Levels Of Health Promotion In Nursing

The authority for the practice of nursing is dependent on the social contract that defines professional responsibilities and rights as well as mechanisms for public liability. In most of the countries, nursing profession is defined and governed by law and accessibility to the profession is monitored by both national and state level.

There are some specialist field in nursing field such as orthopedic nursing, cardiac nursing, pre-operative nursing, palliative care, oncology nursing and obstetrical nursing. The level of health promotion is of great importance in the field of nursing.Levels Of Health Promotion In Nursing



Health promotion

The process that enables people in improving and controlling their health is known as health promotion. Health promotion shows a complete political and social process, it does not only help in embracing actions which help in strengthening the capabilities and skills of an individual beside actions directing towards social change, economic and environmental conditions to alleviate their influence over the individual and public health promotion. In other words health promotion can also be referred as the process that enables individuals on increasing the control over the major aspects of health and enhance the health position (Nutbeam, 1986).Levels Of Health Promotion In Nursing

Purpose of health promotion in nursing practice

As the definition of health promotion refers to any planned mixture of political, regulatory, organizational or educational systems that provides assistance and conditions that enhance the health of people. Nursing is a field that is playing major role in the health promotion activities. Not only in hospitals, nursing homes but also at home services the role of nursing is very distinctive in promotion of health at a major scale. Health professionals have a major responsibility of promotion of health not only at individual but also at group and community levels as well. The largest group of registered nurses, health professional has the ability to contribute major change in the health promotion field. Registered nurses have a major contribution in health promotion activities as they are at the forefront of the healthcare industry (Bullough, 2004).

Approximately 2.6 million of registered nurses are serving in the United States according to the US department of labor survey that was conducted on 4th August 2007. Nursing practices are mainly based on enhance the health promotional and those precautions that can bring positive change in the individuals health. Nursing programs, which are mostly adopted worldwide, are as follows:

Child nursing.

Adult nursing.Levels Of Health Promotion In Nursing