Leadership Journal Discussion Paper

Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to “connect the dots” and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes. Unlike a personal journal of thoughts and feelings, this leadership journal is a record of your activities, assessments, and learning related to this academic experience. Journal entries should include a record of the number of hours spent with your nurse leader each week. Write a journal entry of 750-1,500 words on the subject of provision, including the following: 1. Practicum Activities Reflection: Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in your practicum during Topics 7-8. 2. Application of Leadership: Describe how your nurse leader preceptor influences the work environment. Consider how influence protects and values others in the work environment. 3. Practicum Project Preparation: Describe any potential or actual barriers you have encountered as you prepared for project implementation. If you have not encountered any, what could present a barrier in the future? 4. Leadership Video Reflection: Reflect on at least two things you learned from the “Servant Leadership – Issue of Headship” video. Use the “Leadership Journal Template” to complete this assignment. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXZPQ_-BPsE&list=PLqKj_eriTOI9Js2i_C2mitH1P96Zf6Q__&index=4 Leadership Journal Discussion Paper


Leadership Journal: Provision

The tremendous transformations that have happened in the twenty-first century have necessitated new leadership techniques, particularly in the healthcare industry. The current nursing workforce is in dire need of leaders who can foster their personal and professional development by using servant and transformational leadership techniques. When it comes to successful leadership, one of the most important characteristics that a leader should possess is an understanding of how to provide guidance, a secure workplace setting, and a feeling of personal worth to those under his or her supervision. In direction provision, it is essential to be conscious of the need for mentorship, role modeling, and leading the followers in order to guarantee that they gain an understanding of the expectations placed on them.

Observations and Thoughts of week 7 to 8 Activities

During the seventh and eighth weeks at NYC Department of Health, I managed to spend 20 hours with the preceptor, who is a Nursing Supervisor. We spent our time meeting with Principals regarding protocols for the medical room, assisting with open airway trainings for students with asthma in grades 3 thru 5 and visiting nurses to approve Medication Administration Forms. During this time, I made important notes regarding my preceptor’s nursing leadership approaches. Other nurses look up to her as a mentor and role model. For the nurses, the nurse leader has established common goals and vision, and she is constantly motivating and pushing them to strive toward the attainment of their desired outcomes. All walls in the hospital setting are covered with stickers that inform the nurses of their mission. The nurse leader also scrutinizes the unit on a daily basis to verify that the nursing staff has all of the materials and supplies, such as medical instruments, tools, and medications; skills and competence; and time, among other things, that they need to do their jobs effectively. The leader also seeks to create a secure atmosphere that not only fosters a feeling of safety among the nurses but also fosters a high degree of honor Leadership Journal Discussion Paper.

In light of my observations, I believe that nurse managers and leaders ought to be willing to advise and steer nurses toward the attainment of shared objectives and, eventually, the realization of the common vision. Without micromanaging, nursing leaders need to consistently guide and coach their subordinates in their duties. Additionally, nurse leaders should communicate effectively while also paying attention to the problems of their nursing staff.

Nurse Leader Influence on the Work Environment

            The nurse leader has a big beneficial impact on the workplace atmosphere. In promoting a safe and healthy workplace, the nurse leader uses a servant and transformational leadership approach. The nurse leader guarantees idealistic impact through communication regarding her most fundamental virtues, cognitive enrichment through providing new ideas to accomplishing duties and dealing with issues, tailored attention through treating all nurses, myself included, as a person instead of a member of the group, and motivational drive through passionately speaking about what she requires to be accomplished as a servant leader and transformational leader (Lin et al., 2020). With these characteristics, she has helped to create a positive work atmosphere that is defined by respect, trust, teamwork, job involvement, innovation, and empowerment for all employees.

Impact of own Leadership on Promotion of a Sense of Protection and Honor in the Work Environment

 The servant leadership approach is my favorite style of leadership. This style of leadership is very helpful in instilling a feeling of honor and protection among employees in the workplace. Individuals’ health and well-being are promoted as part of protection. Dignity, integrity, fortitude, devotion, commitment and integrity are the foundations upon which honor is established. Other essential characteristics include acknowledgement of accomplishments, transparency and cooperation among individuals. Personal and team capabilities are strengthened via servant leadership, which stresses the allocation of leadership among other employees. When using shared leadership, leaders are likely to be transparent, truthful, and diligent in their communication of the team’s objectives, therefore fostering trust and integrity among them (Hoch et al., 2018)Leadership Journal Discussion Paper. Additionally, this style of leadership attempts to develop intellectual capital and potential through inspiring and involving members in decision-making in order to create effective and inventive solutions for performing duties or addressing issues. Nurses will feel appreciated as vital stakeholders within the healthcare company as a result of this, which will contribute to promoting their honor.


Reflection on Things Learned from the “Issue of Headship” video

The two main lessons learned from the video are that leadership should be a source of safety and leaders should steer honor. Leadership entails the obligation of promoting honor and safeguarding the interests of those under their supervision. When assuming the role of leader, leaders should establish an atmosphere in which their members feel safe and secure. An overwhelming sense of honor and protection accompany this feeling. For example, nurses feel physically, psychologically, and spiritually secure when their leader, provides a safe atmosphere (Best, 2020). Nursing staff members will feel more appreciated and worthwhile as a result of this feeling of security. In the assurance that their leader is attentive to their needs and is responsive to their issues, nurses will feel safe and respected. This instilling of a feeling of honor and safety is a good example of the servant leadership style (Best, 2020).


The healthcare and nursing professions have gotten much more knowledge-hungry in recent years, and they have become more reliant on cooperation among clinical staff. Therefore, the trend has been to get rid of the single-minded form of leadership and replace it with one that incorporates others into the decision-making process. Servant leadership is a popular leadership approach in the nursing profession. Leaders today are more concerned with helping others via active listening, guardianship, compassion, advocacy, understanding, ideation, and vision than ever before in their careers. Through the provision of secure work settings, servant leadership may foster a feeling of honor and protection among its followers.


Best, C. (2020). Is there a place for servant leadership in nursing? Practice Nursing, 31(3), 128-132. https://doi.org/10.12968/pnur.2020.31.3.128

Hoch, J. E., Bommer, W. H., Dulebohn, J. H., & Wu, D. (2018). Do ethical, authentic, and servant leadership explain variance above and beyond transformational leadership? A meta-analysis. Journal of Management44(2), 501-529. https://doi.org/10.1177/0149206316665461

Lin, C. P., Xian, J., Li, B., & Huang, H. (2020). Transformational leadership and employees’ thriving at work: The mediating roles of challenge-hindrance stressors. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01400

The issue of rule, headship video. https://lc.gcumedia.com/nur670/servant-leadership/v2.1/ Leadership Journal Discussion Paper