Hormones and Behavior Essay Example

Explain the interaction between hormones and behavior and how this interaction affects the determination of adult sexuality.Hormones and Behavior Essay Example

Hormones can be defined as a chemical release which amends the metabolism. They normally play a huge role in the human body. There are various distinct glands of the body which secrete diverse hormones which are very significant to the functioning of the body system. Also, hormones indicates body changes and each an every hormone has a precise functionality, and this is where hormones interact with behaviors. (William, B. 2005)

A particular cell can release a hormone which will affect another cell for particular aim. Hormones are been released by all living beings, that is plant and animals. The types of cells which release hormones are the ovaries, thyroid glands, pituitary glands and the endocrine system. The major purpose of the hormone is releasing signals for a certain role to be carried out. This major function are linked to the body, such as walking, sleeping, and each an every metal or physical action that occurs.Hormones and Behavior Essay Example


In most cases, hormones normally intermingle with the proteins in order to form the receptors. The thyroid glands or the pituitary gland normally releases a certain hormones which are useful in promoting a specific behavior. This relationship betwixt behavior patterns and hormones patterns can be examined mostly in women. Women usually pass on through various distinct stages of life, such as puberty, menopause and perimenopause. During this period, hormones get altered. Women psychology is also impacted by hormones during these stages. The behaviors patterns, such as anxiety, suspicious, hastiness, impatient and eagerness can also be observed in both women and men. This might be direct been caused by the changes of hormones in the body. Moreover, hormones have a potential of affecting the neurons which are in the brain cell, hence resulting to a certain behavior patterns. But all in all, these hormones are extremely vital to the functioning of various body systems including immune system of the body. During adulthood stages, adults behaviors changes a lot, and the hormones released are definitely more. These changes of hormones and behaviors can lead to sexuality, and this is why majority of teenagers are sexually active because of the hormones and behavior influence.

Evaluate biological psychology processes on sexual differentiation

The development procedure of the dissimilarities betwixt females and males from an undifferentiated fertilized egg (zygote) is known as sexual differentiation. During this period of male and female developing individually from zygote into fetuses, infants, children adolescents and finally into adults, gender and sex dissimilarities normally develop genes, hormones, chromosomes, genes, anatomy, psyche, gonads, and socio behaviors.Hormones and Behavior Essay Example

The initial stages of a human being differentiation tend to appear equivalent to the biological processes of other mammals, and this can be observed through the development and interaction of hormones, genes, and the body structure. During the first week of life, a fetus does not have an anatomic or hormonal sex, but you can differentiate between male and female through karyotype. There are certain genes which stimulate gonadal differences, which cause anatomic differences and the growth of hormonal differences, therefore resulting to behavior and psychological differences, some of them are induced by the social environment or innate.  The association of biological factors and human aspects of differentiation, and particularly the means and the degrees by which environmental and social influences adds to behavioral and psychological differentiation.

The differentiation of sex steroid in adult reproductive, among other behavior has been examined through experimental in many animals. In a number of mammals, adult sex-dimorphic reproductive behavior (for example receptive or mounting) can be transferred to another sex through deprivation or supplementation of androgens in early infancy or fetal life, notwithstanding if the level of adults is normal.

During childhood and adulthoods, there a lot of behavioral and psychological sex differences, both dimorphic and dichotomous. Some (for example dress) are obviously culture or learned. Others (for example spatial reasoning, early verbal fluency) are verifiable across cultures and might have both learned and biological determinants. Since we can’t investigate hormonal influences on the experimental of human reproductive behavior, and also the political potential implications are not welcomed in a lot of society faction. The comparative donations of biological factors and learning to behavior differences and human psychological, particularly gender identity, orientation, and role, remained controversial and unsettled.Hormones and Behavior Essay Example

Determine key biological changes in sexual development

During this stage, there are a lot of biological changes which occurs rapidly, mainly because of genetic and environmental factors. In boys, sexual development changes starts with scrotum and testes enlargement, followed by penis lengthening and the enlargement of prostate and seminal vesicles. Afterward, public hair appears. The facial hair and axillaries normally appears about two years after pubic hair. After one year of testes enlargement, the spurt begins to grow. The initial ejaculation normally occurs one year after penis enlargement. Finally, the gynecomastia which appears in a form of breast buds normally occurs within several years.

In girls, the first physical sign is breast budding and sexual maturation, followed by spurt growth. Afterward, axillary and pubic hair appears. Menarche appears two year after breast growth and its growth decrease when reaching the peak. Menarche appears betwixt 12 and 13 years.Hormones and Behavior Essay Example