To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the evolution of nursing informatics from a science to a nursing specialty.
  • Consider your experiences with nurse Informaticists or technology specialists within your healthcare organization.


Post a description of experiences or observations about how nurse informaticists and/or data or technology specialists interact with other professionals within your healthcare organization. Suggest at least one strategy on how these interactions might be improved. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain the impact you believe the continued evolution of nursing informatics as a specialty and/or the continued emergence of new technologies might have on professional interactions.


Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, offering one or more additional interaction strategies in support of the examples/observations shared or by offering further insight to the thoughts shared about the future of these interactions.

  •  Interaction between nurse informaticists and other specialists

    The Mental Health Informatics Group’s mission is to “facilitate communication, collaboration, education, and networking for researchers and practitioners working at the interface of informatics and mental health, including substance use, in order to better understand and improve mental health and healthcare delivery”(2021). There needs to be a balance between innovative technology and patient care especially since the demands on nurses have increased, which sometimes leads to patient care being overlooked (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018).

    While mental health facilities appear to be behind other specialties in incorporating informatics into their practice, we have come a long way in a short time. In the facility I work we have incorporated EMRs (EPIC) and Omnicell for medication distribution. Our facility is less than two years old, so we have all the newest technology including a link with Teledoc for consultations and evaluations. Every department in our facility uses the EMR for information so it is imperative that we are all knowledgeable about the use of our EMR. The information entered by the nursing staff has the most impact on patient care since it ties all specialties together to form a cohesive treatment team. EPIC provides a comprehensive database of all the patient’s information including previous treatments both at our facility and the local hospital that is connected to our facility. Most of the information used by all the different specialties is the nursing care plans and treatment plans. “Electronic patient care plans enable health care professionals to access information and knowledge during the assessment, planning, delivery, and evaluation of patient care”(Mills et al., 2019). These plans guide all specialties in how to provide the best quality care for our patients. They can be time-consuming to enter and update so it is important for the nurse to remember that the purpose is for patient care so do not be distracted by imputing information and neglecting patient care.

    We do not have an informatics nurse at our facility at this time, so it is up to our information technology specialists to work with the nursing staff to make sure that the programs we use are streamlined and allow for quick updates as needed. It is important for nursing and our information technology specialists to communicate especially with all the advances that continue to be incorporated into our daily patient care. At this time there are numerous new technologies that will become part of everyday care in the near future. Some of these are mobile apps, virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence to name a few (Torous et al., 2017). Technology has made much of nursing easier, we just need to remind ourselves that no matter how much technology is available, patient care is the most important part of being a nurse.



    Informatics Professionals. Leading the Way.AMIA. (2021). to an external site..

    McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2018).Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

    Mills, C., Rajwer, M., & Pritchard, A. (2019, August 1). Care planning with the electronic patient record. Nursing Times. to an external site..

    Torous, J., Chan, S., Luo, J., Boland, R., & Hilty, D. (2017). Clinical Informatics in Psychiatric Training: Preparing Today’s Trainees for the Already Present Future.Academic Psychiatry,42(5), 694-697.

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionAndrea M Allen

      Hi Oluyemi,

      Thanks for the read.

      I also work in mental Health and it appears that a lot of mental health facilities lags behind when it comes to technology.  Recently Mental Health/Behavioral health has joined in the race to improve the type of care we give to patients. The use of IT In general healthcare has been shown to have significant potential to facilitate the delivery of safe, high-quality, and cost effective care ( Ranallo, et el., 2016).  However, its application to behavioral health care has been slow, limiting the extent to which consumers seeking care for mental health or substance use disorders can derive its benefits.

      Ranallo, P., Kilbourne, A., Whatley, A., & Pincus H. (June, 2016) Behavioral Health Information Technology: From Chaos To Clarity.  Health Affairs Vol 35, (NO.6)

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionBertina Boma Soh

      Nurse informaticists facilitate communication between clinical and IT staff. They speak two languages—technology and health care—and focus specifically on developing strategies. Knowledge management systems combine knowledge needs, the basis of knowledge, and decision support systems that inform decision-making (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017). Nurse informaticists play an integral role in effective knowledge management and transfer in healthcare systems by forming informatics tools and systems that facilitate new knowledge creation and sharing within interdisciplinary teams (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017). The nurse informaticists translate between data languages, between different systems, and interdisciplinary staff, thereby enabling communication between systems and different health professionals (Public Health Informatics Institute, 2017). To prevent readmissions, nurses rely on technology to keep everything efficient and organized. Nurse informaticists play a massive role in evolving technology (Laureate Education, 2018).





      Works Cited

      McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning

      Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). The Nurse Informaticist [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.


       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionBertina Boma Soh

      Hi Adeogbo,

      I agree that facilitating communication, collaboration, education, and networking for researchers and practitioners working at the interface of informatics and mental health helps improve mental health and healthcare delivery. This is indeed a great mission whose importance cannot be underestimated. Professionals in Nursing Informatics are essential in ensuring improved patient care, patient safety, and overall healthcare outcomes (Darvish et al., 2017). You did an excellent job with this post, and I concur that acquiring advanced nursing abilities benefits nursing professionals.  Additionally, advanced education encourages the utilization of advanced technology and the implementation of advanced nursing abilities into medical procedures, both of which help patients. According to Jefferson et al., one of the most important criteria for student nurses to successfully manage clinical circumstances during clinical practice is to develop and increase their self-assurance. In addition, the remarkable growth of healthcare practice over the past few decades has supported the notion that technology may represent the third piece of the healing triangle. I have always been interested in technology and the application of information technology to enhance the delivery of nursing services (Hack Polay et al., 2022).


      Hack-Polay, D., Mahmoud, A. B., Ikafa, I., Rahman, M., Kordowicz, M., & Verde, J. M. (2022). Steering resilience in nursing practice: Examining the impact of digital innovations and enhanced emotional training on nurse competencies. Technovation, 102549.

      Darvish, A., Bahramnezhad, F., Keyhanian, S., & Navidhamidi, M. (2018). The role of nursing informatics on promoting quality of health care and the need for appropriate education. Global journal of health science6(6), 11.



       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionMaxine A Lewis

      Hi Oluyemi,

      Thanks for you very enlighten post. I totally agree mental health tends to lag behind when it come to technology and especially transitioning to electronic health records (EHR) and according to  Jung (2021)  there remains a lack of evidence regarding barriers and facilitators to the implementation of mental health care EHRs. Jung further cites that, The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act was incited in 2009 as a result of evidence which shows that the  transition to “EHR can improve the quality of care delivered. HITECH drove annual increases in EHR adoption by 8% points after implementation of the act’s incentive program (2021). However when compared to other medical and surgical facilities  “possessing certified EHRs, only 49% of psychiatric hospitals have certified EHRs as of 2017. The number is lower than rehabilitation (89%), children’s (87%), and acute long-term care (59%) hospitals” (Jung, 2021).

      There are multiple reasons for this lag in EHR usage among mental health providers such as lack of finance for technology and training for independent providers as well as concern for confidentiality for their patients. Despite the fact that EHR can save providers money in the long run, the initial financial investment may be too much for a solo provider or group practice to bear as they might not have sufficient cash flow to pay for the EHR implementation training as well as technical support and personnel cost ( McGregor, 2015). The concern for patient confidentially is also of great concern.



      Brian McGregor, P. D., Dominic Mack, M. D. . M. B. A., Glenda Wrenn, M. D. . M. S. H. P., Ruth S. Shim, M. D. . M. P. H., Kisha Holden, P. D. . M. S. C. R., & David Satcher, M. D. . P. D. (2015). Improving Service Coordination and Reducing Mental Health Disparities Through Adoption of Electronic Health Records. Psychiatric Services66(9), 985–987.

      Jung, S. Y., Hwang, H., Lee, K., Lee, D., Yoo, S., Lim, K., Lee, H. Y., & Kim, E. (2021). User Perspectives on Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of Electronic Health Records in Behavioral Hospitals: Qualitative Study. JMIR formative research5(4), e18764.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionMenard Tchatchou-Tchoubia

      Response Post # 2



      Menard Tchatchou

      Walden University

      NURS 6051 N

      Dr. Lynne Taylor











      Interaction between nurse informaticists and other specialists.

      Hi Olufemi, I do appreciate your insight about the role nurse informaticists, and other specialists play in healthcare settings. Nursing informatics plays a critical role in supporting technology-driven care. The advancement of healthcare technologies calls for investment in time and other resources.  According to Sousa et al. (2019), clinical and information technology supports critical decision-making and helps explore various clinical solutions. Nurse informaticists are critical in facilitating communication between healthcare professionals and IT personnel. The two groups emphasize technology and healthcare and thus focus on developing strategies for integrating information technology into healthcare service delivery (Deckro et al.,2021). They help in optimizing technology use and also workflow in healthcare organizations. As specialists, they collect, access, and apply data that support their collaboration with other specialists, which makes the data available to support decision-making that supports the overall well-being of the patient.

      In relation to mental health, nurse informatics supports improving healthcare delivery to those patients with mental health problems. Furthermore, the incorporation of informatics in healthcare delivery helps in the enhancement of collaboration among healthcare specialists. Where I work, technology use has been integrated into various departments, including procurement and consultations. As one of the area’s biggest healthcare facilities, technology has been incorporated into every line of operation, including consultations, evaluations, prescriptions, procurement, and messaging, among other functions.

      Every department utilizes a technology information system. Therefore, each healthcare professional is required to know how to use the information system in their department. The information the nurse enters into the system significantly impacts the overall decision-making as it contributes to the formation of a cohesive team. The organization uses a comprehensive database system where all the patient information is accessible, including their historical records. This allows the nurse specialists to integrate the information into the nursing care and treatment plans. The use of electronic health care plans is essential as it allows professional health care providers to access the relevant data and information, allows gaining of knowledge when conducting assessments, and supports the planning process, health care delivery, and evaluations (Hussey, 2021).

      The use of informatics principles is critical as it helps enhance the quality of nursing practices, improves communication, and increases documentation and overall efficiency in nursing (Hussey, 2021). Integrating an electronic decision support system helps track documentation and support care through observation decisions and overall health outcomes throughout the nursing care process (Strudwick et al.,2019). In addition, it promotes patient safety and quality of care. Using electronic health records and systems helps ensure the quality of care. Even though updating and feeding in the information may be time-consuming, the nurse informaticists need to consider being accurate and avoid the distractions that may arise, leading to neglecting the delivery of quality patient care.

      In the organization, electronic health records continue to support the overall delivery of quality care. Right from admission, consultations, and evaluations, patient data is transmitted effectively, which helps eliminate delays and reduce costs. Even though there is no assigned nurse to feed in the information, we are expected to update data as quickly as it is ready. The advancement in nursing informatics supports the future of nursing (Strudwick et al.,2019). The advancement in technologies supports the effective delivery of nursing care plans. Despite the advancements, nurses must prioritize patient care and use technology to enhance its effectiveness and efficiency.


      Deckro, J., Phillips, T., Davis, A., Hehr, A. T., & Ochylski, S. (2021). Big data in the veterans health administration: a nursing informatics perspective.  Journal of Nursing Scholarship53(3), 288-295. to an external site. 

      Hussey, P. (2021). Introduction to Nursing Informatics. In Introduction to Nursing Informatics (pp. 1-13). Springer, Cham. to an external site.

      Sousa, M. J., Pesqueira, A. M., Lemos, C., Sousa, M., & Rocha, Á. (2019). Decision-making based on big data analytics for people management in healthcare organizations. Journal of medical systems43(9), 1-10. to an external site.

      Strudwick, G., Nagle, L., Kassam, I., Pahwa, M., & Sequeira, L. (2019). Informatics competencies for nurse leaders: a scoping review.  JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration49(6), 323-330. to an external site.


       Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionBertina Boma Soh

        Hey Menard,

        I agree that nurse informatics supports improving healthcare delivery to those patients with mental health problems. Nurse informaticists facilitate communication between clinical and IT staff. They speak two languages; technology and health care, and focus on developing strategies for health IT procurement, implementation, maintenance, and optimization in collaboration with other clinical and operational leaders.

        Technology bridged physical distance as restrictions. As the severity of the pandemic grew, some Americans were faced with performing everything from their social interactions to their work or schooling online.

         Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionMansong Ntekim

      Hi Oluyemi,

      Thanks for sharing your experience and perspective with us. Although there is a general trend by most healthcare settings to move towards incorporating informatics into their practice, yet mental health practitioners lag behind in incorporating informatics into their practice. Among physicians working in clinical informatics, child and adolescent psychiatrists are lagging behind other specialties and lapses in the translation of health information technologies to child mental health care are apparent. In fact, many EHR workflows and decision-support systems are developed for adults in medical settings that do not readily map to psychiatric and pediatric care (Peters, 2017). I did contract work in a state mental health hospital between April and July, 2022, where they are still using paper charting. I am aware of multiple mental health hospitals within my locality that are still using paper charting. And those free-standing mental health hospitals do not have the privilege of nurse informaticists.

      Until all those facilities that are still using paper charting transition to EMR systems, they will continue to lag behind in quick access to patients’ data, nurses in such facilities will continue to lack access to current EBP information at the point of care, and there will be slow process of data dissemination among other specialties and parties of interest.


      Peters TE. (2017). Transformational Impact of Health Information Technology on the Clinical Practice of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2017;26(1):55–66.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionBarkisu Fortenberry

      Indeed, mental health facilities have yet to adopt technology like other specialties, affecting the safety and quality of care and services they provide. However, there are recent developments in mental health care, which have seen most facilities adopt technology, and information technology in mental health facilitates the delivery of better care and services. However, I still recommend improving how mental health facilities are adopted and how consumers benefit from those mental health services. If more emphasis is put, mental health facilities can improve the care they provide to their people, its safety, and quality. With the current improvement brought by technology, every organization must have nurse informatics to link the technology with nursing and ensure that the nursing staff is very oriented about mental health services and how they can harness the technology to benefit patients (Harerimana et al., 2019).

      Harerimana, B., Forchuk, C., & O’Regan, T. (2019). The use of technology for mental healthcare delivery among older adults with depressive symptoms: A systematic literature review. International journal of mental health nursing28(3), 657-670.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionRemi Oluremi Ojo

      Hi Oluyemi,

      I agree with you that mental health is behind in transitioning to electronic health records (EHR). I believe a big part of that drawback is available funds because the adoption of EHRs is a complex and expensive investment and the cost of EHR systems had prevented the widespread adoption of using the EHR system in many healthcare facilities.  Thanks to the Health Information Technology Act (HITECH) of 2009 which is the main driver of the acceptance and execution of EHRs in the United States. The HITECH Act was a part of a stimulus package named the larger American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Modi & Feldman, 2022). The stimulus package was enacted to pump money into the economy to avert the effects of recession during the early days of the Obama Administration. The HITECH act planned to use some of the government spending to finance the expensive plan of using EHR and bring expansion to the use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in the healthcare industry.  The law provides indirect and direct incentives to consumers and healthcare providers to transition using EHR (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). This will enhance the development of health information (HIT) to provide access to a person’s EHR and will be available to all healthcare provider who is involved in the care of the patient’s location at the time of treatment. The law also tightens rules on health care providers to make sure that EHR is secure and private. The nursing profession benefits greatly from the development and implementation of the EHR system. It possesses the ability to improve the quality and delivery of nursing care. It makes it possible to avoid errors that may harm patients. It provides the ability for nurses to provide timely and more efficient care for their patients. It provides the ability to provide wellness and health for the patients the nurses serve. Researchers in the nursing field have more access to data that can be used for evidence-based practice.


      McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K.G. (2015). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge. (3rd ed). Jones & Bartlett.

      Modi, S., & Feldman, S. S. (2022). The value of electronic health records since the health information technology for economic and clinical health act: Systematic review. JMIR medical informatics, 10(9), e37283. to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionSheila Ankrah

    Main Post

    Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists

    Teamwork in every profession is essential. Cooperation within the nursing profession is also critical. Within the nursing profession, each person may share different roles that can sometimes be specialized. Each patient may require different needs, and every person who works with the patient must communicate with the others who interact with the patient. For example, the patient’s dietitian might have to coordinate with the patient’s doctor, nurse, and food preparers to ensure that the patient has meal options to choose from that will aid the patient in a speedy recovery. Another example is that the nurses who take the patient’s vitals must accurately enter that information for the patient’s doctor, nurse, and dietitian to review to make educated diagnoses and plans for patient care.

    Blazun (2020) said that although computers did not enter the nursing field until the beginning of the 1950s, nursing informatics originated with Florence Nightingale in the mid-nineteenth century. Florence Nightingale worked hard to increase hygiene care during the spread of cholera, and her actions positively decreased the impact and spread of cholera.

    Nursing informatics has evolved to a great degree since the mid-nineteen century. Contemporary nursing informatics uses data and information to create interventions to solve nursing-related problems. Nursing informatics includes acquiring knowledge or information through various means such as formal education, continuing education, peer-reviewed articles, research studies, evidence-based practices, accredited journals, creatively solving problems, and sharing data from different groups within the medical community (Byrne, 2020).

    Experiences with nurse Informaticists or technology specialists within your healthcare organization

    Currently, I work in a hospital and the critical care unit. I mainly work in the intensive care unit and have seen technology play an essential role in delivering care in my unit. The intensive care unit uses a lot of telemonitoring devices for the patients. These telemonitoring techs allow clinicians to monitor our patients away from their beds. We can monitor critical health symptoms, signs, oxygen saturation, and many more. These patients are connected to cardiac monitors that monitor the hemodynamics of our patients. These monitors are connected to CERNER, the hospital’s electronic medical system, and populate the information directly to the patient’s charts. The multidisciplinary team uses the information that is populated into the system from these telemonitoring devices to plan care and treatment options for these patients.

    CERNER, an electronic system, also plays an essential role in healthcare at my organization. This technology makes it easy for providers to send electronic orders, lab results, and many others. This technology can also be used as a communication medium for a multidisciplinary team. When I need to communicate with a provider about any patient’s needs, I send a message in the patient’s chart directly to the provider. This eliminates the error of providers documenting or sending orders to the wrong patient’s chart. This communication stays within the patient’s chart, and anyone authorized to view the patient’s chart can see the message and what has been done. All other diagnostic tests are connected to CERNER; When I complete an EKG for my patient, the result translates directly to the patient’s chart as soon as I complete the test. Being able to accumulate lab results, records of vital signs, and other critical patient data into one centralized area, such as CERNER, has transformed the level of care and efficiency patients can expect to receive when they enter the healthcare system. Technology automates and extends things that previously had to be done by people (Thimbleby, 2013).

    When the institution switched to CERNER, most team members were anxious and afraid of trying this new system. However, to combat this fear of trying a new system, the hospital held mandatory in-service sessions for all employees. Employees were given a chance to ask questions until everyone was comfortable. One strategy that can be used to improve new technology innovation is to incorporate frequent in-service on all new products before it is used. This strategy will make the staff comfortable and will embrace the new change.

    Medical practices do a poor job of utilizing technology to decrease workloads and decrease data entry. Many medical offices use technology to duplicate their manual processes, making little sense to have both practices enacted simultaneously. Technology can be better utilized to simplify some tasks and eliminate others.

    Technology should be used to enter patient data once and automatically enter the information into appropriate fields in different sections of the technological platform.


    Informatics will continue to evolve, and informatics will be much more collaborative among various specializations within the medical profession. I am a believer in the use and effectiveness of data and information-driven research, and both have the potential to lead to countless interventions and medical breakthroughs.


    Blazun, H., Carter-Templeton, H., Zavrsnik, J., and Kokol, P. (July, 2020). Nursing Informatics

    A Historical Bibliometric Analysis. Source doi: 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000624

    Byrne, M. (July 2020). Nursing Informatics Specialist: Role in the Perianesthesia Environment.

    Source DOI: to an external site.

    Thimbleby, H. (2013). Technology and the future of healthcare. Journal of public health research, 2(3), e28. to an external site.



     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionOdion Iseki

      Hello Sheila,

      i agree with you Working in a team is essential in any profession. Nurses need to work together. Different nurses may be responsible for different things. The different needs of each patient necessitate open lines of communication between medical staff. The patient’s nutritionist may need to communicate with the medical team and the people preparing the patient’s meals. Collecting accurate vital signs is essential for doctors, nurses, and dietitians to make diagnoses and care plans for their patients.


      Blazun, H., Carter-Templeton, H., Zavrsnik, J., and Kokol, P. (July, 2020). Nursing Informatics

      A Historical Bibliometric Analysis. Source doi: 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000624


       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionAndrea M Allen

      Hi Sheila,

      I enjoy reading your post and agree that medical practice do a poor job of utilizing technology to decrease work loads.  Working in a hospital that consistently document by writing everything was truly mind boggling initially.  Having worked in hospitals prior, where communication was done electronically made me feel like I was going back in time.  When my current job finally decided to transition to electronic documentation there was some resistance and failure at the attempts before the idea was abandoned and then revisited after there was a change in administration.  Now that there is ease at using technology to improve communication between health professionals, the work flow has decreased, information is easily accessible across the board, and yearly competencies can be done at staffs own convenience rather than sitting in a classroom.  Especially as today’s healthcare environment relies on nurses to deliver and manage care while keeping patients safe (Sensmeier & Anderson 2021).



      Sensmeier, J. & Anderson, C. (Jan./Feb.2021). Tracking the impact of Nursing Informatics. Nursing made Incredible Easy 19(1):p 49-53 DOI: 10.1097/01.NME.0000723408.80090.47


       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionRaminder Kaur

      Hi Shiela, Nice Post! 

      I agree that teamwork in every profession is essential, especially in nursing. Because it enables individuals to collaborate in order to achieve goals, teamwork is essential in all fields. Nurse teamwork is important because it allows nurses on different floors or units to work with other healthcare providers, like doctors and social workers, to give each patient in a hospital room the best possible care. Nursing is crucial, and nurses are the backbone of healthcare. They offer a wide range of services to patients and their families, including surgical assistance and emotional support. According to the Multi-professional Patient Safety Curriculum Guide published by the World Health Organization (WHO), “effective teamwork in delivering health care can have an immediate and positive effect on patient safety.” The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that in modern healthcare, patients rarely see a single doctor. Errors in communication and a lack of understanding of professional roles can be minimized through teamwork and coordination. The nursing profession relies heavily on trust and teamwork. Attendants cooperate to give quality patient consideration. Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals comprise the teams (Wilson, 2022). 

      Additionally, as you mentioned, your primary position is in the intensive care unit, which extensively uses telemonitoring devices for patients. The modern intensive care unit is built on monitoring equipment. These revolutionary devices are necessary for clinicians to have the information they need to care for critically ill patients, significantly if their status changes quickly. Treatment delivery in the intensive care unit (ICU) relies heavily on monitors. Assessing neurologic, pulmonary, and cardiovascular (CV) function is the primary focus of the current devices. These monitors populate the patient’s charts thanks to their connection to CERNER, the hospital’s electronic medical system. The multidisciplinary team uses the information from these telemonitoring devices that are loaded into the system to plan these patients’ care and treatment options (Neideen, 2012). 


      Neideen, T. (2012). Monitoring Devices in the Intensive Care Unit. In Surgical Clinics of North America (Vol. 92, Issue 6, pp. 1387–1402). Elsevier BV. to an external site. 

      Wilson, B. (2022, August 10). Why is teamwork important in nursing? The Nerdy Nurse. Retrieved December 16, 2022, from to an external site. 

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionMaxine A Lewis

      Hi Sheila,

      you stated that “teamwork in every profession is essential” as well as “cooperation within the nursing profession is also critical”. Without team work within the healthcare profession there would be utter chaos resulting in  increased errors and harm to  patients.  “In inter-professional health care teams, individuals with distinct professional training supply unique expertise and work together to solve health care problems” (Holden, 2018). Furthermore, Holden, Multidisciplinary medical teams are effective because they leverage diverse expertise to address complex problems holistically (2018). Furthermore team work is beneficial in that it produces better outcomes as well as minimizes the possibility of errors.  Rosen, cites that, “teamwork processes within health care is important for two main reasons. First, the quality of teamwork is associated with the quality and safety of care delivery systems and second, the health care industry provides the means to develop and test theories on a large scale, across a wide range of team types” (2018).



      Holden, R. J., Binkheder, S., Patel, J., & Viernes, S. H. P. (2018). Best Practices for Health Informatician Involvement in      Interprofessional  Health Care Teams. Applied clinical informatics, 9(1), 141–148. to an external site. 

      Rosen, M. A., DiazGranados, D., Dietz, A. S., Benishek, L. E., Thompson, D., Pronovost, P. J., & Weaver, S. J. (2018). Teamwork in healthcare: Key discoveries enabling safer, high-quality care. The American psychologist, 73(4), 433–450. 


       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionMansong Ntekim

      Hi Sheila,

      Thanks for your informative discussion post.

      A nurse informaticist provides information about new workflows, guides new technology and process implementation, and assesses data quality, giving care teams the best chance of optimal care delivery (Menkiena, 2021), and having informaticists as part of the team benefits the  health system leaders and clinicians because it promotes the adoptions of new processes, as nurses are often natural change agents and can enable change management in a culture (Shoenbaum and Carroll, 2022). As you stated, it is important for all specialties involved in the care the patient to collect and record their data, and the nurse informaticists to corollate the data and make it accessible to all parties involved in the care of the patient.

      I experienced the importance of nurse informaticists when my facility transitioned from Centricity to EPIC in 2021. The anxiety of delving into uncharted waters for most of us was debilitating but with the guidance of the nurse informaticists, the transition was not as difficult as we feared. The informaticists spent time with all specialties in the facility training and bringing everyone to a point where all functioned well.


      Menkiena, C. (2021). The three essential Responsibilities of a nurse Informaticist. Retrieved from

      Shoenbaum, A., Carroll, W. (2022). Nursing Informatics Key Role in defining Clinical Workflow, Increasing Efficiency and Improving Quality. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics. Volume 26, Winter 2022. Retrieved from

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionMenard Tchatchou-Tchoubia

    Nurse Informaticists Experience



    Menard Tchatchou

    Walden University

    NURS 6051 N

    Dr. Lynne Taylor









    Nurse Informaticists Experience

    In the 1970s, information technology began being incorporated into the healthcare field due to the inventions and improvements of computers. The computer improvements accelerated the acknowledgment of health information technology among healthcare professionals. It took a long time to adapt to the new technological advancements in healthcare for the caregivers to cope and accept the changes (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2021). In addition, the acceptance rate among healthcare providers was relatively low at the initial stages but gradually improved till it became widely adopted.

    Departments such as the laboratory, pharmacy, and radiology are the pioneers of the utilizers of the technology. The gradual changes in these departments popularized IT and made it widely recognized among healthcare institutions because it helped bridge the existing gaps in information flow (Ng et al. 2018). Due to the high demand for IT specialists in healthcare settings, the Nursing Informatics specialty was developed to bridge the gap and enhance the use of technology in managing healthcare information in hospitals.

    Healthcare reforms have diversified the roles of nurse informatics with IT on their professional background to promote and provide high-quality care for patients and improve health outcomes. This specialty is essential in healthcare practice because it offers more opportunities to strengthen the patient care process and enhance and improve communication between the stakeholders in patient’s health (Sipes, 2016). Incorporating IT in nursing practice is associated with uncountable benefits to healthcare systems, patients, and other healthcare workers. The specialty benefits all healthcare workers because collaboration between healthcare personnel is essential in service provision and attaining desirable results.

    My experiences with nurse technology specialists have been fantastic because they have changed my initial perception of the work of a nurse. Initially, I thought that nursing professionals were strictly obligated to work in the wards and directly participate in the care process. However, my perception has changed upon interacting with the nurse IT specialists who are not restricted to working in the emergency departments and wards but can participate in the healthcare processes directly and indirectly.

    Also, it has made me appreciate the importance of the information technology specialty in healthcare service provision. Healthcare and nursing practice is not solely about the clinical and medical aspects. Still, the clinical and medical aspects are aided by other professional knowledge not related to healthcare (Sipes, 2016). For instance, information about the patient needs to be stored safely and available quickly at all times for clinicians and physicians to make accurate diagnoses and intervene appropriately.

    I learned the importance of collaboration and teamwork among healthcare workers in enhancing and providing the quality services needed. Healthcare professionals depend on technology and accurate information from patient examinations, assessments, history taking, intervention, and follow-up of cases (Mosier et al. 2019). Therefore, nurse IT specialists or informatics are essential in all healthcare organizations as they help ensure the accuracy of the information available on the different platforms for healthcare workers.

    In conclusion, In the 1970s, information technology began being incorporated into the healthcare field due to the inventions and improvements of computers. The improvements in computers accelerated the acknowledgment of health information technology among healthcare professionals. Healthcare reforms have diversified the roles of nurse informatics with IT on their professional background to promote and provide high-quality patient care and improve health outcomes. My experiences with nurse technology specialists have been fantastic because they have changed my initial perception of the work of a nurse. Initially, I thought nursing professionals were strictly obligated to work in the wards and directly participate in the care process. Also, it has made me appreciate the importance of the information technology specialty in healthcare service provision. Lastly, I learned the importance of collaboration and teamwork among healthcare workers to enhance and provide quality services.















    McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2021). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

    Mosier, S., Roberts, W. D., & Englebright, J. (2019). A systems-level method for developing nursing informatics solutions: the role of executive leadership. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 49(11), 543-548.

    Ng, Y. C., Alexander, S., & Frith, K. H. (2018). Integration of mobile health applications in health information technology initiatives: expanding opportunities for nurse participation in population health. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 36(5), 209-213.

    Sipes, C. (2016). Project management: essential skill of nurse informaticists. In Nursing Informatics 2016 (pp. 252-256). IOS Press.

     Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionKatrina Brooks

                Nurse informaticists are responsible for maintaining the EHR system and ensuring that

    it is utilized properly. The nurse informaticists “develops and implements educational

    materials and sessions and provides education about the system to new or current employees

    during a system implementation or an upgrade” (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022). At the facility

    I currently work at all new employees who will use the EHR must attend a two-day CERNER

    orientation. During orientation, the employees log into CERNER in playground mode to

    document and perform tasks related to the required daily documentation such as vital signs,

    intake and output, notes, MAR, physical assessment etc. under the NI’s supervision. “Nurse

    informaticists walk the floor, sit in the room and watch how providers are using technology so

    they can identify problems or gaps and develop solutions” (Nursing informatics, 2022).

    One strategy to improve these interactions could be to hold monthly meetings to

    discuss questions and concerns. After orientation bedside nurses rarely if ever have continued

    interaction with the NI. If questions arise, we must ask our peers, charge nurse, or call the help

    desk. Sometimes the help desk walks you through the problem or sometimes they fix it on their

    end and the nurse still has no understanding on how to resolve the problem if it arises again.

    Having an NI who is available to come to the unit and walk the nurse step by step through the

    process would be beneficial. It can also be used as a teaching moment to educate all available

    staff and answer any further questions.

    New technologies and the evolution of nursing informatics will continue to have a

    positive impact in healthcare. The use of mobile phones and health apps that can be

    downloaded have become more common. Use of health apps help patients keep track of their

    medical history. With apps like Glucose Buddy Diabetes Checker patients can sync their

    blood glucose monitor readings, set daily calorie goals, add reminders, keep track of insulin

    regimen etc. At doctor appointments this information can be easily presented to monitor

    progress. “Telemedicine, which enables video or phone appointments between a patient and

    their health care practitioner, benefits both health and convenience” (Benefits of telemedicine,

    2022). To utilize telemedicine, you do not have to be computer savvy. For elderly patients

    who require family involvement virtual appointments can help bridge the gap between

    miscommunication: family members will no longer have to take off of work to attend



    Benefits of telemedicine. Benefits of Telemedicine | Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2022, January 18). to an external site.

    McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

     Nursing informaticists are the backbone of technology-driven care. ONS Voice. (2022, November 11).,other%20clinical%20and%20operational%20leadersLinks to an external site..

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionGuoming Feng

      Response #1

      Hi Katrina,

      The application of technologies has increasingly affected nursing practices, but research shows that “A perennial concern is that nurses have generally not kept pace with rapid changes in digital technologies and their impact on society. This limits the potential benefits they bring to nursing practice and patient care” (Booth et al., 2021). One of the nurse informaticist’s roles is to work as an educator to the health care team. They introduce the new technologies into patient care, they maintain the technology systems, and the most important thing is that they help nurses, doctors, and other professionals to keep their proficiency with the technology.

      I like your strategy of “hold monthly meeting to discuss questions and concerns” to facilitate the interaction between nurse informaticist and other specialists. My suggestion of anther strategy is that the nurse informaticists be part of educators in the health care team. Nurse informaticists will not only provide support for the specialists using the technology in health care, but also, they will evaluate the specialists how well they can apply the technology on their daily basis (Jobst et al., 2022). For example, nurse informaticists will held “technology skills fair” annually, to ensure the proficiency of technology among the specialists. This is like the annual nursing skills fair in the hospital to us. Through the skill fair, specialists will know the expectations of their technology skills in their fields and enhance their interaction with nurse informaticists in their daily works.




      Booth, R. G., Strudwick, G., McBride, S., O’Connor, S., & Solano López, A. L. (2021). How the nursing profession should adapt for a digital future. The BMJ, 373, n1190. to an external site.

      Jobst, S., Lindwedel, U., Marx, H., Pazouki, R., Ziegler, S., König, P., Kugler, C., & Feuchtinger, J. (2022). Competencies and needs of nurse educators and clinical mentors for teaching in the digital age – a multi-institutional, cross-sectional study. BMC nursing, 21(1), 240. to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionRaminder Kaur

      Hi Katrina, Excellent Post! 

      As you mentioned, healthcare will continue to benefit from new technologies and the development of nursing informatics. Technological advancements have reshaped the medical landscape over the past 30 years. The days of accurate charting and recordkeeping by hand are numbered. Patients now have greater access to their data than ever before, thanks to telehealth and electronic recordkeeping technologies that are emerging. RNs can use technology to work more efficiently and communicate more effectively in nursing. The advances in data innovation and new gadgets have worked on the same personal satisfaction for patients and medical services experts. Electronic health records (EHRs) have significantly changed the healthcare information technology sector. A patient’s medical history is stored digitally in an electronic health record. It might include information about providers, problems, medications, lab results, Etc. By making data easily accessible to healthcare providers, doctors, and patients, electronic health records (EHRs) can enhance patient care by enhancing the clarity and accuracy of medical records. New technologies can lessen human error. Nurses who work long hours or in units with insufficient staff are more likely to make mistakes. Routine procedures are now made more accessible by cutting-edge medical technologies. For instance, the dosage of a patient’s medication can be measured by automated intravenous pumps. The process of changing the dosage and amount of a drip becomes quicker. Prolonged mental and physical exhaustion can make nurses feel stretched thin, which leads to nurses leaving their practice setting. Nurse burnout has been a factor in the US nursing shortage. Because fewer nurses are required to provide adequate care, emerging technologies in telehealth can help alleviate the burden placed on nurses (Avant Healthcare Professionals, 2019). Even for people who do not consider themselves computer savvy, telemedicine has become more accessible thanks to improved technology. Both health and convenience are enhanced by telemedicine, allowing patients to schedule appointments with their healthcare provider via video or phone. More and more healthcare providers are offering to “see” patients via smartphone and computer (William, 2022). 


      Avant Healthcare Professionals. (2019, September 10). How technology is impacting nursing practice in 2020. Registered Nurse Staffing and Recruitment Agency. Retrieved December 17, 2022, from to an external site. 

      William, B. (2022, January 18). Benefits of telemedicine. Benefits of Telemedicine | Johns Hopkins Medicine. Retrieved December 17, 2022, from to an external site. 

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionRemi Oluremi Ojo

      Great post Katrina,

      Nursing informatics plays a significant role in supporting the health care system’s technology-driven care. Health informatics connects technology with healthcare using the analysis and design of Electronic Health Record (EHR) data to lower costs and improve health outcomes. Nurse informaticists are skilled in the development and utilization of healthcare technology. They are medically trained, coupled with hands-on experience, which makes them uniquely suitable to work with information technologist professionals to ensure proper healthcare delivery in the real-world electronic health records (EHR) are getting complex due to the continuous growth of healthcare technology, making the nurse informaticist relevant currently (McCormick, 2016). Some of the roles performed by the nurse informaticists are to implement and manage the transition of paper records to digital; they develop information systems using current evidence-based standards of care and update systems to remain current; they develop other healthcare technology such as patient health monitoring system and home care management system. They also work with agencies and policymakers to ensure laws are put in place to support healthcare technology and its compatibility with patients’ and providers’ needs (Sipes, 2016).


      McCormick, K. (2016). Understanding new types of evidence ready for translation into nursing informatics. Studies in health technology & informatics, 225, 686–688.

      Sipes, C. (2016). Project management: Essential skill of nurse informaticists. Studies in Health Technology & Informatics225, 252–256.

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionRaminder Kaur

    Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists 

    When clinical staff members are viewed as corresponding players and equally as crucial as other healthcare practitioners, the interaction between nurse informaticists and other specialists is crucial in healthcare. Primary healthcare practitioners can also interact with other specialists, exchange ideas, engage in regular brainstorming, and come up with viable solutions to problems that specialists face. Coordination is bolstered by this one action, creating a sense of community, which is especially important when building a solid team of experts (Unique Writers Bay, 2021). Even though nursing informatics tend to operate behind the scenes, they impact nearly every aspect of our work lives and are an essential component of our healthcare system. Nursing informaticists (NI) collect and analyze healthcare data and information to track health interventions and outcomes (Murphy, 2010). At the place I work, incident report tracking is one way I frequently interact with NI. The number of infections, patient-to-staff, patient-to-patient violence, and falls are all tracked by this system. They track the measures of these episodes to survey what interventions are effective and what intercessions do not have an effect. 

    One strategy on how these interactions might be improved 

    Reducing medical errors like improper medication administration is another way NI works to improve the healthcare system. NI was on the edge of making a more secure, productive prescription organization framework in an acute care facility. We must scan a patient’s wristband, confirm their information, and then the medication label; if none of these scans matches, we cannot administer that medication (Simpson, 2005). 

    Having more accessible access to voice our concerns about errors and bugs in the Electronic Health Record (EHR) is one way our interactions with NI could be improved. Even though Point Click Care is a very good EHR, it has a lot of bugs and errors, the majority of which are simple to fix; this is a significant source of frustration for many of my coworkers and me. We could share our findings and disappointments and collaborate to enhance the experience if we had more accessible access to the EHR team. 

    The impact of the continued evolution of nursing informatics 

    The ongoing emergence of new technologies directly impacts numerous professional interactions. Medical professionals can communicate more quickly with one another, thanks to new communication technologies, which can speed up treatment to improve the client’s well-being. Innovation permits faster admittance to the required clinical data from different experts within the briefest time. In addition, the emergence of new technologies will increase the opportunities for informaticists and specialists to acquire new knowledge and skills that can be utilized to serve better healthcare organizations and their patients (Kleib et al., 2021). The field of nursing informatics is moving forward, and the outlook for the profession appears promising. As a result of eliminating the manual patient record system, collaborative interactions are enhanced, costs are reduced, productivity is increased, and quality is improved (Ann & Wang, 2018). As per the creating innovation, proficient coordinated efforts enter a new level, further developing help conveyance in the health care facilities.


    Ann Alexander, C., & Wang, L. (2018). Big Data and Data-Driven Healthcare Systems. In Journal of Business and Management Sciences (Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp. 104–111). Science and Education Publishing Co., Ltd. to an external site. 

    Kleib, M., Chauvette, A., Furlong, K. E., Nagle, L. M., Slater, L., & McCloskey, R. (2019). Approaches for defining and assessing nursing informatics competencies. In JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports (Vol. 17, Issue 6, pp. 1071–1078). Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health). to an external site. 

    Murphy, J. (2010, May). Nursing informatics: The intersection of nursing, computer, and … Retrieved December 14, 2022, from to an external site. 

    Simpson, R. L. (2005). Patient and Nurse Safety. In Nursing Administration Quarterly (Vol. 29, Issue 1, pp. 97–101). Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health). to an external site. 

    Unique Writers Bay. (2021, June 20). Interaction between nurse informaticists and other specialists. Unique Writers Bay. Retrieved December 13, 2022, from