Health Promotion Nutrition and Exercise Essay

It is very important for a take healthy diet and do regular exercise in order to keep themselves fit and healthy. It is considered as the important determinant of heath and sickness.Health Promotion Nutrition and Exercise Essay

A healthy diet and regular exercise are also important for the mental and physical well being of a person. These habits help a person to prevent them from excess weight gain and in maintaining weight loss.

Also if a person lives a healthy lifestyle, it can help them for better sleeping habits and also keeps their mood good. The physical activity of a person helps them to enhance their brain-related activities, functions, and outcomes.

Traditionally a fat child is treated as a healthy child, a child who is free from infection. But now it is considered as the result of improper exercise and diet system and treated as obesity or overweight.

According to the reports given by WHO, the body mass index varying between 25 and 29.99 is taken as overweight.Health Promotion Nutrition and Exercise Essay


An over-weighted person is considered as dealing with major chronic diseases that can result in severe complications. The level of obesity in the world reached a worrying level.

30% of the world’s population is overweight or obese. There is an estimation done by the McKinsey Global Institute that this data will be increased to almost half of the total population of the world.

One of the prime reasons for obesity and overweight in a person is an imbalance between energy expenditure and energy intake. The people globally have increased the intake of foods that are having highly saturated sugar, salt and fat.

Also, people globally started an insufficient amount of food that is having substances that can badly impact human health.

Excess weight and obesity are the major reason for presenting many chronic diseases in the world. Therefore it is very important for the global population to understand the importance of making healthy food and doing exercise on a daily basis in order to keep the obesity away.Health Promotion Nutrition and Exercise Essay