International Health Systems Essay Discussion Paper

The health system is a structure in which healthcare services are provided. It may be described as all practices that have the core objective of promoting, restoring, or safeguarding health.  They comprise formal healthcare services, traditional therapists, home care, and public health practices, like disease prevention and health promotion. There are two fundamental elements of a healthcare system, which include provision and funding. Both are combined in certain instances; in others, one body can handle the finances while other entities may purchase and deliver the services. Depending on its strengths and requirements, each country has its distinct health care system. This paper aims to describe the differences between healthcare systems in the United States, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Germany by examining the philosophy of each health system, accessibility to healthcare by the citizens, cost to individuals and corporations, health status of the country, outcomes of medical care based on average age of death, main population-affecting disease mechanisms, rate of obesity, and infant mortality rates.  The most effective international healthcare system will also be identified and described.


Criteria to Evaluate United States Germany Canada United Kingdom Japan
Healthcare Philosophy As their ultimate aim, all health care agencies, medical associations, and private and public stakeholders should be to continuously lessen the risks of sickness, disease, and disability, and to increase the health and wellbeing of the US citizens. Public health professionals play an essential role in the reorganization of the healthcare system. Under the American Public health Association, their position statement is to ensure that Public health is advocated for. They bring together members from all public health fields and make multidisciplinary avenues where pubic and scientific exchanges of information possible to the people that need healthcare services.


Germany healthcare philosophy is focused on different principles to guarantee that all the residents enjoy the same standard of high-quality services and that healthcare expenditure is aligned with the income of the health sector. The system is structured as the multiple payer health system is run by the centralized government and the market base where people pay a nominal amount for the treatment. The government manages the healthcare system through the allocation of money for the ill; the provider and patient share 15 percent of their wages and the cost of health care is negotiable. The private sector delivers medical services, but the cost is high. The Canadian framework has now developed five fundamental principles: portability, universality, accessibility, comprehensiveness, and public administration. The Canadian health care system is an openly supported system founded on the concept that healthcare is a right, not a privilege. The idea that the Canadian Constitution considers health care a subject of territorial authority, while most taxation rights rest in the control of the state government, hampers the application of this opinion. Further issues occur because of the territorial structure of Canada and a transition to decentralization of the management of local health care. Recent advances in reproductive techniques are compounding the problem. The UK health philosophy is focused on excellence and equity. Empowering the NHS lays out the long-term goal of the government for the NHS’s future. The goal is focused on the NHS’s principles and practices: a holistic service, open to all, completely free of usage, focused on need, not the capacity to purchase. Japan’s fundamental health philosophy is described as a mix of strict payment mechanism oversight and a nonaligned strategy towards how services are provided.
Access to Care Model–

(How does a citizen of this country get into the healthcare system?  How do they gain access to personal health services to achieve the best health outcomes?)

People can privately engage in healthcare coverage, government funded services, or through insurance exchanges. Using their health insurance, people can have access to personal health care. United Healthcare is an insurance corporation dedicated to guaranteeing that everybody is covered by the healthcare system and those individuals’ live healthy lives. They do this by developing a system that is more accessible, connected and aligned with all those that are part of healthcare. They still agree that high-quality service that meets all people’s needs should be offered by this framework. Citizens are voluntarily included in social insurance contribution-funded news coverage. Nevertheless, residents do need either public or private health care to cover at least clinical and outpatient healthcare services and maternity. Citizens will locate a family doctor or a way to locate a specialist, any doctor in Germany is identified in the local telephone directory. Everybody is insured and quality care is provided by the system. The reduced rates are due to resistance by interest interests and negotiable costs from service suppliers. Furthermore, standard communication operates. The electronic health system allows in maintaining track of people. Canadians may apply for public insurance coverage. With it, many health-care facilities do not need to be paid for. The universal health care scheme is paid for by taxes. When accessing public health care, they must present a health insurance card at a doctor or medical center. Any citizen in Canada is expected to be covered for health insurance. It comprises more than 70% of all spending. Eligible participants include all individuals who are to reside in the region, but not visitors, and who are not members of the Canadian Army and prisoners. Professionals include opticians, ophtalmologists and dental practitioners. This scheme has a card that is shown to its holder prior to being assessed Healthcare for citizens of the United Kingdom can be obtained through the private or public sector. The integrated publicly funded scheme, NHS, offers everybody, irrespective of residential status with healthcare services. UK residents are eligible to access NHS services, although they may continue to pay or use a mixture of both for private healthcare. For Japanese residents, expatriates, and immigrants, healthcare is given free of charge. Health education is offered by universal health care in Japan. All citizens have access to this scheme. Through the use of the National Health, Insurance System or a health care association arrangement offered by their organization, students can apply for healthcare services in Japan. Their premium contributions would be directly removed from their wages if they join through their employer; if not, they should keep on paying the NHI tax periodically.
Cost to Consumers Employer sponsored insurance cost $17,545 yearly, Single coverage costs $1,071  yearly and family based coverage costs $4,955 yearly Public 640 EUR-730 USD/Month

Private 135 EUR-150 USD to 290 EUR -315 USD/ month

$2500 CAD per individual supplement plans $4000 CAD per person out of pocket $340 CAD per month £3,227 per person $4,630 annually
Average Age of Death 78.54 80.89 81.95 84.10 81.16
Infant Mortality Rate 5.47 per 1000 live births 3.2 deaths per 1000 live births 4.2 deaths per 1000 live births 4.0 per 1000 live births 1.8 per 1000 lives births3.6
Obesity percentage 42.4 23.6 26.7 28.7 32
Major Diseases Affecting the Population Heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic lung disease, accidents, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease Ischemic heart disease, Kidney disease , diabetes, Hypertensive heart disease, , cirrhosis, lung cancer, diabetes Cancer, heart disease, Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases, stroke, diabetes mellitus Chronic respiratory disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes Cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD,

Alzheimer’s disease, lower respiratory disease



Most Effective International Health Plan

The United Kingdom has the most efficient international health plan of all the countries mentioned above. The U.K. is by far the most cost-efficient since dental copays and medications are only the major out-of-pocket expenses for citizens (Layton et al., 2017). Moreover, the philosophy of universal healthcare for everyone without the pressure of being able to pay eliminates too much worry away from the people of the United Kingdom regarding healthcare (Layton et al., 2017). The United Kingdom had an approximate additional Six more years added their life span compared to the United States. Infant mortality in the U.K. is 1.8 per 1000 live births, less than that in the United States (Layton et al., 2017). The obesity rate in the U.K. is lower, with 28.7% compared to that of the U.S., 40%. Although chronic illnesses impact both countries, the U.S. people suffer from more illnesses than the U.K., and that is why it can be inferred that the United Kingdom has the most efficient healthcare system.




The U.S. health system encounters massive issues such as inefficiencies, increasing expenses, and gaps in the quality, access, and outcomes of health care. There is a strong consensus that the system has to be transformed (Burwell, 2015). An improved health system will offer quality services at reduced expense, with no discrepancies from one health organization and one population and another. It would prioritize quality before quantity, the value before volume, and coordinated provision over uncoordinated care. It would also focus solely on patient interests and wellbeing as the highest priority. The following are the recommendations that the United States (U.S.) healthcare system could use to improve our healthcare system.

Care ought to be consolidated into a limited number of big delivery systems rather than a huge number of small, ‘do-it-all’ frameworks. In particular, these vast systems ought to function for the benefit of the patients, coordinating their care and not only offering redundant services in each area (Burwell, 2015). Under certain situations, each entity should provide outstanding healthcare, not sufficient care in all circumstances. The more complex, comprehensive services should be provided in tertiary care facilities, and in reduced costs, community contexts, the more standardized, less diverse care issues should be handled. To maximize both efficiency and expense, integrated systems will guide the right patients to the right place.

Organizations ought to align themselves with what patients need rather than what organizations do and how they are compensated. This will mean a transition from individual, distinct services to extensive, patient-centered care of health issues. Researchers defined these “Integrated Practice Units (IPU)” where a whole group of clinicians aligns themselves around the condition of the patient to offer coordinated treatment around the spectrum of disease intensity and the areas where the illness is best addressed (Burwell, 2015). Operating in multidisciplinary teams would be part of the routine for healthcare professionals, but this would often require healthcare professionals to improve the versatility in which patients are handled to deliver services just as patient’s desire, instead of on the basis of predetermined routines and amenities. , and

Most general practitioners are already engaged in intensive specialized management of high-volume surgical problems, like total knee and total hip clients, who normally have a reasonably predictable range of co-morbid problems, like diabetes, hypertension, sickle cell anemia, and rheumatologic disease. The research has explicitly demonstrated that high-volume specialized care facilities can offer higher-value care relative to lower-volume, less well-oiled facilities.

In addition, organizations require details on quality and cost that are straightforward and readily accessible to push the value equation as it is well-known,

One cannot improve something they do not measure. To gather and broadly report on value and cost metrics for the clients they serve, hospitalists should operate jointly with their hospital systems (Burwell, 2015). Not only should these quality metrics concentrate on the procedure and result outcomes that need to be reported (internally or externally); hospitalists should search for metrics that matter to clients, such as shortening recovery, sustaining recovery for as long as possible, and achieving functional status. Metric brevity enhances fast improvements and facilitates the coordination of goals. In adjusting the value equation, reporting and measurement of costs are utterly important (Burwell, 2015). Hospitalists should campaign for widespread disclosure of the expense of tests, delivery of services, and labor and should communicate them with patients and their families openly and frankly in order to involve them in value-addressing conversations.

Finally, the reimbursement of the service should show compensation for benefits, which should be bundled. Many hospitalists are potentially still engaged in several demonstration initiatives around bundled compensation for treatment across a continuum. Many CMS presentation programs have concentrated on high-volume, less predictable yet expensive situations (like COPD or congestive heart failure). Major organizations often work with high-volume hospitals to execute semi-elective operations, such as sending their staff to these organizations of excellence out of state and grafting coronary artery bypass (Burwell, 2015). At least conceptually, most hospitalists are now familiar with being kept responsible for the cost and efficiency of some categories of patients, including minimizing excessive variation and expenditure and preventing preventable complications.


Conclusively, while no particular recommendation is entirely unattractive to the healthcare sector, it would be exceedingly difficult to effectively and simultaneously enforce the above recommendations (Himmelstein & Woolhandler, 2016). It is indeed going to require incredible coordination and a touch of confidence in the eventual goal. However, the present system is not an alternative, and current healthcare expenditures challenge the United States. Health care professionals ought to be central to guiding, or at least collaborating in, the accomplishment of this future, high-value healthcare system.


Burwell, S. M. (2015). Setting value-based payment goals—HHS efforts to improve US health care. N Engl J Med, 372(10), 897-899.

Himmelstein, D. U., & Woolhandler, S. (2016). The current and projected taxpayer shares of US health costs. American journal of public health, 106(3), 449-452.

Gilmour, S., Liao, Y., Bilano, V., & Shibuya, K. (2014). Burden of disease in Japan: using national and subnational data to inform local health policy. Journal of preventive medicine and public health = Yebang Uihakhoe chi, 47(3), 136–143.

Grosios, K., Gahan, P. B., & Burbidge, J. (2010). Overview of healthcare in the UK. The EPMA journal, 1(4), 529–534.

InterNationsGO. (2020, April 08). Health Insurance and the Healthcare System of Germany Explained. Retrieved from InterNationsGo:

Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Assuring the Health of the Public in the 21st Century. The Future of the Public’s Health in the 21st Century. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2002. 5, The Health Care Delivery System. Available from:

Layton, T. J., Ellis, R. P., McGuire, T. G., & Van Kleef, R. (2017). Measuring efficiency of health plan payment systems in managed competition health insurance markets. Journal of health economics, 56, 237-255.

Liberating the NHS white paper. (2010, July 12). GOV.UK.

Knieps, F. (2010, Feburary 1). How Germany is reining in health care costs. (S. Executive, Interviewer)

Rubin, L. (2019, February 24). HOW MUCH DOES IT COST FOR HEALTH INSURANCE IN CANADA TODAY? Retrieved from Consumers Mutual:

Wilson, R. (2017, September 24). How healthy is the Canadian health-care system? The Conversation.

Common Wealth. (2020, May). International health care system profiles.

Zhang, X., & Oyama, T. (2016). Investigating the health care delivery system in Japan and reviewing the local public hospital reform. Risk management and healthcare policy, 9, 21–32.

International Health Systems

Begin this paper with a one paragraph succinct introduction and state the paper’s purpose. Complete this table

Criteria to Evaluate United States Germany Canada United Kingdom Japan
Healthcare Philosophy
Access to Care Model–

(How does a citizen of this country get into the healthcare system?  How do they gain access to personal health services to achieve the best health outcomes?)

Cost to Consumers
Average Age of Death
Infant Mortality Rate
Obesity percentage
Major Diseases Affecting the Population


You do not have to use intext citations in the table. Please put your references on the reference page.




Most Effective International Health Plan

After filling in the table with the researched information from each country, identify the most effective healthcare system(s) in the world using the above findings and briefly discuss the reasons for their success. Include the following:

  1. The philosophy of each healthcare system
  2. How the population(s) accesses their system
  3. The cost of the system to individuals and companies and
  4. The state of that population’s health status/patient care outcomes using data including average age of death, major disease processes affecting the population(s), the percentage of obesity, infant death rates, and mortality statistics.

*Use intext citations for this portion.


Identify at least three (3) recommendations that the United States (U.S.) healthcare system could use to improve our healthcare system.  Support your recommendations with in-text citations.

*Use intext citations for this portion.


Write a brief one paragraph conclusion for the paper.

*Use intext citations for this portion


Remember to add your references on the last page using 7th edition APA formatting.

Compose a scholarly paper (using APA Manual – 7th edition) that compares and contrasts five international healthcare systems in the world. Make recommendations for ways to improve patient outcomes in the US healthcare system after reviewing the other international systems. The body of the paper should not exceed 8 typed, double-spaced pages. A template is provided for you to use to organize your international outcome’s information. Please use this template. International Health Systems Template Revised Jan 2021.docxPreview the document See the grading rubric for details to successfully complete this assignment. International Healthcare Systems Paper – Grading RubricPreview the document See the video in the announcements section for assistance with this assignment. You will notice that I stated “6th edition APA” in the video. We have now updated to 7th edition APA. You are expected to use 7th edition APA. The exemplar in the video was used with permission and was written in 6th edition APA International Health Systems Essay Discussion Paper