Healthcare Concern Essay Assignment Paper


PICOT is a healthcare concern that relies on the facts of the effort to take care of health issues. PICOT embodies a nature-tested instrument that aims to identify the reason for and what can be used to solve on a health problem. Across a whole healthcare setting, a few health issues arise, like illnesses that impact health care professionals due to their patient relationships. The workforce that is likely to be adversely affected is the patient caregivers, alluding to the group involved in the PICOT test. PICOT represents a substantial stage wherein health concerns can be handled by a closer look and redirected to the exploration of solutions that will bring an end to the matter. The study will help to provide an alternative viewpoint and intervention strategies that may be used to resolve concerns about health. Some studies have pointed to health issues where PICOT may be used for analysis. This paper will involve the literature review of the shortage of nurses, their implications, the population in research and the limitation of the research. At this point, the paper will make a recommendation that can be followed to fix the issue Healthcare Concern Essay Assignment Paper.


Research Question Comparisons

Many of the research questions in these studies revolved around why is the issue of nursing shortages likely to get worse without remedial policy interventions? What correlation exists between nurse staffing levels and nurse-sensitive patient outcomes? What is known about current nurse workforces and shortages and what can be done to forestall such shortages? What are the factors that lead to healthcare providers leaving the medical profession setting? What are the causes of nurses’ shortages? How will the future be for healthcare concerning nurses shortages? What are the causes of nursing shortage and its impact on health policies and systems? Why the evident importunate shortage of registered nurses? Why despite all of the growth in supply, will there still be a shortfall of several nursing professionals by 2020?

The key idea behind the cause for the shortage of nurses is seen in these studies, along with the steps that have been placed in order to guarantee that the entire issue is resolved. Research questions were integral in that they could provide a top-to-bottom research on the key reason for the nursing shortage and how it could have been addressed. The research sought to fix the issue of the shortage of nurses in the health of patients and steps to manage the issue (Dreddan & Ross, 2019) Healthcare Concern Essay Assignment Paper.

Comparison of sample populations

Any research relies on the population sample that provides a basis for health professionals to obtain the results of the study and the comprehensive recommendations. The sample population in this research consisted of registered nurses in high-income countries, nurses in each state of the USA, Arizona nurses, national listings and strategic documents for nursing policy in Poland, Electronic databases, and published documents from international organizations with remits for nursing workforces.

The main aim of choosing these populations was to convey information about the impacts of the nurse shortage into the healthcare, the effects to the patients and what burden do the existing nurses face when handling the various patients. One of the studies subdivided the group into subgroups based on whether they have experienced the impact of the nurse shortage. The information conveyed was compared to the one which was acquired in the previous studies, and this helped a lot in gaining a better understanding of the effects of the nurse shortages and the problem the existing burses encounter (Marć et al., 2019) Healthcare Concern Essay Assignment Paper.

Comparison of the limitations of the study

Each research has its own weaknesses, which indicate the problems encountered by the study. Some researchers have faced limitations that vary from one professional to another. In any event, there are strong barriers to various studies. Disparities, however, tend to map the problem to which it relates. In the study performed by Goodare (2017), the weakness of the study was the difficulties provided by the professional caregivers in responding to the investigation. Failure to collect accurate details about the causes for the shortage of nurses and the effect of staffing issues  on patients and other personnel in the healthcare system. The research was examined with the measure of constructive critique where the example population had concerns regarding the initial point of the study to the degree that their professions were involved. Johnson et al, (2016), faced the weakness of insufficient information by focusing only on Arizona nurses in their study. Some of the nurses were not interested in the care of vulnerable patients, and the information they provided was not a clear representation of the problem being addressed. Another drawback of the research was the idea that several patients were unable to discuss the different causes of the shortage of nurses, and the inaccurate information and misinformation was a weakness of the study as a whole (Driscoll et al., 2018) Healthcare Concern Essay Assignment Paper.


Further work has to be driven by taking account of the inclinations and constraints that have been identified to previous studies. Emergency medical conditions are a big concern that needs to be tackled in order to improve the efficiency of healthcare services in order to provide quality care to patients. Nurse shortages should be resolved as soon as humanly possible, because several  of the patients included in the study face various problems that cause deaths. Nursing staff are burdened by the care of several patients at the same time. It is therefore the responsibility of the   government to intervene to resolve the issue of nursing shortage Healthcare Concern Essay Assignment Paper.


Buchan, J., Duffield, C., & Jordan, A. (2015). ‘Solving’ nursing shortages: do we need a New Agenda? Journal of Nursing Management23(5), 543-545.

Carnevale, A. P., Smith, N., & Gulish, A. (2015). Nursing: Supply and demand through 2020.

Drennan, V. M., & Ross, F. (2019). Global nurse shortages—the facts, the impact, and action for change. British medical bulletin130(1), 25-37.

Driscoll, A., Grant, M. J., Carroll, D., Dalton, S., Deaton, C., Jones, I., & Astin, F. (2018). The effect of nurse-to-patient ratios on nurse-sensitive patient outcomes in acute specialist units: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing17(1), 6-22.

Goodare, P. (2017). Literature review: Why do we continue to lose our nurses?. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, The34(4), 50.

Haddad, L. M., Annamaraju, P., & Toney-Butler, T. J. (2020). Nursing shortage. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.

Johnson, W. G., Butler, R., Harootunian, G., Wilson, B., & Linan, M. (2016). Registered nurses: The curious case of a persistent shortage. Journal of Nursing Scholarship48(4), 387-396.

Marć, M., Bartosiewicz, A., Burzyńska, J., Chmiel, Z., & Januszewicz, P. (2019). A nursing shortage–a prospect of global and local policies. International nursing review66(1), 9-16.


A literature review analyzes how current research supports the PICOT, as well as identifies what is known and what is not known in the evidence. Students will use the information from the earlier PICOT Question Paper and Literature Evaluation Table assignments to develop a 750-1,000 word review that includes the following sections: Title page Introduction section A comparison of research questions A comparison of sample populations A comparison of the limitations of the study A conclusion section, incorporating recommendations for further research Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion Healthcare Concern Essay Assignment Paper