Integrating Nursing Theories Into Practice Essay Paper

Rationale and Support

Integrating nursing theories into practice is essential because they allow the nurse to connect more with their patients, thereby substantiating their ability to meet these specialized needs. Sister Callista Roy formed the “Adaptation Model”, which states that people have six physiological needs, including exercise and rest, nutrition, elimination, fluid and electrolytes, oxygenation and circulation, and regulation and temperature, and sense and endocrine system (Zerwekh, & Claborn, 2009, p. 165)Integrating Nursing Theories Into Practice Essay Paper. This is an important understanding because it allows nurses to help their patients on this basis. When nurses determine how to optimize meeting these patient needs, they are able to optimize care. Meanwhile, Katherine Kolcaba established the “Comfort Theory”, which states that to define patient outcomes within an organization, it is important to specifically identify practical applications in the healthcare environment. Through this understanding, she has been able to develop the influence of additional nursing theories, including the Nursing Process Theory, the Henderson Need Theory, and the Humanistic Nursing Theory. These theories are important because they continue to guide nursing practice today in a manner that supports the needs of the patients.



There are many different nursing theories that can be applied to practice.  However, the particular nursing theories that should be applied depend upon the particular needs of the patients.  Roy’s and Kolcaba’s theories focus on modern times rather than historical context and are therefore directly applicable to patient care in the modern health care setting. Furthermore, both theories derived from observational and experimental studies that allowed these professionals to draw conclusions concerning standards of care.  Overall, the structure from which these theories derived indicate that nursing theories can continue to be developed following this format.  It is practical to continue applying these theories in patient care, modifying them as necessary in order to meet individual patient needs.  Over time, it is likely that Roy’s and Kolcaba’s theories will transform, taking on a new format to evolve with changing standards of care and patient needs (Rambo, 1984)Integrating Nursing Theories Into Practice Essay Paper.  Nurses will continue to use these modified methods in order to improve institutional organization and quality care throughout the duration of their careers.

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