Healthcare Management Capstone Assignment Paper


“The complexity of financing in health care is one of the primary characteristics of medical care delivery in the United States” (Shi & Singh, 2012, p. 129). There are numerous reimbursement methods (e.g., capitation, fee-for-service, package pricing, etc.) that are used by health care organizations and providers to get paid for the health care services that they provide. Building upon your Individual Project from Phase 1, construct a PowerPoint presentation of 10–12 slides with speaker notes of 100–150 words per slide that contains the following: Healthcare Management Capstone Assignment Paper


  • Summarize 3 different reimbursement methods that are used by health care providers and organizations.
  • Choose which method(s) will work best for the health care facility that you have proposed to be developed, and explain why you chose that method(s).
  • Discuss the pros and cons of the reimbursement method(s) that you chose.
  • Discuss the impact that the method(s) may have on the financial operations of the facility that you chose.

Note: You should include a minimum of 3 references, properly cited in APA format

Running head: MOBILE HEALTH CARE CLINICS Mobile Health Care Clinics Carolyn Roberts Colorado Technical University Healthcare Management Capstone HSS491-1403B-01 Professor Paula Hagstrom August 25, 2014 1 MOBILE HEALTH CARE CLINICS Mobile Health Care Clinics The modern world has undergone several and rapid changes in different sectors. The change has also caught up with the health sector. There are a lot of changes happening in the sector, healthcare is no longer about getting examined, drugs or even treated.

Major changes have occurred including involving the consumers to get their opinions and preferences on various health matters. One of the ways that can be used to counter the changes in the health care sector is to come up with ideal facilities. A possible and practical facility would be mobile clinics. However, the mobile health clinics would be an initiative of a main health facility. This means that there would be a main hospital which is the umbrella organization, and which is fully equipped to handle the health matters that require special care. A mobile health clinic is a provision of healthcare services on the go (Shi & Singh, 2013). It is not a permanent structure, but it is able to reach a good number of consumers within a given area without the patients having to go to the main facility. It is a practical facility for low income earners as they are able to easily access services. The mobile health clinics would supplement the main hospital in areas where accessibility of health services is not easy. In addition, the clinics would be able to reach the vulnerable populations. The clinics will also help in providing low cost health care to people in the covered areas. They would also be able to quickly react in cases of emergencies and outbreaks (Shi & Singh, 2013)Healthcare Management Capstone Assignment Paper. The clinics would refer complicated cases back to the main health care facility, which would be centrally located. 2 MOBILE HEALTH CARE CLINICS 3 The type of health care delivery services by the mobile health care clinics would be out patient. Outpatient service is for minor illnesses and diseases that do not need a patient to be admitted into a hospital ward.

The inpatient health care will include a couple of services. There would be the primary outpatient services. This includes services like assessment, diagnosis, preventive and therapeutic (Hill et al., 2014). In this case, the clinics would be stationed in strategic areas whereby patients can walk in and seek medical attention. In the case of diagnosis, the doctors can either put the patient on the necessary treatment or refer them to the main hospital respectively. The primary outpatient care can also be in form of home visits whereby the clinics staff can visit different patients from their home. This would be done to check on the health of different people as well as offer medical services where appropriate. This care will also involve the coordination of continuous healthcare services that have been initially provided by other healthcare facilities. For example, the AIDS patients may get their ARV and counselling sessions from the mobile clinic. The other outpatient services are stationery care. This is whereby the patients have medical conditions which require continuous or daily outpatient treatment (Hill et al., 2014)Healthcare Management Capstone Assignment Paper. Instead of patients travelling far for these services, the mobile health care clinics can bring the services nearer to the patient. This will ensure that the patients do not strain and are able to get their treatment on a daily basis. Further, there are patients who may not afford the necessary resources to get to the main hospitals for daily treatment. The clinics can easily handle such situations. There are also the specialized outpatient health facilities. These services require the input or the use of medical specialists. It is not easy to find these specialists in the remote areas or rural places. Therefore, the health clinic would be able to take the specialised services to the MOBILE HEALTH CARE CLINICS 4 people in the vulnerable areas. The clinics would also be reasonable in terms of prices in order to reach the target audience. The other health care facility that can be provided effectively by the mobile healthcare facilities is health education, nutrition advice and counselling (Hill et al., 2014). The health education can be offered as a customer care service to attract more customers as well as add value to the services. If patients are aware of free provision of important information, they will most likely become loyal to the facility. The clinics can also offer nutrition advice and education to people with different conditions at a reasonable fee. The service can include advice on the appropriate foods for people with certain diseases like diabetes. For this health care facility to succeed there is the need for different service providers. This includes doctors, nurses and other specialists (Slager, 2004)Healthcare Management Capstone Assignment Paper.

There would be a need for primary health care providers. These are the doctors that conduct first check-ups on patients. They include the medical doctors and the osteopathic medicine doctors (Medline plus). These doctors will be able to examine different patients, and advise whether the patients need further medical attention from the main facility. They will also be able to determine the appropriate medical attention after the diagnosis. The gynaecologist will be able to handle women health related issues while the paediatrics will deal with children related issues. There is also the need for nurse practitioners who will work together with the doctors. A practitioner nurse is one who has graduate training and can also provide primary health care (Slager, 2004)Healthcare Management Capstone Assignment Paper. Some of the nurses can also prescribe medicine for patients in various cases. They also help the doctors in the dispensation of their duties. The registered nurses are those that have graduated. The physical assistants can help the doctors in a wide range of services (Medline MOBILE HEALTH CARE CLINICS 5 plus). There will also be a need for allied professionals to help in other duties different from medicine or nursing. It is also necessary to bring on board administration professionals who help in the other operations like billing clients and procurement of supplies among other administrative duties. Health mobile clinics are supposed to help in making health care more accessible to a greater percentage of the population. They should be a supplement to the main hospitals or heath care facilities to help in the quick dispensation of the services.


There is need to conduct a research on the most viable areas to provide the mobile health clinic services. MOBILE HEALTH CARE CLINICS 6 References Caterina F. Hill, MSc, MA (Cantab); *Brian W. Powers, AB; Sachin H. Jain, MD, MBA; Jennifer Bennet, BS; Anthony Vavasis, MD; and Nancy E. Oriol, MD. Mobile Health Clinics in the Era of Reform. March 20, 2014. Retrieved from Medline plus. Choosing a primary care provider. Retrieved from Slager, J. (2004). Concepts in business for healthcare providers: A quick reference for the disruptive innovator. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2013)Healthcare Management Capstone Assignment Paper. Essentials of the U.S. health care system. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.