Kidney Disease In Indigenous Community Discussion Paper

It has been reported that the aboriginal community people suffer from renal disease and the rate is higher in comparison to non-indigenous Australian. In the year 2016-2017, almost 950 new cases of end-stage kidney disease were reported for the Indigenous Australian and the rate is 6.9 times higher than the non-Indigenous Australians (Li et al., 2018)Kidney Disease In Indigenous Community Discussion Paper. It has been reported that the development of chronic kidney disease accounts for 1.9 % of the disease burden for the indigenous Australians which was reported in the year 2011. The indigenous Australians are found to experience the condition of chronic kidney disease 7.3 times higher in comparison to non-indigenous communities.


Ø One of the primary reasons for developing such conditions includes high body mass which contributes to almost 47% of chronic kidney disease burden for the indigenous population.  The incidence of high blood pressure is also found to be higher among the aboriginal community people which contributes almost 24% of the end stage kidney disease and the condition needs proper assessment and intervention for lowering the high prevalence of end stage kidney disease among the aboriginal population (Khanal et al., 2018)Kidney Disease In Indigenous Community Discussion Paper. It has been reported that in the year 2014- 2018, almost 1.8 % of the indigenous death was found to be reported due to the incident of kidney disease and after adjusting the agent structure between the two populations it is clearly identified to the incident is almost 2.2 times higher than the non-indigenous Australia. Hence, the Indigenous Aboriginal community people is found to have higher incidence of end-stage kidney disease in comparison to other community.

Ø It is also determined that between the year 1998 till 2018 almost 61% of the indigenous population was found to die due to the development of kidney disease and the higher rate indicates lack of proper awareness among the community and lack of proper early diagnosis which impacts the patient’s condition and enhances the risk of developing complications (Hoy et al., 2020)Kidney Disease In Indigenous Community Discussion Paper.

ØThe data highlighted that between the year 2015 till 2017 the rate of hospitalization due to the development of chronic kidney disease was found to be highest for the indigenous Australian and the rate was found to be higher among the older adults between the age of 55 year to 64 year. It is also determined that the rate is higher among the older adults above the age of 65 in case of non-indigenous population and the rate was also higher for the indigenous female in comparison to male.  Another report highlighted the fact that for indigenous Australians the rate of hospitalization was found to be lowest for Tasmania and the rate is also higher for the northern territory (Lim et al., 2019)Kidney Disease In Indigenous Community Discussion Paper.  It is also determined that the rate is highest among the population residing in the remote area where 3.2 and 10 per 1000 individuals were found to be suffering from end stage kidney disease due to lack of proper diagnosis and education.

Ø The incident is found to be higher for female patients in comparison to male patients residing in the aboriginal community especially in the remote areas. Li et al., (2018) stated that in the year 2013 the estimated rate of end-stage kidney disease was found to be higher among the Northern Territory Aboriginal population was 11.1% per 1000 people.

Hence in this case it is the role of the nurse to implement a proper early diagnosis system and consultation system with the help of telemedicine in order to prevent the chance of developing in stage of kidney disease by eradicating the chance of developing complications.  A mandatory early screening program will help in supporting the community people residing in the remote areas with proper accessibility towards healthcare centres and understanding the condition of the patient (Hughes et al., 2018).  The female patient residing in aboriginal community suffering from diabetes and hypertension will be mandatorily involved in the screening process since the incident is found to be higher among the females residing in the aboriginal community. The community nurses must involve the patient with lack of proper kidney function within the renal replacement therapy which will help in reducing the chance of developing complications and reducing the risk of developing early mortality rate within the Australian communities (Affinito & Louine, 2018)Kidney Disease In Indigenous Community Discussion Paper.

Key Point – Changes – Population

It has been reported that the incidence of end-stage kidney disease is found to be higher among the older adults between the age of 54 to 65.  It is also determined that the incident is found to be higher among the aboriginal female suffering from diabetes and hypertension. Hence, one population which is mostly affected by the end-stage kidney disease is older adult residing in the remote areas in aboriginal region.

The data highlighted that between the years 2011 to 2018, the prevalence of treating the patient with end stage kidney disorder among the aboriginal Australian is found to increase from 209 to 269 per 100,00 (Hughes et al., 2019)Kidney Disease In Indigenous Community Discussion Paper. Based upon the data it is also reported that one in five indigenous adults is found to be suffering from kidney issues and the majority of the individuals show the sign of the lowest category.

There exists a lack of proper early diagnosis within the community which increases the risk of developing end stage kidney disorder. The study also highlighted that the indigenous adults suffering from diabetes are 5 times higher at developing kidney disorder in comparison to the patient without the diabetic condition. It is also determined that the indigenous adults who rated their health as fair or poor are at higher risk of developing kidney disease in comparison to the individual who created their health as excellent or good.

The highest rate is found to be among the Australian population deciding in the remote area and there exists a lack of proper accessibility towards diabetes care or dialysis treatment by the population which increases the chance of developing mortality rate and impacts the health and well-being of the patient. Huria et al., (2021) stated that there exist inequalities in the development of chronic kidney disease among the indigenous population.

The results of the study clearly highlighted the fact that the population suffering from type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease enhances the inequalities in the burden of chronic kidney disease. Hence in this case it is clearly determined that a proper intervention related to early diagnosis and increasing the awareness among the population needs to be implemented which will help in reducing the prevalence of end-stage kidney disease among the Australian population.

The change which needs to be implemented by the nurses within the population is to increase the accessibility towards early diagnosis centre and to provide education to the community people for taking preventive steps in order to reduce the higher prevalence of kidney disease.

The nurses in this case must involve the older adults in the health promotion plan which will help in increasing the education and awareness about end-stage kidney disease. The nurse must also implement proper telemedicine or telehealth counselling program for maintaining regular check-up and lowering the higher prevalence.

Goal- The primary goal is to implement proper awareness and early screening program for the aboriginal Australian community above the age of 54 year. The program also aims at providing education and awareness about the various treatment program such as dialysis and renal replacement therapy for the community people which will help in lowering the early mortality rate (Larsen, 2018)Kidney Disease In Indigenous Community Discussion Paper.

Specific- To improve the awareness, screening and education related to the disease and treatment among the Aboriginal population.

Measurable- The program will be implemented within very remote areas of the aboriginal community for 3months. The program will aim at improving the knowledge and screening of the patient condition.

Attainable- The program of awareness and free diagnosis will be implemented within very remote areas of aboriginal community which is easily available for the individual.

Time- The evaluation of the program will be done after 3months.

The awareness program will be provided by the nurses to the older adult which will help in increasing the knowledge in understanding the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease.  The awareness programme will also suggest strategies which will help in improving the kidney function by managing proper nutritional diet specially for the individuals suffering from hypertension and type 2 diabetes.  The nurses will provide the awareness with the help of group discussion in local languages in the very remote areas within the community hall which will help in easy accessibility towards the awareness programme and understanding the disease development will increase self-knowledge in managing end- stage kidney disease (Yang et al., 2020)Kidney Disease In Indigenous Community Discussion Paper.

ØThe program also aims at implementing various early screening technologies which will help in cleaning the patient’s condition and recommending various strategies in order to manage the end stage kidney disease development. The program also aims at implementing a proper counseling process in order to increase the adherence towards the treatment process which will help in preventing the chance of developing in stage kidney disease by restoring the kidney function.


The resources which are required for implementing the awareness program includes leaflets and instant laboratory kits to conduct urinary analysis within the community and suggesting proper intervention related to the prevention of end-stage kidney disease. Various stakeholders will be involved within the awareness programme including nephrologists and the nurses working with patients suffering from end stage kidney disease in order to support and provide effective intervention and awareness (O’Halloran et al., 2018).

The awareness program will be evaluated after 3 months by conducting a small interview related to the question of diabetic management and development of end stage kidney disease.  The successful completion of the program by the participants will be presented with incentives such as free referrals and checkup by the nephrologist for 6 months after completion of the program with the help of telemedicine.

Risk Factor

Fig- Risk factor- (Thomson et al., 2019)- retrieved from-


Kidney Disease In Indigenous Community Discussion Paper