Health Promotion Program For Diabetes Essay Sample Paper


The disease that will be chosen for the health promotion program is diabetes. The healthcare program that will be impacted in this research is The National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS). Diabetes is a disease which is long-term and affects the system through which the body processes food and turns it into energy. The food taken by the diabetic patients is broken down into sugar and is released into the bloodstream (Fleming & Parker, 2020). The excessive amount of sugar in the bloodstream causes several problems such as cardiovascular problems, weight loss, and fatigue and so on.

The policies adopted by NDSS will help in health promotion program introduced here will focus on spreading awareness about the disease among the common people. The program will include healthcare professionals, stakeholders, policy makers and the common people. The diet that causes diabetes, side-effects, major causes, treatment will be impacted upon in the program Health Promotion Program For Diabetes Essay Sample Paper.


Background of the Program

The topic of diabetes has been chosen for the health promotion program as it is the fastest growing chronic disease in Australia. The rate of diabetes in Australia has risen from 3.3% in 2001 to 4.4% in 2018 (Black et al., 2017). About 1million Australians were suffering from type-2 diabetes in 2018. There have been an approximate 16,700 fatalities caused due to diabetes in Australia that year. The nutritional factors that cause diabetes in individuals include a diet that is extremely high on fats, protein and carbohydrates (Fenwick et al., 2018). The nutritional disproportion that is the major cause of diabetes will be highlighted in the program.

NDSS aims at provision of subsidised diabetes products to the diabetic patients and aid them in self-management. This strategy has been aided by the government in order to ensure that there is a greater awareness among the public about the disease (Hammarberg et al., 2017). Australia’s National Health Priority Areas in 2020 (NHPA) includes diabetes mellitus as a major aspect in preventing the disease. 

Design of the Program

There were a lot of areas that have been covered through this health promotion program. The program had begun with my introductory speech about diabetes. Being a public health nutritionist, I had talked about the nutritional deficiencies or excesses that are the major cause of the disease. I also talked about how important it is to curb diabetes at an early stage with proper medication, good nutrition, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This program has been designed to be quite informative for the common people and to ensure that they take preventive measures against this chronic disease (Schoenaker et al., 2020). Statistical data has also been impacted in the study to bring out the seriousness of the disease. How the disease has taken away a lot of lives has been highlighted through the program via graphical presentations on the screen with proper evidence based on verified research. Blood glucose monitoring strips, urine monitoring strips, insulin pumps, flash glucose monitoring products and insulin syringes were provided to the patients at the end of the function Health Promotion Program For Diabetes Essay Sample Paper.


The major aim of NDSS lies in spreading the information regarding diabetes to the common people so that they are alerted and are more aware of the future regarding the disease. This program will also ensure that people take better measures in maintaining their health and replace junk food with nutritious foods in order to avoid diabetes. The distribution of subsidised diabetes products was distributed after the program. The target groups within this program have been clearly mentioned to make the people more aware of the issues that they may be facing in the long run (Crespo et al., 2020).

Proper nutritional advice will be provided to the common people as well as the medical practitioners to ensure that they have a holistic knowledge of how to ensure that the disease is kept at bay. The early symptoms of the disease will also be impacted upon so that the people are alerted on the early signs of diabetes and seek help immediately from the healthcare practitioners or seek a proper diet chart from nutritionists.


The major factors that are the influencers of success of the program will include the utilization of a multi-level approach. Diabetes is a nutritional problem of very high priority and therefore this program has a lot of significance. The major target group among the common people attending the program will include the people between the age groups of 45-64. The non-Hispanic black population is also a major target group for this program as they are more prone to diabetes than the whites. The innovation in the healthcare program that will be included is the display of statistical information in a visual format of the people affected due to diabetes and the free provision of medicines and other equipment of diabetes to the patients with lower economic support (Agomo et al., 2018). The partnerships with a renowned pharmaceutical company will ensure that there is a better progression of the program. The priorities of this program include community-based studies associated with primary prevention and identifying cheaper and safer drugs for the patients.

The NDSS-based program will commence with introductory speeches and information regarding the risks related to diabetes and the ways in which it can be prevented. The program has been designed to be quite lengthy and informative for the people with diabetes. Some of the major stakeholders will include some pharmaceutical companies, healthcare practitioners, nutritionists present in the program and the patients suffering from diabetes (Myhealthforlife)Health Promotion Program For Diabetes Essay Sample Paper. The stakeholders in the program seek to achieve greater knowledge on the topic of diabetes and the aspect of nutrition that is directly associated with the disease. The remedies through which the mortality rate due to diabetes can be reduced and the proper nutrition chart that will ensure that the rate of diabetes and its side effects on people have reduced can be attained through the program.

The major aims and objectives of the stakeholders lie in ensuring that the program becomes a grand success and helps out people by enhancing their knowledge of diabetes in order to help them prevent it. The stakeholders together are responsible for the major policy-changing decisions undertaken by the government. The major aim of the stakeholders will be to draw the focus of the government toward the aspect and raise greater amounts of funds for the disease. Some of the factors associated with the success of the program include indispensability, mindset of a wider well-being, reinvention of experiences of the patients, inclusion of new technologies, embedding innovation within the program and so on.

The program that has been supported by the NDSS has been evaluated effectively. The strengths as well as the limitations of the program has been brought out through this program. The intended evaluation procedure will include the inclusion of surveys from the people present at the program. The areas of lacunas as well as strengths of the programs can be better understood with the utilization of a survey method. It will prove to be effective as it is a cheap method, easy to analyses, will be of use for the researchers in the future, faster process and so on (Dao et al., 2019). Some of the disadvantages of the process will include a biased response of the responders, the questions provided will be close-ended. A lot of decisions of the patients as well as the medical practitioners depend on the program, as it will alter their views about diabetes and provide recommendations on how to cure diabetes (Chatterjee et al., 2018) Health Promotion Program For Diabetes Essay Sample Paper.

Some of the future directions through which NDSS supported programs can be improved is through an equal distribution of tasks to the various members organizing the program. This aspect will ensure that there is a smooth progression of the event. Active patient engagement in the program has to be included in order to ensure that there is a better understanding of the problems being faced by them (Fleming & Parker, 2020). This aspect will help in a more specific approach of the program towards the resolving of the problems associated with diabetes. The patients suffering from diabetes in the program has to be handed over a chart of foods that will aid in keeping the level of glucose under control (Siu et al., 2021). The foods that are totally to be avoided also has to be made known to them in order to bring down the number of diabetic patients. An annual arrangement of similar programs has to be ensured. More years added to the program will help in educating a lot more people than in just one year.

Some of the positive aspects of the program included a widespread provision of information regarding diabetes to people from all segments of the society and provision of free medical check-ups and commodities to treat diabetes. However, some of the barriers to the program included a shortage of time, shortage of healthcare professionals and so on.

Consultations with the Organisation

The pharmaceutical company that will be considered as a partner NDSS in conducting the program have to be consulted thoroughly. The consultation with the organisation will ensure that the program goes on smoothly and the major social cause of the program has to be explained in details to them, for them to understand the importance of the topic. This will provide them with an initiative of providing proper funds for the program, which in-turn will ensure their sales of medicines for diabetes. Consulting the company regarding the brand awareness about their products on diabetes will also provide a boost to the company’s zeal to be a major source of funding for the program (O’Donnell et al., 2019). A transparent communication with the organisation will ensure that the course of the program is set clearly to them and it will also be ensured that no rules of the organisation are hampered due to the program.



The efforts of the government to help the diabetic patients through the National Diabetes Service Scheme will be impacted within this research. This program, which includes an awareness about diabetes includes several aspects that are to be covered. Some of the major aspects covered in this report consists of background of the program, design, stakeholders, major aims and objectives, evaluation procedure, effect of consultation with the partner organisation, recommendations to improve in the future. The major symptoms of diabetes, its causes and impact on the health in the long run has also been included in the event. The organizing of the health promotion program about diabetes has been impacted upon in this report in details Health Promotion Program For Diabetes Essay Sample Paper.

Reference List


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Fleming, M. L., & Parker, E. (2020). Health promotion: Principles and practice in the Australian context. Routledge. Health Promotion Program For Diabetes Essay Sample Paper