Importance Of The Legal System For Nurses Essay Paper

Running head: IMPORTANCE OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM FOR NURSES Importance of the Legal System for Nurses Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor’s Name Date 1 IMPORTANCE OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM FOR NURSES 2 Importance of the Legal System for Nurses “What Is the Importance of the Legal System for Nurses?” The environment in which nursing is practiced and the manner in which records are stored is shaped by legal concerns. The legal facet of nursing influences how nurses deliver care to ailing persons and families; thus, nurses and the nursing care they offer are determined based on a legal definition for the standard of care for nurses Importance Of The Legal System For Nurses Essay Paper.


This is essential because it involves the required conduct for nurses when dealing with patients (Thomas et al., 2017). The legal network provides nurses’ conduct when interacting with patients, stating how they should gain informed consent from their clients. Since nursing professions have a notable effect on patient outcomes, client safety, and healthcare delivery, regulation of personal nursing practice, and the profession is suitable. The resources that determine how nursing care and quality of care should be provided include “standards of care” and guidelines. Worth a note, a standard of care for nurses, is an expression of shared knowledge for what is needed of the average nurse and sets the minimum basis for expertise. Standards of care identify the regarded duty played by a nurse Importance Of The Legal System For Nurses Essay Paper