Impact of Heavy Perceive Nurse Workload

Perception of Nursing

How would you define nursing to an individual that knows nothing about nursing?

If a person were to walk up to a random individual and ask them the definition of a nurse, depending on their understanding, the answer of most individuals would differ. I believe most replies will say anything surrounding the thought that they are the individuals who care for patients in a healthcare facility. As for myself, this is a good answer; however, what people do not know is that there is far more that determines the definition of nursing. In defining nursing to a person who does not know much about nursing, the ideal way to do it would be in simple language or as Taylor, Lynn & Bartlett (2018) claimed that nursing is a career that focuses on supporting individuals, families, and communities to achieve, restore and sustain healthy living.Impact of Heavy Perceive Nurse Workload


After your clinical experiences this semester, how does your current definition of nursing differ from what your definition of nursing was prior to starting nursing school?

I really had no clue on how to identify what a nurse is or what the function of a nurse is until I started my clinical this semester. I would possibly have given a simplistic definition before beginning nursing school if I were asked to describe nursing. I thought that nurses are those who care for patients and provide them with medications when you request for them. This semester, Clinical made me understand the actual meaning of a nurse. Walking into the clinical facility on my first day instantly shifted my view regarding the role of a nurse on the hospital personnel are. A nurse was no longer just a doctor’s assistant, in my mind, as I now view nursing as its own career, as it should be considered. It is because of the way they do their duties that nurses stand out on their own. The services they offer are all largely focused on the patient, as the nurse is constantly at the side of the bed of the patient, offering outstanding care and displaying empathy and compassion. I liked the fact that the doctors depended solely on the nurses to guarantee that the appropriate healthcare was provided to the patients through support and provision of education and searching for any anomalies. I completely did not know that nurses had their own kind of patient diagnosis until my clinical experience. This is another means of identifying what nursing is. It indicates that nurses have a sort of freedom of having of nursing diagnosis and act on the diagnosis to serve the patient more effectively.Impact of Heavy Perceive Nurse Workload

After watching a movie involving a main nurse character, make a list of both the positive and negative traits associated with the nurse character(s) in the movie viewed.

In the film Meet the Parents, Ben Stiller plays the role of a male nurse. As a nurse, he has both positive and negative qualities linked to his profession. being a pathological liar and a heavy smoker are two of the greatest weaknesses his character depicts. Nurses should act as role models for creating quality healthcare for patients. His character is doing the very opposite of fostering health and being a guiding light by being a heavy smoker. Since nurses are recognized as advocates and leaders of the healthcare sector, this is also a major drawback. Additionally, a negative attribute that a nurse can have is being a habitual liar. If he cannot be trusted because of his dishonest behavior, how can he establish the nurse-patient connection? How can the patient allow the nurse to address their healthcare problems if the patient does not trust the nurse? Conversely, as a nurse, his role does have certain positive qualities. He values his profession as a nurse and is delighted with his professional achievement. He also works hard and tries to show that he can be a great husband to his wife. These positive features are crucial because if he enjoys his work and is satisfied with his achievements, he will perform his work better, and deliver outstanding care to his clients.

Discuss how these media portrayals can affect the public’s image of nursing.

Media depictions may have both positive and negative impact on the image of nursing for the public. In many current lives, the media has a significant influence. Often what the media chooses to display will determine how we perceive certain facets of certain career decisions as a society. The media imposed a negative impression on male nurses in the film Meet the Parents. The male nurse in the film is ridiculed for being a nurse throughout the film. He is ridiculed because the other men in this movie think one ought to be female to become a nurse. They consistently criticize the masculinity of the central character as he is a male nurse. In several manners, holding this biased outlook on male nurses may impact the nursing profession. The ongoing global nurse shortage remains a problem for the nursing field currently. In addressing this issue, empowering men to become nurses and thus increasing the number of nurses are major considerations. However, how are nurses expected to choose to be nurses if their masculinity is continually questioned when pursuing this choice of career. The number of male nurses has risen over the past decade, but they still represent just 5 to 10 percent of the modern world’s nurse practitioners.Impact of Heavy Perceive Nurse Workload

What strategies can nurses use to positively impact the public’s perception of the nursing profession?

For the public to maintain a better view of the nursing career, it begins with nurses and things they can do to influence the view of society by acknowledging what nurses are best in, which Sis ensuring that they provide patients with quality care. This involves promoting the overall health of the patient, not only providing medications and conducting vital checks but having listening for patients.


Taylor, C., Lynn, P., & Bartlett, J. (2018). Fundamentals of nursing: The art and science of person-centered care. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Impact of Heavy Perceive Nurse Workload