Knowledge of Pharmacology Paper

Expectations of course

How do you envision this course adding to your knowledge of pharmacology?

In several ways, this course will contribute to my pharmacology expertise. As a practitioner, this course will help me develop an awareness of the ethical, moral, and legal obligations of the administration of drugs. The effectiveness and safety of individual medicines and categories are what I anticipate to grasp and comprehend at a more sophisticated level. I also hope to acquire a thorough understanding of medication pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Additionally, I believe that this course will also broaden my comprehension and perception of advances in emerging biologic agents as well as new medications. Due to the exponential emergence of biological medicines, it is important to consider the mechanism of action to administer drugs in a safe manner.

I hope this class will also equip me with a better view of the legal context of medication prescription at the state and federal level. This is going to be a totally new subject for me but I consider it necessary to master. I would like to understand the particular field of work for an advanced nurse practitioner. Knowledge of Pharmacology Paper


How do you think you will use knowledge of pharmacology differently as an advanced practice nurse than you do as an RN?

The application of my pharmacology knowledge as an advanced practice nurse would be very distinct from my application as a registered nurse. I will be analyzing and implementing several considerations when administering drugs, as an advanced practice nurse. Some factors that can impact my choices when dealing with pharmacology associated matters include recognizing therapeutic index, elimination, metabolism, and bioavailability. I will also get a better insight into prescription laws that have been established to guide nurse practitioners. It is necessary to consider interaction baseline adverse reactions, side effects, and patient understanding of the medication as a registered nurse; however, it is not the task of a Social worker to understand the way the medication functions at the cellular level or to determine medication therapeutic goals. The advanced practice nurse also plays a major role in monitoring the outcome of the treatment and titrating or changing the drug to meet clinical objectives.

What are your expectations of your advanced practice role, specifically as a prescriber?

I have really high expectations as a prescriber. It is a frightening, interesting and often daunting thought to prescribe medicines. I aim to be administering the right drugs for a disorder, as an advanced practice nurse. I will have an obligation to familiarize myself with the pharmacodynamics pharmacokinetics of medications so that unintended outcomes do not emerge. It will be my role to minimize drug interactions, observe the client’s reaction to the medication and recognize suitable medication is for the particular client. All across my advanced nursing career, I will continue to study pharmacology since new medications continue to emerge.Knowledge of Pharmacology Paper

What do you think the roles of standards of care are in the prescribing process?

           Standards of care play significant roles in the prescribing process. These include knowledge and comprehension of the prescribed medication, such as adverse reactions and side effects, completion of assessments of the past and present medication history of the patient, comprehension of ethnopharmacology, thorough and proper recording of evaluations, directives, and steps with the client. An advanced practice nurse has the responsibility of assessing and identifying the patient’s health issue, establishing the therapeutic aim of the medication treatment they choose, selecting the most suitable prescription, offering the client proper guidelines, details and precautions regarding the prescribed medication. Furthermore, an advanced practice nurse monitors the client closely while on the drug with examinations and clinical appointments and records all of the above in detail. Knowledge of Pharmacology Paper