Healthcare Workforce Shortage And Possible Solutions Discussion
Running Head: HEALTHCARE WORKFORCE SHORTAGE AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Healthcare Workforce Shortage and Possible Solutions Name Institution Affiliation 28/10/2017 1 HEALTHCARE WORKFORCE SHORTAGE AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Introduction Healthcare sector is a labor-intensive sector that requires a lot of human personnel to engage in performing many of its functions. Considering this, for the healthcare system to function, there should be enough healthcare providers available and a proper system that ensures they are properly motivated to perform their duties. One of the goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development goal that the United Nations member states agreed on, was to ensure Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by the year 2030. Healthcare Workforce Shortage And Possible Solutions Discussion
This UHC included access to quality basic healthcare services. This goal has become a tall order to achieve for many countries because of the shortage of the skilled labor in the hospitals. These countries are unable to create an equal distribution of the healthcare personnel spread out among it healthcare facilities. According to a report released by WHO in 2013, it revealed that by the year 2035, the world will have a shortage of approximately 12 million healthcare employees which will create serious issues for the access to health for the people all over the world (Orvill & Pascal, 2014) Causes of healthcare workforce shortage The aging population has created a shortage in the healthcare sector. Healthcare Workforce Shortage And Possible Solutions Discussion