Intervention to Address HIV Pandemic in Nigeria Paper


This assignment is part three of the global health issue paper assignment. After students write about their selected issue, they are required to develop a plan or an intervention to address the issue. Students, for this part of the paper, must assume the role of a consultant who with the data and information identified regarding the country of interest & the selected health issue, must then develop a culturally & systematically appropriate intervention to address the issue. Students should utilize the content covered in the course and conduct additional research to develop a sound plan. This paper should be a maximum of 2 pages. Papers should be thorough, complete, and thoughtful to indicate that you have read, examined, and can apply the concepts in the readings Intervention to Address HIV Pandemic in Nigeria Paper.


1) Description of the plan

a) Discuss existing interventions

b) Relation of SDGs to the formulation of interventions

c) Discuss your intervention and rationale for the intervention, why is it appropriate for the country and topic are chosen? (Infrastructure issues, availability of healthcare providers and equipment, language considerations, etc.)

d) Social/Cultural issues – How is this plan culturally appropriate? What issue(s) did you consider? (example: getting input and approval from community elders before proceeding) Intervention to Address HIV Pandemic in Nigeria Paper

e) Note: The intervention can be one already implemented in the country and proven to be effective.

2) Implementation of the plan

a) How will the proposed intervention be implemented/structured?

b) Estimated timeline, which health care professional will be utilized to provide services?

c) Possible funding sources

d) Which stakeholders will be involved (would you involve international agencies, if so which ones?)?

3) Evaluation of the plan

a) How would you structure your evaluation of the intervention, who will conduct the evaluation?

b) Possible evaluation methods – surveys, group discussions/focus groups, etc.

c) Dissemination of the evaluation results – how would you share your results?

This activity aligns with:

Course Outcome 1. Discuss the importance of historical events and initiatives and their influence on global health issues in order to understand current and anticipate future health care trends based on changing demographic trends, emerging technologies, and disease burdens.

Course Outcome 2. Design a plan for providing culturally appropriate nursing care that includes health promotion, and disease and injury prevention interventions to improve health outcomes for diverse global populations.

Course Outcome 3. Examine the impact of cultural and environmental barriers on major communicable and non-communicable diseases on various global populations to identify current and future health care needs for a defined population.

Course Outcome 4. Analyze diverse health care systems to evaluate their impacts on the health of populations

AACN BSN Essential I.1: Integrate theories and concepts from liberal education into nursing practice

AACN BSN Essential I.5: Apply knowledge of social and cultural factors to the care of diverse populations

AACN BSN Essential I.8: Demonstrate tolerance for the ambiguity and unpredictability of the world and its effect on the healthcare system.

AACN BSN Essential II.12: Participate in the development and implementation of imaginative and creative strategies to enable systems to change.

AACN BSN Essential IV.9: Apply patient care technologies as appropriate to address the needs of a diverse patient population. Intervention to Address HIV Pandemic in Nigeria Paper