Health Promotion And Mental Health Essay Example

Question 1.

– My current state of health is excellent as I am physically fit, having no mental illness or stress or trauma. I am also socially active because I stay with my family, having friends and I used to meet with the people at community and social gatherings.

– According to WHO, health can be stated as “a complete state of mental, physical and social health, with the absence of disease or illness”. The health of the common people is the most important thing for attaining peace and security. Healthy development is the basic important need of a person and it provides ability to live harmoniously in an environment which is developing. To attain a complete state of health the availability of the benefits of medical, psychological and social knowledge is the most important.


– The activities of health promotion in which I generally used to take part are alcohol counseling groups, blood pressure control programs and drug counseling groups. According to my view these activities needs some changes and those changes can be done by screening of the mental health, treatment of the frequently occurring disorders, promote the substance abuse treatment and many more (Eldredge et al., 2016)Health Promotion And Mental Health Essay Example.

The activities of wellness in which I used to take part are demonstrations of healthy cooking, education and awareness of HIV and AIDS, awareness program for eating disorders, mammography screening of the women and educating them about breast cancer and screening of the people for Ebola and Influenza. The activities to prevent illness in which I generally used to participate are to raise awareness about health behaviors; educating about the behavior change and increasing knowledge about health education; and changing the surrounding for a clean and healthy environment.

– The increase in the mental illness of the people and also some influence from peer group help me to be able to work for this promotion.

– Lisa is a 32 year old female moved in with her 8 year old to stay with her parents after she has been divorced with her husband. She had graduated with top honors in both high-school and medical school. She is now working with a multinational company. After she had been divorced she was staying depressed and unable to concentrate on her work. Her coworkers noticed it and told her family about it. She was taken to a psychologist for her regular counseling. From past few months Lisa feel that she was unusually fatigue and found it difficult to concentrate at work. At home her mother noticed that she used to remain sick for many days and stays at rest. Her coworkers noticed that she becomes irritated and impatient on very small matter and always stays withdrawn from the gatherings Health Promotion And Mental Health Essay Example.

Question 2.

– After detecting that Lisa is being suffering from anxiety some measures are taken for helping Lisa which will reduce her anxiety level is by building a social connection; to have control on her feelings both at work and in daily life; and to stay physically active.

– Effect these measures have on her daily functioning

1. Building social connections will help Lisa to protect herself from the stress by engaging herself in social and communal gatherings, meeting with friends and spending time with the family.

2. By gaining control Lisa can expand her sense of control, both at work and in daily life. This will help her to reduce her depression, anger, irritation and provide moral support to do her work properly.

3. Staying Physically Active helps in reducing excess cortisol which produces more energy during stress and helps to control stress.

– According to the Council of Australian Governments (CoAG), the federal budget allocated for the funding of mental health is too low. For instance this year the federal budget allocated for funding if $115 which is very low as compared to the previous budget which was $2.2billion in 2011-12 (Goodwin, Yiend & Hirsch, 2017).

Depression is more common among females than males in Australia.

– The main factors of depression in women are genetics, physical illness, age, stress and long term pressures. The common symptoms of depression are feeling of loneliness; tiredness; loss if interest in various activity; inability to concentrate; suicidal thoughts and so on (Douglas, 2015)Health Promotion And Mental Health Essay Example.

– Jessica a 25 year old female was detected with depression. She was a successful IT executive who was specialized in the networking field. However she was having some serious problems with her seniors, which had led her to switch the companies. For this she had started a weekly session of physiotherapy to get rid of these problems.

– She was experiencing hopelessness, anxiety, reduced appetite, slowed body movements and unwillingness to work. She is also having trouble in thinking, feeling if guilt and also experiencing physical problems such as body pain.

-Jessica had stopped going to work. She prefers to stay in her room; don’t talk with anyone; do not eat properly. She is being switching her jobs and willing to quit and not to work. The most devastating thing was she was on medication for 20 years.


– Being a nurse it is the toughest part to deal a patient who is suffering from depression. The most important part of a nurse is to improve the health status of the patient within primary care. We as a nurse mainly used to do counseling which can help the patients with symptoms of moderate depression which is further combined with the intake of drugs as prescribed by the doctor.

Australian bureau of statistics states that most of the death in Australia is caused due to suicide. There are data of suicide rates, for example: 3309 people died in 2010 due to suicide and in 2015 3303 people died.

– According to Bertolote and Fleischmann (2015) there are six risk factors of suicide:

1. Family history of suicide

2. Mental disorders

3. Alcohol abuse

4. Drug abuse

5. Feeling of being isolated

6. Physical illness

– According to Bertolote and Fleischmann (2015) six population groups in Australia those are most vulnerable to suicide are: Health Promotion And Mental Health Essay Example

1. Teenagers

2. Indigenous

3. Lesbian

4. Gay

5. Bisexual

6. Transgender

– Three activities for preventing suicide are:

1. Counseling of the persons willing to do suicide.

2. Presenting road show about the cases with unsuccessful suicides.

3. Keeping the patients in a healing center.

– The first things that strike me after a diet show on T.V. is I must also maintain a diet chart to stay healthy. As my body structure is slim so I need to intake a proper diet which will help me stay fit and healthy.

– Some measures to improve mental health are

1. Take care of your body by eating nutritious meals, drinking plenty of water, doing exercise regularly and getting enough sleep.

2. Always try to stay with your family or friends this will help a person to stay fot and healthy.

3. We must learn how to deal with stress; this will ease our pain and provide relaxation.

4. Break up the monotonous routine of daily life. It will make us more efficient and will enhance of feelings.

5.Stay away from drug or alcohol abuse this will make a person ill and will create problems in the family.

6. Whenever you think that you are ill, never hesitate to consult your general physician. He will help you to get appropriate care to recover from mental illness and living a good life.

– Two changes which I will make in my diet to fulfill my daily nutrient needs. Firstly, I will try to eat some pulses during my instead of eating junk food or fast food. Secondly I will include some dietary fibers and fruit to my regular eating habit.

– I can say that my diet is not at all healthy, because I generally use to eat the sugary foods. Most of the time my meals contains dishes which are full of carbohydrate and fats. I do not eat any kinds of fruits for a single time of day. I also don’t drink sufficient amount of water.


– There are many barriers between me and my healthy diet. These barriers are emotional barrier, easy accessible foods, lack of time or confusing information. Emotional eating means that I eat too much and too often than I need. This can be caused from depression, stress or loneliness (Colditz, Lipman and Park, 2016). As there is lots of fast food available we generally prefer to eat snacks or processed foods which are easy to find. Lack of time is very common barrier to healthy eating. Another barrier is the confusing information. Sometimes a food which seems like healthy food may not be so healthy for our body. Such as a low fat cookie which might have lower amount of fat but it contain as much sugar as regular cookie. Health Promotion And Mental Health Essay Example