Legislative Meeting Discussion Paper

  1. Choose a legislative/regulatory/professional organization meeting to attend.

The meeting attended was the American Nurses Association (ANA) membership assemble for 2021. Because of Covid-19 epidemic concerns, the meeting was virtually held on 18th June, 2021. Legislative Meeting Discussion Paper

  1. List the mission and purpose of the group.

The mission of ANA is to lead the nursing profession to shape the future of nursing and health care. The organization indicates that it exists to improve patient care by supporting nurses and nursing organizations to advance the nursing profession. It achieves this mission and purpose through advocacy in legislative actions and setting credentialing standards while offering every nurse the best chance at success (American Nurses Association, 2022a)Legislative Meeting Discussion Paper.


  1. How is it governed?

The virtual annual meeting of the ANA membership assembly was managed by ANA president who called the meeting to order and presented the order of business. After the president called the meeting to order, the nominations and elections committee presented a report on vacant positions. This was followed by addresses from different members followed by a report from the ANA professional policy committee. ANA president presented the closing remarks for the meeting before it was adjourned (American Nurses Association, 2021).

  1. What is the legislative agenda of the group?

ANA’s legislative agenda is to advocate for legislation and issues that affect nurses, patients and the nation. It is the premier organization that represents the interest of more than 4 million registered nurses in the USA through lobbying efforts. Through leveraging its large nurse membership, the organization has been able to act as a voice for the nursing profession to: advocate on health care issues that affect nurses and the public; bolster wellness and health of nurses; promote an ethical and safe work environment for nurses; and foster high standards of nursing practice. Because it represents the interests of nurses, ANA is able to support nurses to reach their full potential (American Nurses Association, 2022b)Legislative Meeting Discussion Paper.

  1. How is that agenda developed? Is the membership involved?

ANA agenda is developed through engaging nurses and understanding the issues that affect them. In fact, the membership is involved in agenda development. In identifying the issues that directly affect nurses, the organization focuses on identifying what is important to its members then prioritizing the issues on how they should be addressed and how much resources are applied in addressing them.

  1. How is the agenda communicated to the membership?

Every year, ANA develops a list of issues it would address in the course of the year. This list of issues is communicated to the members in the annual meeting and through its published annual report. In addition, members are able to view the agenda in the organization’s website.

  1. Does it partner with any coalitions?

ANA partners with other organizations that are dedicated to promoting the benefits nurses bring to improving health care, reducing the cost of care, advancing the interests of nurses, empowering nurses to excel, and nursing excellence. Some of the organizations it partners with include the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists (NACNS), American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), National Council for State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), and Nursing Organizations Alliance (NOA)Legislative Meeting Discussion Paper.

  1. Does the partnership influence policy on a national or state level? If yes, how?

The partnerships have an influence on policy at the national and state levels. The partnerships help to increase ANA knowledge, expertise and resources available to engage in advocacy. ANA can use the knowledge developed by the partner organizations, apply their expertise in policy development, and use their resources (such as contacts mobilizations) to call attention to the policy.


American Nurses Association (2021). Summary of the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting of the ANA Membership Assembly. https://www.nursingworld.org/~4a3189/globalassets/ana/leadership–governance/ma/2021/summary-annual-meeting-of-ana-membership-assembly-2021-06-18.pdf

American Nurses Association (2022a). ANA Enterprise. https://www.nursingworld.org/

American Nurses Association (2022b). About ANA. https://www.nursingworld.org/ana/about-ana/

Legislative Meeting Discussion Paper