Health Policy Statement on Structured Reporting for the Cardiac Catheterization


Structured reporting is one of the most essential requirements for cardiac catheterization procedures (Quadri et al., 2021). This aspect of a structured report presents instances such as patient documentation and provision of key or essential data in assessing indications and the appropriateness of care. There is the detailing of technical aspects relevant to the procedure, being able to describe the observations and findings, and also benign able to provide sufficient interpretation of the studies. The utilization thus provides the framework where patient care is placed as the ultimate focus of the reporting structure for cardiac catheterization. This policy offers a crucial strategy outlined through common communication between the doctor and the team of healthcare professionals inside the various intuitions, for example, as shown via multiple situations and research (Banerjee et al., 2021)Health Policy Statement on Structured Reporting for the Cardiac Catheterization. Additionally, structured reporting is established to supply the different inventory and billing management, patient outcomes analysis, performance and process development, education and training, and involvement in data registries.


Statutory medical record or documentation, involves completed operations summary or report, outlined through cardiac catheterization, is frequently available to patients online and through their healthcare records (Blankenship et al., 2019). Unequivocal data or information provided to the patient enhances their knowledge, empowerment, and engagement in their treatment. This approach is made possible by improved or enhanced procedure documentation as a way of structured documentation. As a result, comprehensive documents of the utmost quality must be written (Naidu et al., 2021)Health Policy Statement on Structured Reporting for the Cardiac Catheterization. Clarification and comprehensiveness of documentary evidence, reliability in the institution as well as communication of relevant data, order management of prerequisites for good reporting, compliance with regulations, programming, and payment, all the while minimizing the amount of time dedicated to documentary evidence and enhancing operator reliability, are qualities of quality accomplished through formalized information disclosure.

Reflection on Analysis

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Policy

One of the evident strengths of this policy is that its primary concern is directed toward ultimate care provision for the patients. The application of this policy sheds light on how structured reporting at this point is by nature more thorough, accurate, and comprehensive than other approaches in the healthcare profession, like dictation. As a result, the information’s quality and volume are improved (Reed et al., 2018). The policy further presents an aspect of good legal rules guaranteeing that the law is fulfilled in its incorporation, lowering the legal and regulatory obligations, and also in its capability to reduce potential incompliance in its application. One weakness of the policy, which is an undeniable aspect of any new policy, as outlined by Wadhera et al. (2019)Health Policy Statement on Structured Reporting for the Cardiac Catheterization, is its implementation cost. Moreover, the policy places the institution under a financial strain which is also unavoidable. There is also uncertainty about the policy effectiveness in every aspect of the institutional application.

Suggested Changes and Improvements

The policy’s long- and short-term effects on the institutions, its importance, and ensuring that what has been specified is done efficiently and adequately are essential aspects that must be added to the policy. Understanding the long-term consequences creates a setting where organized reporting for cardiac catheterization will be simpler to handle in terms of unforeseen events (Scholz et al., 2021)Health Policy Statement on Structured Reporting for the Cardiac Catheterization. Implementing the long-term aspects will improve the policy and benefit the institutions and the government while assisting in closure for patients.

Community Impact

The policy should be adjusted to fit the community’s expectations. The idea of the policy is not to transform society but to deliver a solution-oriented toward ultimate patient-care satisfaction. Patient affected by the policy expects the best out of this, including a sense of pride when they pay for services. Because of this, the policy is more focused on ensuring that patient care is adequately provided than on the institutions’ benefit, such as making profits. Thus, changing the community is unfavorable as this will take more time and resources than changing the policy, which will be easier as it will also involve the community itself.


Role as a Nurse Practitioner

The role of a nurse is to ensure that the patient is easily integrated into the system when the policy takes effect. This means that the patients are able to understand how the policy will affect their healthcare progress with the institutions and the legal procedures involved. It can be done through regular interaction with the institutions or by sending emails to ensure they are not left behind Health Policy Statement on Structured Reporting for the Cardiac Catheterization. 


Banerjee, S., Monteleone, P., & Novak, S. (2021). Catheterization Laboratory Activity-Based Costing. Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions14(3), e010228.

Blankenship, J. C., Choi, J. W., Das, T. S., McElgunn, P. M., Mukherjee, D., Paxton, L. L., Piana, R., Sauer, J. R., White, C. J., & Duffy, P. L. (2019). SCAI/ACVP expert consensus statement on cardiovascular catheterization laboratory economics: If the cath lab is your home, you should understand its finances: This statement was endorsed by the Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals (ACVP) in April 2019. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions: official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions94(1), 123–135. Health Policy Statement on Structured Reporting for the Cardiac Catheterization