Holistic Palliative Care Sample Essay Paper

To complete the assessment, you must respond to a number of questions, which are based on the case study. These questions must be answered in full. When responding to the questions, please pay attention to the entire question being asked, as well as the prescribed word count, if provided. Use the correct medical terminology when answering all questions. Holistic Palliative Care Sample Essay Paper

References are required in every answer box where indicated. In-text referencing can

also be used.


Reference bibliography is not required.

You are an Enrolled Nurse working in a residential facility. Mrs Hong has been a resident at your facility for 10 months. After the initial settling in period, which Mrs Hong found difficult due to her limited English and early dementia, she is now settled and has a good routine that she and her daughter are happy with. Mrs Hong’s daughter, Yu Yang, visits her mother daily and assists with bringing in Asian food for Mrs Hong. At times however, Mrs Hong still finds it challenging to interact with other residents and staff and can become quite upset and distressed, especially if her daughter is late with her food.

Five months ago, it was noted that Mrs Hong had a deformity in her right breast. On examination it was determined that Mrs Hong had stage 3C breast cancer. Mrs Hong and her daughter, Yu Yang, were provided with information relating to the condition and the options available. They have decided to opt for palliative care. Mrs Hong does not want any active treatment and an advanced care directive has been completed with her instructions. In the last 2 days, Mrs Hong has shown signs of deterioration with her condition, is unable to eat or drink, and is confined to bed. She remains conscious at present and her daughter, Yu Yang, is with her for most of the day.

As part of your role, you are working with a Registered nurse to provide care for Mrs Hong considering her choices for palliative care.

Character Briefs reviewed: Holistic Palliative Care Sample Essay Paper

Mrs Fei Hong:

Mrs Hong is a 70 year old lady of Chinese origin.

Mrs Hong’s background includes: –

  • Comes from one child family, Chinese background
  • Speaks little English
  • Has no extended family
  • Came to Australia to help her daughter, Yu Yang, raise her son 19 years ago.
  • Is beginning to demonstrate signs of dementia
  • Interferes in parenting of twins
  • Dictates cooking must be Asian
  • Has hearing and sight impairment

Mrs Yu Yang McFarlane:

Mrs McFarlane is Mrs Hong’s daughter. She is 38 years old and married to George McFarlane. She has a son, Jason, and 3 year old twins.

Mrs McFarlane’s background includes: –

  • Came to Australian as a University student
  • Fell pregnant at the age of 19 – did not marry
  • Married George 5 years ago
  • Has 3 year old twins at home
  • One twin has developmental disorder
  • English language is good
  • Was/Is isolated with no extended family
  • Her issues will be those of isolated immigrant
  • Prefers to cook Asian food
  • Needed help with raising child and invited Chinese mother to Australia to help out


Mr George McFarlane:

Mr McFarlane has been married to Yu Yang for 5 years. He is 53 years old. Mr McFarlane is reliant on Yu Yang to complete all domestic duties as he is not self-sufficient. He is a long- haul truck driver and is often away for work. He earns good money. Holistic Palliative Care Sample Essay Paper

TASK Assessment Criteria
Question 1 Define the term ‘holistic care’

Provide examples of how you would provide holistic palliative care to Mrs Hong and her family in each of the following 10 aspects.  (word limit – 100 Words)



Definition of Holistic care Holistic care in nursing is the practice of providing treatment and care interventions by considering the person as a whole including their social, physical, cultural, emotional and religious dimensions.
Pain relief – pharmacological The nurse can collaborate with the general practitioner to prescribe pain medications such as analgesics or fentanyl.
Pain relief – non- pharmacological Interventions can include massaging, cold or warm compressions and physio or occupational therapy.
Physical care Mrs Hong should be repositioned frequently to prevent any risks of pressure ulcers.
Nutritional support The nurse must collaborate with the dietician to provide meal plans as per disease condition and her Asian traditions.
Elimination  support The nurse should supervise and assist Mrs Hong in her elimination and assist her in practicing hygiene and self-care whilst respecting her privacy. If incontinent, support can be provided using catheter or incontinence pads
Social support The nurse and the team must provide opportunities for Mrs Hong’s family to visit her and also arrange activities which are culturally appropriate to support her needs.
Cultural support The nurse must ensure to respect Mrs Hong’s cultural traditions and beliefs and treat her in a non-discriminatory manner
Religious support The nurse must respect Mrs Hong’s religious beliefs in a non-judgmental and non-discriminatory manner.
Emotional support The nurse can engage in positive interpersonal communication and affirmations to provide emotional support to Mrs Hong.
Reference Lukovsky, J., McGrath, E., Sun, C., Frankl, D., & Beauchesne, M. A. (2021). A survey of hospice and palliative care nurses’ and holistic nurses’ perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 23(1), 28-37.
TASK Assessment Criteria
Question 2 What document would outline Mrs Hong’s wishes for her care if she was unable to tell you?

What details might this document include?

Response: An advanced care directive is the document which would provide an understanding about Mrs Hong’s wishes for her care in case she is unable to communicate the same. It will contain details of her values, goals, beliefs and preferred care interventions for the future during emergencies or if she is unable to communicate. It also contains details of the decision maker who will formally be a substitute to take decisions on her behalf if she loses the mental capacity to engage in personal decision making.

REFERENCE: Jones, T., Luth, E. A., Lin, S. Y., & Brody, A. A. (2021). Advance care planning, palliative care, and end-of-life care interventions for racial and ethnic underrepresented groups: a systematic review. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 62(3), e248-e260. Holistic Palliative Care Sample Essay Paper