Impact Of Advanced Practice Nurse Policy On Healthcare

In the recent past, chronic diseases and multi morbidity of diseases have been rising significantly, which explains why the demand for specialized healthcare providers is increasing. However, there is a shortage of medical professionals who care and offer the services required. Efforts to curb the disparities are put in place to utilize the available medical workforce in Florida. There is a need for healthcare advocacy which gives the strategies to be used by nurses to provide clinical services to patients and their families to ensure they are aware of the decisions they make. Transformational leadership plays a vital role in strategizing how to utilize the limited workforce on the available opportunities to bring the desired change in healthcare. Therefore, with the help of transformational leadership, advanced practice nurses are proved to be efficient in advanced and rendering specialized services to emergency patients Impact Of Advanced Practice Nurse Policy On Healthcare.


Implementation of healthcare policy on advanced practice nurses provides accessibility of emergency services to patients on time, thus improving chances of survival for critical patients. APNs, to some extent, solve the challenge of shortage of medical professionals by ensuring emergency cases are managed and disseminate medical advice to the patient and family. Usage of APN as a policy to mitigate the negative effect of workforce shortage helps contain many critical cases hence reducing the mortality rate among patients that require specialized medical care (Bryant et al., 207)Impact Of Advanced Practice Nurse Policy On Healthcare. Healthcare policy for advanced practice nurses ensures patients access specialized medical services at the right time, resulting in improved healthcare outcomes.

Healthcare advocacy is the medical assistance and information patients and their family members require to solve their health problems in Florida. Nurses are trusted to play the role excellently since; naturally, they interact with patients more regularly than any other medical practitioner (Monro et al., 166). Thus, stand in a better position to unleash the information essential to the patient to enable them to conduct and do what is necessary for their full recovery. The place of advocacy is a significant role that nurses are solely responsible for informing and advising patients undergoing personalized healthcare.

Transformational leadership is composed of four elements that healthcare leaders in Florida use to get a workforce of advanced practice nurses to desire and embrace the change to manage the shortage of medical personnel. The first pillar is idealized influence, whereby the top managers in the medical field influence nurses that the decisions they make are good for the implementation of the desired change. Another pillar is inspirational motivation which encourages nurses to commit to their goal of saving lives by working as a team to multiply their efforts. Intellectual stimulation is the third pillar where top-notch health providers motivate nurses to develop innovativeness and creativity when handling emergency cases to provide quality services in a better manner (Hughes, 16)Impact Of Advanced Practice Nurse Policy On Healthcare. The last pillar is individual consideration, whereby knowledgeable professionals coach nurses to better their services delivery by mentoring through experience gathered and working as a team. Transformational change encourages teamwork and commitment by sharing knowledge essential for advanced practice nurses to offer healthcare services to critical patients.


In summary, chronic diseases and multimorbidity of diseases have been rising significantly in the recent past, which explains why the demand for specialized healthcare providers is increasing. Implementation of healthcare policy on advanced practice nurses provides accessibility of emergency services to patients on time, thus improving chances of survival for critical patients. Healthcare advocacy is the medical assistance and information patients and their family members require to solve their health problems. Transformational leadership is composed of four elements that managers use to get the workforce of advanced practice nurses to desire and embrace the change to manage the shortage of medical personnel Impact Of Advanced Practice Nurse Policy On Healthcare