Health Promotion Plan Essay Discussion Paper

Family caregivers play an important role in the implementation of an aging patient’s care plan. Therefore, they often overlook their own health care requirements in order to aid their family member, resulting in the caregiver’s health and well-being deteriorating. Caregiving has negative psychological consequences that cover a spectrum spanning from the feeling that caregiving is burdensome or stressful to symptoms of depression and/or anxiety, clinical depression confirmed by a healthcare professional, and diminished quality of life (Schulz et al., 2016)Health Promotion Plan Essay Discussion Paper.


Consequently, it has become vital for caregivers to take an active role in promoting their own health while providing care for those they love. In the case of a 45-year-old woman who is caring for her elderly mother, one of the most essential things she can do as a caregiver is to take care of herself as much as she can. It is essential to her own health and well-being.  The most important steps that this caregiver can take to improve their health are to engage in regular physical exercise, eat a heart-healthy diet, set aside time for herself, and be on the lookout for clinical manifestations of depression (Schulz et al., 2016)Health Promotion Plan Essay Discussion Paper.

On the other hand, the caregiver also has a role to play in promoting her mother’s health. One of her roles is to motivate her elderly mother to maintain an active lifestyle. This is due to the fact that physical exercise boosts blood flow throughout the body, including the brain (Moral-Fernández et al., 2019). This could be beneficial in improving her memory. In addition, the caregiver should make certain that her mother maintains her mental activity. In the same way that physical exercise helps to maintain one’s body in form, mentally engaging activities help to keep one’s brain in shape, which may help to improve her memory. Other health promotion measures that the caregiver should implement include ensuring that her mother socializes on a regular basis, gets enough sleep, and consumes a healthy diet Health Promotion Plan Essay Discussion Paper.


Moral-Fernández, L., Frías-Osuna, A., Moreno-Cámara, S., Palomino-Moral, P. A., & Del-Pino-Casado, R. (2018). The start of caring for an elderly dependent family member: A qualitative metasynthesis. BMC Geriatrics, 18(1).

Schulz, R., Eden, J., & National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2016). Family caregiving roles and impacts. In Families caring for an aging America. National Academies Press (US).

Create an individual health promotion plan for a 45 year old woman is watching her mother age and is concerned for her. Her mom has difficulty moving around and is often forgetful. There is nothing overtly wrong but it makes Ashley think about her own mortality. What can she do to promote her own health as she ages? What can she do to assist her mother’s health?  Health Promotion Plan Essay Discussion Paper