Health Literacy of the Nurse and the Patient Essay Paper


Assignment: Health Literacy of the Nurse and the Patient 

In preparation for this assignment, please read The Joint Commission’s Executive Summary entitled: “What Did the Doctor Say?: Improving Health Literacy to Protect Patient Safety.”

In this assignment, you will create a health literacy improvement plan. You will need to address an area that you perceive is weak with respect to the health literacy needs of the patient and on your unit. In this plan, please address each of the following aspects: Health Literacy of the Nurse and the Patient Essay Paper



Introduce      the health literacy needs of your unit and the education needs for the      healthcare providers on your unit.

Effective Communication – An Organizational Priority

Describe      the issue and what can be done to raise awareness in the organization      about the issue you have identified.

What      is your plan to improve the healthcare environment in terms of health      literacy?

  • What      will your organization need to do to improve on the health literacy issue      you have identified?

Strategies to Address Patients’ Communication Needs

What      are the barriers that you note in terms of health literacy in your unit      and in your organization?

What      will you do to improve your patient communication and to assist them in      health literacy needs?

How      will you partner with patients and advocate for shared decision-making?      What services are available to assist patients and their communication  needs? Health Literacy of the Nurse and the Patient Essay Paper

Promoting Improved Provider-Patient Communication

  • What      types of communication techniques will you use to improve provider-patient      communication?

In      terms of hand-off communication, how can you improve your communication      with other providers about the health literacy needs of patients?

What      barriers do you foresee as it relates to implementing your plan?

Conclusion and Summary

Provide      a conclusion/summary which offers a clear review of what you would hope to      see as a result of implementing your plan for improving the health      literacy topic you chose Health Literacy of the Nurse and the Patient Essay Paper