Hypertension Management Essay Example Paper
Part 1
According to current projections, more than 1.5 billion people are suffering from hypertension globally by 2025, which will account for nearly half of all heart disease risk and seventy-five percent of all stroke risk. However, despite the increasing incidence of hypertension, 25 percent of the population is uninformed that they have it. Nearly 30 percent do not get treatment for it after being diagnosed with it. Furthermore, hypertension is not only a significant chronic illness, but it is also the greatest prevalent risk factor for various co-morbidities like stroke, kidney problems (including kidney failure), heart disease, and early mortality. It may be stressful to deal with hypertension, and many people struggle to keep it under control. It is the purpose of this paper to examine the effect of healthcare technology, care coordination, and community services on hypertensive patients.
Impact of Healthcare Technology
E-health is described as the use of computerized procedures and communications systems to enhance care quality and the efficiency with which clients get healthcare (Omboni, 2019). One of the most common types of electronic health systems is telehealth, which includes things like blood pressure telemonitoring (BPT) and mobile health (m-health)
The use of telehealth enables hypertensive patients to interact with their practitioners more efficiently and conveniently when their blood pressure levels fluctuate or when new health issues appear as well as when their condition worsens. Supervision, monitoring, and transmission of a wide range of biometric data are made easier as a result of this (Omboni, 2019). As a result, individuals are more likely to comply with therapeutic plans and changes in lifestyle as a result of the increased practitioner involvement with them and their care.
Blood pressure telemonitoring (BPT) is a specialized use of telehealth that enables the care of hypertension in a patient’s home or community setting. Blood pressure measurements and vitals are sent from a distance, beyond the usual limits, and this is how it works. Individuals who use this service may take their blood pressure measurements and then send the results to their practitioner through a wireless connection (Omboni, 2019). Hypertension management and related healthcare effects can be improved by BPT.
Patient engagement in their treatment via mobile health (mhealth) encourages self-management of hypertension and provides patients with additional prospects to enhance their health status (Li et al., 2020). By reducing the number of appointments, minimizing higher expenses from needless treatments, and improving communication between patients and medical professionals, m-health is indeed an essential telehealth service.
Care Coordination
In order for continuum-based care to be successful, care coordination is among the most important building blocks (Swan, Haas & Jessie, 2019). The creation and designation of responsibilities, procedures, and resources to meet patient requirements in order to guarantee successful care coordination are critical. These responsibilities, procedures, and resources must be aligned with patient goals and requirements in order to be efficient (Swan, Haas & Jessie, 2019). Constant blood pressure tracking, medication replacements, education and counseling, changes in lifestyle, as appropriate, are all required for effective management of hypertension over the long term (Spies et al., 2018).
Among the most successful hypertension therapeutic approaches is the presence of an interdisciplinary team that works together to provide hypertensive management solutions (Spies et al., 2018). This kind of care coordination approach involves the client, the client’s primary care physician, and additional care providers like social workers, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, and any other clinicians the client can have access to at any time (Spies et al., 2018). This approach enables medical providers to split the duties of hypertension management while also assisting one another and the client. This strategy supports the practitioners on the team, fosters patient-centered care, and enables personalized treatment to patients. In order to effectively coordinate care delivery, it is critical that client requirements be identified and addressed. Patient-centered care is an accurate technique of doing this.
Community Resources
Individuals in primary care, especially those suffering from chronic illnesses such as hypertension, often report having unfulfilled basic resource requirements (WHO, 2018). Numerous individuals may struggle to meet their most basic resource requirements, including affording health services, medicines, meals, and accommodation, leading to unfulfilled necessities that can give rise to a reduction in the overall care (WHO, 2018). Several patients are unable to use community services in order to effectively control their illness because they have little or no specialized expertise required.
Individuals who are uninsured or underinsured may be able to take advantage of community services like the Health Safety Net, which may help them in getting health insurance and medicines (WHO, 2018). Additionally, the American Heart Association is a crucial resource that offers essential knowledge and details that may help to enhance and improve the health effects of hypertensive patients who are undergoing interventional procedures (American Heart Association, 2020). Having access to such resources is essential for improving health and offering assistance for people with high blood pressure.
Continuous healthcare follow-up is difficult to maintain, and a lack of knowledge about financial resources, as well as limited access to community services, are all significant obstacles to illness treatment (Adler et al., 2020). In the lack of sufficient reinforcing techniques, compliance with the treatment regimen, hypertension control, and overall quality of life are negatively affected.
Because of this, it is critical that regulations be developed and executed to meet these unfulfilled requirements in order to strengthen further and enhance the care quality.
Policies Associated
Policies like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and other regulations have a significant effect on healthcare technology, care coordination, and community resource availability.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) policy, on the other hand, was established to prevent the revelation of a client’s personal health details without their consent or approval. The primary objective of HIPAA is to protect a client’s personal health details, which has the potential to have a significant effect on technologies, community resources, and coordinated care. This legislation covers all medical providers, which means that clients’ confidentiality must be maintained while coordinating treatment, using community services, and exchanging protected health information (PHI), among other things (Tariq & Hackert, 2020).
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law in 2010, and it established a new kind of healthcare that reduced expenses while also increasing access to medical care. Individuals with chronic illnesses like hypertension now have more options for obtaining care as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Individuals now have better accessibility to services as a result of the expansion of Medicare. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandated that the healthcare industry prioritize coordinated care, which leads to lower medical spending, enhanced client experience, and eventually better outcomes for patients.
The Nursing Code of Ethics establishes rigorous rules and procedures to guarantee that all nursing staff works together to deliver safe and high-quality care for patients in a united effort. According to the Nursing Code of Ethics, nursing, human rights, and ethical standards come together to create a powerful weapon for social equality and health policy that may be enhanced via cooperation with other medical practitioners (ANA, 2019).
Additionally, the Texas Board of Nursing has established rules for nurse practitioners to adhere to in order to ensure the safety of the general public. It is required by the Texas Board of Nursing that all nursing staff conform to the Code Of ethics for nurses, which offers a context of care that must be advocated and implemented. It offers nursing staff a valuable understanding of the dynamic health services and rigorous standards for providing better care to their clients via the use of technology, care coordination, and the promotion of available community services (Texas Board of Nursing, 2020).
Part 2
After speaking with my uncle, Mr. Turner, I realized that owing to his healthcare practitioner’s absence of a collaborative strategy, a greater focus on self-care will be necessary. As such, I suggested that self-awareness and self-reporting coaching would be helpful ways for helping this client in managing his high blood pressure over the long term rather than being reliant on the practitioner to inform him precisely what he ought to do to manage his condition. When I told Mr. Turner about this, he said, “I’d want to have more control over my blood pressure and my life in general, everyone seems to have something to say about what they want me to do, but I’m not sure where to start.”
Conclusively, good care coordination is critical to the patient’s health because, without it, the individual is more likely to have unfulfilled requirements and have inefficient health control. Notwithstanding attempts to manage hypertension and the desire to decrease morbidity and mortality, a significant number of diagnosed and undiagnosed hypertensive individuals do not get optimum therapy. It is critical that clinical staff understand the dangers of poor care coordination for hypertensive patients. Although controlling hypertension may be difficult for certain individuals, creating a coordinated treatment plan, offering sufficient technological resources, and fostering community services can help reduce the tension and challenges that come with the illness.
Adler, A. J., Laar, A. K., Kotoh, A. M., Legido-Quigley, H., Perel, P., Lamptey, P., & Lange, I. L. (2020). Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a community-based hypertension improvement project in Ghana: A qualitative study of ComHIP. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-4774-x
American Nurses Association (2019). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Silver Spring, MD: ANA, American Nurses Association. https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/nursing-excellence/ethics/code-of-ethics-for-nurses/
Li, R., Liang, N., Bu, F., & Hesketh, T. (2020). The effectiveness of self-management of hypertension in adults using mobile health: Systematic review and meta-analysis. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(3), e17776. https://doi.org/10.2196/17776
Omboni, S. (2019). Connected health in hypertension management. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 6. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcvm.2019.00076
Spies, L. A., Bader, S. G., Opollo, J. G., & Gray, J. (2018). Nurse‐Led interventions for hypertension: A scoping review with implications for Evidence‐Based practice. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 15(4), 247-256. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12297
Swan, B. A., Haas, S., & Jessie, A. T. (2019). Care coordination: roles of registered nurses across the care continuum. Nursing Economics, 37(6), 317-323. https://www.proquest.com/openview/efc8dc84b9840eb7f50a544eeb839e7a/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=30765
Tariq RA, Hackert PB. Patient Confidentiality. [Updated 2020 Aug 22]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519540/
Texas Board of Nursing. (2020). The Texas Board of Nursing. Welcome to the Texas Board of Nursing Website. https://www.bon.texas.gov
World Health Organization. (2018). Improving the quality of health services: tools and resources. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/310944/9789241515085-eng.pdf
Hypertension Management Essay Example Paper