Journal Entry Assignment Discussion Paper

Degree to which Goals and Objectives were Achieved

Following my clinical experience in a professional setting, I was able to detect the clinical manifestations of depression with a greater degree of certainty. Moving ahead, one of my primary goals is to improve my ability to spot the hallmark clinical manifestations of mental illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease and bipolar disorder.

As part of my clinical placement, I learned how to identify possible diagnoses for patients in a hospital setting. I was only successful in obtaining professional experience with adults and seniors; unfortunately, I did not have the chance to work with any adolescents Journal Entry Assignment Discussion Paper


No screening tool was utilized throughout my placement. Different screening tools were only introduced to me in class. To accomplish this goal, one will need to log more hours in the practical setting.

Most Challenging Patients

One of the patients who presented the most challenge was a young man 24 years old who was suffering from suicidal thoughts. It seemed as if she was struggling with feelings of being abandoned. During the interviewing process, she became upset and uttered a number of incoherent statements, including “nobody loves me.” Because of the long-standing nature of this patient’s problems, the doctor on call was unable to treat the woman with psychotherapy at that time. Journal Entry Assignment Discussion Paper

During one of her manic episodes, a woman in her 20s with narcotic use disorder was hospitalized. According to her, Subutex is the only medicine that may help manage her manic episodes effectively. While the patient required Subutex for her narcotic use problem, she disputed that he required it to be sober.

There was also a client who was aggressive, arrogant, and antagonistic to the therapist. She sought assistance from somebody and said that the clinicians were ignoring her entirely. During the course of the interview, she would periodically interject and uttered curse words. She was evasive when it came to answering our questions about what she wanted.

Lessons from this Experience

As a result of this experience, I am aware that I ought to increase the breadth of my understanding of the treatment of various illnesses. Working with a variety of patients teaches me new things and helps me get expertise in new areas. Journal Entry Assignment Discussion Paper

Available Resources

Throughout the whole of this experience, the DSM5 served as the most helpful reference material. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) was, by far and away, the most understandable and enlightening of all of the books that were required during this whole course.

Evidence-based practice Used

When the psychiatrist would occasionally refuse to prescribe Naltrexone to certain of his patients, it left me with a lot of questions. My research led me to discover that there are alternative evidence-based treatment choices accessible, despite the fact that Naltrexone is a research-backed medication.

New Skills

Utilizing the DSM5 manual is one of the new abilities that I am now acquiring. Whenever I have reason to anticipate a certain diagnosis, I am aware of the path that I should pursue while conducting a medical examination. Journal Entry Assignment Discussion Paper


What I would do Differently

During my time doing my clinical placement, I feel that there could have been more consistency. In most cases, I would see the patients on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of each week. My educational experience would have been enhanced to a greater degree if I had been able to care for the patients from the time of hospitalization until the time of release.

Patient Flow and Volume

Seeing the clients who are in the best condition first is, in my opinion, an effective strategy for managing the flow of patients and the number of patients. Following up with some patients may take less time than with others, which is something that clinicians should be prepared to foresee (Bozorgzad et al., 2021).

Improving Skills and Knowledge

My continued engagement with and use of my preceptor provides me with the best opportunity for reflection. The ability to communicate effectively may be enhanced by thinking back on events (Galatzan & Carrington, 2021) Journal Entry Assignment Discussion Paper.


How am I doing? What is missing?

I am lacking in experience when it comes to working with teenagers. In addition to this, I need to devote more of my attention to studying other drugs.

Formal and Informal Feedback from Preceptor

I am getting very helpful input, and my preceptor is referring me to other resources whenever it’s necessary. My experience is bolstered by the encouraging response that I’ve received.


Bozorgzad, P., Najafi Ghezeljeh, T., Haghani, H., & Fallah, B. (2021). The productivity and quality of work life in emergency nurses. Iran Journal of Nursing, 34(130), 0-0.

Galatzan, B. J., & Carrington, J. M. (2021). Communicating Data, Information, and Knowledge in the Nursing Handoff. Computers, Informatics, Nursing: CIN

In 450–500 words, address the following: Learning From Experiences Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience. Reflect on the three most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each? What did you learn from this experience? What resources were available? What evidence-based practice did you use for the patients? What would you do differently? How are you managing patient flow and volume? Communicating and Feedback Reflect on how you might improve your skills and knowledge and how to communicate those efforts to your Preceptor. Answer the questions: How am I doing? What is missing? Reflect on the formal and informal feedback you received from your Preceptor. Journal Entry Assignment Discussion Paper