Informative Analysis On Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper

Discussion Response


Your discussion post offers an informative analysis on evidence-based practice (EBP), implications for patient quality and safety, and how research knowledge supports nursing practice role. I like that you define EBP by incorporating current evidence with nurse with patient values. In addition, I like that you associate EBP with using information in making care decisions. Besides that, I like that your example looks at a situation in which EBP would be applied. Furthermore, I like that you link the research knowledge gained with the ability to develop innovative solutions. While your discussion post is informative, I feel that it can be improved on by including three points. First, EBP should incorporate nurse experience as this helps in developing a scientific basis for thinking critically, analyzing complex situations, performing health assessments and making decisions (Li, Cao & Zhu, 2019). Second, the application of EBP should detail specific sequential steps. For instance, it can talk of cultivating sprit of inquiry, asking PICOT question, searching for evidence, critically appraising evidence, integrating evidence, evaluating change, and disseminating outcomes (Hall & Roussel, 2022). Third, the use of knowledge gained about research should be more comprehensive to include improving familiarity with nursing research, allowing for interpretation and application of nursing research, and creating awareness for facilitating patient advocacy efforts (Grove & Gray, 2022). Overall, I feel that your discussion post is presented well, but can be improved by including the three mentioned points Informative Analysis On Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper.



Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2022). Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice (8th ed.). Elsevier Inc.

Hall, H. R., & Roussel, L. A. (2022). Evidence-Based Practice: An Integrative Approach to Research, Administration, and Practice (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

Li, S., Cao, M., & Zhu, X. (2019). Evidence-Based Practice. Medicine (Baltimore), 98(39), e17209.


Evidence based practice is known as the best research evidence backed by clinical expertise, patient values, improvement in enhanced quality, and providing cost effective care to our patients (Gray, J. R, & Grove, S. K. 2021). This practice revolves around the utilization of information as processes of care, structure, or to enhance outcomes. I would use evidence based practice to my advantage in many ways within my nursing care Informative Analysis On Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper.

In this practice, we see the many pros that can be offered to improve the quality of care and safety to our patients. Evidence based practice has covered so many topics such as asthma, diabetes, and heart failure (Titler, M. G. 2008). Once we are able to identify a patient safety problem within our care, we will be more inclined to initiate new practices to improve the quality and safety for our patients. I have gained great knowledge throughout this course and a great amount of knowledge on research. This knowledge will play a huge factor on the implementation of care to my patients which will allow me to provide the safest and most effective care to each of them. Although I was aware of the importance of research and implementing new strategies before this course, it emphasized the importance I play in identifying and initiating these new strategies. This course taught that even one person creating awareness and addressing a patient care issue can improve the safety and quality for a huge number of patients.

In conclusion, this course has helped me to realize the significance of research, evidence based practice, and my role within these. This practice will always allow there to be a solution to any problems we face within our care and constantly correct our care to improve the quality of care we provide to our patients. I will always be open to new strategies and be aware of any new policies we may implement to improve care and safety. I also will always mention any improvements or concerns I feel need to be addressed or implemented. This course has helped to expand my knowledge concerning evidence based practice and research and enhance my awareness of the issues within our patient safety and quality of care Informative Analysis On Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper


Gray, J. R. & Grove, S. K. (2020). The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and

generation of evidence (9th ed.). Elsevier.

Titler, M. G. (2008). Chapter 7. The evidence for evidence-based practice implementation. In

R.G. Hughes (Ed.), Patient safety and quality: An evidence based handbook for nurses

(Vol. 1, 113–116).  Informative Analysis On Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper