How to write a Nursing Scholarship Essay

When your life fulfillment revolves around nursing and helping people in their time of need then yes you are in the right place. Nursing is a career that is more aligned with my calling. Joining your nursing school of choice could be a hurdle if you do not know how to write a convincing scholarship essay. How to write a Nursing Scholarship Essay:

A nursing scholarship essay is an academic writing to an institution expressing your interest to join the school for your nursing education and why you have chosen to apply to their school.

Writing an award scholarship essay tips

The aim of writing a scholarship essay is to win the prize. Your essay should d seek to answer some questions on why you are legible for the scholarship. The essay must seek to address matters such as:

  1. How will the scholarship help you

Briefly explain how the scholarship will come in handy financially or academically. Mention how the support would help with your tuition fees and school expenses. Talk about why your family is not able to raise the money for your studies.

  1. What is your contribution to the community?

Do you have an initiative or involved in any movement? Mention these to the admitting panel and further explain how valuable this scholarship would be used to propel your initiative.

  1. Vividly talk about yourself

Talk about who you are, your interests and your passion. Be careful not to exaggerate but maintain clarity and authenticity

  1. Talk about your career goals and ambition

What are things you expect to accomplish after your studies? What do you want to become and how is it going to impact your career? 

  1. Your life experiences and how you overcame

Is there a particular event that propelled your idea of joining a nursing school? How did you maneuver and overcome it? Write about such events because they are among the attributes the panel is looking for. 

  1. Convince the panel why you need the scholarship

Talk about your family’s financial and social status. Explain your community and their history. 

  1. Talk about the unique features about yourself

Do you have a unique talent that would help your community and the institution at large? Be sure to mention such. Most institutions are interested in holistic growth and not just book warmers

How do I start writing a scholarship essay?

Writing an excellent scholarship essay could be a walk in the park or a gigantic mountain to climb when you don’t have your thoughts well organized. Below are nursing scholarship essay writing tips that will help you put down your essay in an academically accepted format

  1. Conduct your research
  2. Come up with possible essay titles
  3. Write an introduction
  4. The Body
  5. The Conclusion
  6. Proofreading & Editing
  7. Read your work with a friend or a family member
  8. Write your essay perfectly

The above tips will help you pen down an academically excellent scholarship essay that will win you a chance at the institution of your choice.

Parts of a scholarship essay

An essay has three major parts. Each part seems to express why the admission office should accept you into the institution. Each part further addresses the need for the institution to offer you the scholarship over other applicants. The parts seek to address how the institution could also benefit by awarding you the chance. Below are the 3 major parts of an essay:

The introduction

The introduction of your scholarship essay should be brief, eye-catching, interesting and be able to strike the major subject of discussion at a glance. Your first paragraphs should clearly indicate what you are expressing and your wishes to the reader or the admitting officer. 

The language is always more friendly and therefore you can throw in a proverb, a quote or a short story that is in line with your subject to grab the attention of the reader. 

Why is the introduction part of an essay very important? Well, they say the first impression lasts forever. Your introduction is your first impression and having it at your best increases your chances of being awarded the scholarship. Below are some of the general reasons why your introduction must be outstanding:

  1. It introduces the writer to the reader
  2. It gives the desired background information on the writer
  3. The introduction identifies the problem
  4. It presents possible solutions that the writer wishes to address 
  5. Authenticates the writer’s credibility

The reader is able to establish a vivid picture of who the writer is and be able to understand the background. You would not want to miss a slot in the school through the scholarship program because of a poorly written introduction.   

The Body

The body is the main part of your scholarship essay. The body should be elaborative and with more details stating facts, and ideas and reflecting much on the writer and the interest in the scholarship award. Each paragraph should be well constructed with no repetition and in proper sequence. One should not jump from one point to the other without showing the connectivity from one sentence to the other. 

The body must contain the following elements: 

  1. A topic sentence

This will inform the reader what you are going to discuss by using the WHS questions (who, where, why, when and how).  Topic sentences form the theme of discussion in the body that must be adhered to

  1.  A smooth transition

At the beginning of every detail sentence, there should be a smooth transition to ensure a seamless flow of the essay.

  1. Add all the necessary details(numbers, feelings among others)

Include all the details numeric data or non-numerical to back up your statement.


In the conclusive statement, leave the reader with the clear message you want to pass over. This will help in decision-making for the panel.

In the body, the reader expects to read why you feel you are the best candidate for the scholarship. The committee should be able to make sense of your application in this section. This is the section that will make you pass or fail you.

The general format of a scholarship essay

The generally accepted format of a scholarship essay is as bellow:

  1. The fonts should be in Times New Roman
  2. The font size is 12-point
  3. The rule of double spacing must be considered
  4. 1” margin both at the top, bottom, and side
  5. An indent before each paragraph.
  6. PDF is the format recommended unless instructed otherwise. 

Qualities of a good scholarship essay

A good essay is as good as a first impression while vice versa is true. Before submitting your essay to the institution of your dream be sure that your essay meets the academic standard and that the authenticity is unquestionable. Below are some qualities that are expected by the admission committee:

  1.  Relevance

Ensure that your essay content is in line with the topic sentence. The essay should be about why you are the candidate for the scholarship.

  1. Originality and passion

Allow the readers into your world; allow them to feel your passion for wanting to join a nursing school. Be real in your sentiments but not too desperate. Do not quote but be authentic.

  1. Choose a good topic

The choice of topic is also a matter that should be considered. A boring long topic might not earn your reader’s attention at a glance. Ensure your topic is precise, relevant and catchy.

  1. Confidence and willpower

Allow the reader to take a stand on your personality and your willpower. Give the admission panel a reason to call you in for an interview with your eloquence and confidence.

  1. Spelling mistakes

Ensure your essay is well edited and proofread by friends to minimize tense and grammar mistakes. You do not want to present a shoddily written essay.

  1. Timely submission

The earlier you submit your application the better. Late submission would mean the scholarship was not a priority. Be sure to send your application early enough. Check out some academically approved templates for nursing scholarship essays at   


Writing an award-winning essay is essay is when all the thoughts and outlines are put together. Have your essay outline ready for a seamless flow of ideas. Stick to the essay topic statement without wandering with words. The transition from one paragraph to another should be flawless. Authentication must be a priority for the readers to understand your passion. Proofread work with an academically accepted format must all be considered.

Make your order now

Are you looking for nursing essay writing services? Well, look no further. Reach out to for an outstanding nursing scholarship essay.