from the application of the clinical system each peer-reviewed article described. Be specific and provide examples.Health Information Technology Trends Essay.

Health Communication And Health Information Technology

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Health communication and health information technology are essential features in today’s advance healthcare systems. It has become an important portion to healthcare delivery, public health, and the way individuals access and utilize the healthcare systems in modern societies.Health Information Technology Trends Essay. Health communication and technology are influencing the way in which health professionals and the public interprets health information and makes meaningful decisions about health. There is no doubt that effective use of communication and technology in the healthcare industry can contribute toward the expansion of public health education in areas where it is badly needed.Health Information Technology Trends Essay. This presentation will describe the many ways health communication and health information technology has evolve in terms of health care delivery, the emerging issues in health communication and health information technology, and the contributions it has made in dispensing health care.Health Information Technology Trends Essay.

Like other industries, the utilization of the internet and Information Technology (IT) has increased in the health sector. Different applications attributed to the internet and IT in healthcare practice. It includes a range of services that intersect the edge of medicine, computer and information science. The presence of the internet helps healthcare practice with the use of electronic processes and communication.Health Information Technology Trends Essay. Also, health IT (HIT) deals with the devices, clinical guidelines and methods required to improve the management of information in healthcare. Although the internet and HIT has been considered as an influential means to enhance health care delivery, it is completely naive to imagine all new tools and mechanisms supported by the internet and HIT systems are simply adopted and used by all organizational members. As healthcare professionals play an important role in the healthcare sector, there is no doubt that mechanism of newly introduced HIT and new application of the internet in medical practice should be coupled with healthcare professionals’ acceptance.Health Information Technology Trends Essay. Therefore, with great resistance by healthcare professionals new mechanism and tools supported by IT and the internet cannot be used properly and subsequently may not improve the quality of medical care services. However, factors affecting the healthcare professionals’ adoption behavior concerning new e-health and HIT mechanism are still not conclusively identified. This research (as a theoretical study) tries to propose the source of resistance in order to handle the challenges over new e-technology in the health industry. This study uses the involved concepts and develops a conceptual framework to improve overall acceptance of e-health and HIT by healthcare professionals.Health Information Technology Trends Essay.

INTRODUCTION Information Technology, or IT, supports a very broad business style, as it can range from a business of two people to a multimillion employee business. For example, Microsoft, who employs ninety-nine thousand employees, has a much different business structure than a business like Compex Two, who has around a dozen employees.Health Information Technology Trends Essay. Each business supports a different type of service, ranging from medical to general technician questions. In terms of one of the biggest consumers of IT needs, hospitals eliminate the competition. Hospitals have a high risk of death if the handwriting is not legible from the medical professional, which created the need for IT in the hospital to convert to the digital age.Health Information Technology Trends Essay. Not only does Health Informatics decrease the risk of death in patients, it can increase efficiency in a hospital by allowing a doctor to manage multiple patients at one time involving only an assistant to monitor the others. This also allows a doctor to make electronic visits, involving no transportation with full communication from the doctor as well the patient. They are able to see each other, which allows the doctor to view the injuries as well as tell the patient what is needed to be done.Health Information Technology Trends Essay.