Health Issues and Policies Sample Paper

The report is based on some health issues and some related policies. The policies and health issues discussed here is Australian based. The health system in Australia is a complex mix of state government and the federal government responsibility and funding. It makes difficult for the patients to navigate. Anyhow, the universal health system of Australia accomplishes good results which are very efficient. The federal government retains lead responsibility for the primary health care. On the other hand, the state government is more concerned with the serious workplace safety and health issues as a result of violence in the workplace. Today, the workplace violence has increased a lot varying from rape and physical assaults.Health Issues and Policies Sample Paper

Identification of critical health issues and policies

The health problem considered here is occupational safety and health issue in the workplace. Based on the matter, a policy called Workplace Violence Code of Practice was published by the Work Safe Western Australia Commission in November 1999 (Bourne, 2013). The system provides practical guidance for the workplaces where people may be exposed to physical threats, assaults, harassment s, and verbal abuse as well as bullying. The system consists of some proposed course of action. The plans and the proposed course of the measures are taken from the journal of Bob Kucera. According to him, there is nine proposed course of actions. Each of these actions has significant roles regarding addressing each of these issues. The proposed course of action 1 consists of the improvement of the comprehensive policy statement. It also includes the development of resources for assisting health services. These resources are useful for the implementation of strategies for addressing the aggressive bullying and behavior in the workplace. The specific course of action 1 is related to the “bullying” health issue.


Workplace Health Policies

The aggressive behavior of the workplace is not unique to the nursing profession. It impacts the staffs working in health services (Mitchell, Ahmed, & Szabo, 2014). The health problems are not assumed; the issues are genuine and real. Evidence shows that a twenty-six-year-old female was intoxicated, her arm got lacerated. The woman was presented to the Emergency Department by ambulance and escorted by the police. The patient kicked and punched four police officers, two registered nurses, security officers, and a senior doctor. Everybody was injured (Gillespie, Farra, & Gates, 2014). It is a medical emergency case. The primary factor behind this abnormal presence of the patient is high alcohol consumption or history of family violence. After all these, the patient was restrained physically. She was sedated under the duty care by Emergency Department or ED clinical staff. The patient was discharged after a surgery. Therefore, the patient has aggressive behavior. The Minister for Health and the Department of Health Western Australia is dedicated to discourse these issues and work towards the achievement of harmless and the most pleasant working atmosphere. Health Issues and Policies Sample Paper

The key health principles and the draft policy documents

In this section, some key health principles are related to the specific policy described above. The policy described above is Workplace Violence Code of Practice. Based on this policy, a precautionary principle is outlined (Suter, Oelke, Adair, & Armitage, 2009). According to the precautionary principle, unpretentious or permanent dangers to the health of people or the biological community or recognized scientific vulnerability should not be utilized as motivation to defer preventive measures. However, with regards to this paper, businesses and specialists should not defer executions to enhance working environment conditions and advance health principally because there is no solid scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of the intervention. Besides, the working environment parties in projects that are attempting to enhance.Health Issues and Policies Sample Paper

Workplace Health Policies

health professionals through health development practices should remember to conduct a change. The change is a reasonable procedure that requires a few undetectable, inside changes to happen before the real apparent behavior is altered. As a result, this implies tolerance and ingenuity in giving continuous data and instruction might be required, even despite an evident absence of effect (Griffiths, 2011). The principle is necessary to resolve all the health challenges. Taking an example, mental health was warned to a patient approaching someone in the car. As soon as the patient was approached, the patient turned his aggression to the nurse to the nurse. The nurse got injured by the patient. A complaint was made to the police. Since it is an issue of mental health, solutions should be extracted strategically. The mental health organization should maintain a good relationship with the police to protect the reputation of the organization. It is a precautionary health principle. On the other hand, the community education and awareness program must be developed to promote health services to the public. The awareness program from mental health organization helps other people to get the information about mental patients. Health Issues and Policies Sample Paper